

With all that over, they started getting ready the next morning. 

"We're already leaving?" Enira said, yawning. 

The two sisters had just woken up and were coming out of their rooms. 

"We can't risk bringing this place down along with us," Helio said. "Oh and, since you're one of them-" He looked at Breya who was also sleepy and in her pajamas. Where did she get some? No one knew. "Can we use your DNA and travel to their world?"

"I'm only half and you need a special chip in order to travel there- so no. Besides, it takes at least two weeks even via the INterdimentinal Elevator. So, by the time we reach that place, this world will already have been destroyed by the commanders and their soldiers." 

Something about the way she talked sounded a bit forceful to Helio.

'Is she hiding something?' He decided to not worry about it too much for now. Helio grinned. "Then we have to destroy them here first."