
Chocolate- chocolate? Chocolate!

The girl was done crying but she sure was still ordering me around. Little girls with golden hair always reminded me of Elsa. And I more or less liked to take care of that brat- though I hated to admit it. So, I naturally came along with this kid. But I sure hell wasn't going to go around searching for chocolate- chocolate? Chocolate!

"And where might I find the chocolate?"

"What are you, new or something?" She sniffed. "In the closet."

It was funny how she didn't even bother to comment on why the hell I was wearing a bathrobe. I guess she didn't care. It was warm so I didn't care either. 

Poor kid must have been hit pretty hard. Her left cheek had three distinct finger marks. Just what kind of monster hit a kid like that? Then again, the kid was kind of arguing about succession and all that, I guess she was more mature than she looked.