
Adjusting is hard

I ate breakfast.

It was good and yet, I didn't taste anything. The food wasn't bad and it was mostly just my favorites: Maybe it was just me. 

After breakfast, I got ready to head out by nine. 

Class was going to start at ten, so technically I still had plenty of time. 

"By the way, what happened to your sword?"

But before I could get out of here, mom caught me. I guess I couldn't really get out of her sight unnoticed. 

"I kind of gave it to someone to refine it." Of course, I could have made up excuses like how I forgot it in my room and stuff. But I didn't want to fall down that rabbit hole. 

"Really?" Mom wasn't buying it. She looked at me with loads of suspicions. "You don't happen to be thinking of selling it, are you?"

"No, not at all. I wouldn't even dream of selling it."  I already had that dream for two nights straight though. "Besides, I plan to get a good core for my new saber and-"