
Dark Victory

"--I won't fall for that twice!"

With a vicious shout, Clark spun to the side before kicking off of the air, beelining straight for Noah once more as the redirected attack failed to catch the Sentinel.

"I was hoping it wouldn't," Noah taunted with a straight face.

There was a certain confidence that exuded from the villainous, evolved man as he openly met the physical powerhouse that was Clark in open air. A simple reason existed why he neglected to counter with long-range spells:

["Universal Enhancement: Divine Master of Combat: Stage One"]

A silver light etched itself into his irises as tattoos of the same glow were drawn on his body, inlaying a new self-enchantment onto him.

Just as Clark threw a wild haymaker towards him, Noah seamlessly countered with a sidestep in the air before redirecting the power of the blow and tossing Clark to the ground. It was a masterful usage of martial arts, borrowing from the likes of Aiki and Judo.