
I'm a High IQ Cop

We will follow a high IQ Detective named Alexander "Alex" Harper, as he solves crime in an illusionary world and pursues justice.

es2004 · perkotaan
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37 Chs

Chapter 1: The Mind's Pursuit

Detective Alexander Harper strode through the bustling halls of the precinct, his piercing gaze taking in every detail. The clatter of keyboards, the distant hum of conversation, and the occasional ring of a phone melded into a symphony that only he could fully appreciate.

"Morning, Harper," called Sergeant Rodriguez, the seasoned officer giving him a nod as he passed by.

"Morning, Sergeant," Alex replied, his mind already racing through the tasks ahead. He approached his desk, where a thick file awaited his attention. The word "Cipher" was scrawled across it in bold letters.

Lieutenant Simmons, a grizzled veteran with a weathered face and keen eyes, leaned against the edge of Alex's desk. "Harper, we've got a situation. A message came in this morning. Some sort of code. No one can crack it."

Alex flicked open the file, scanning the encoded message. His eyes narrowed as his brain whirred into action. "Leave it with me, Lieutenant. I'll see what I can do."

Simmons grunted in agreement. "You're our best shot, Harper. We need this cracked yesterday."

As the lieutenant walked away, Alex focused on the code, his mind absorbing the intricacies. Detective Evelyn Mills, a tech-savvy officer with a knack for puzzles, sidled up to him.

"Harper, you've got that look. What are we dealing with here?" she asked, a mix of curiosity and anticipation in her eyes.

"Take a look at this," Alex said, sliding the file toward her. "It's a code, but not just any code. There's a pattern, a rhythm. It's like a language waiting to be understood."

Evelyn's fingers danced over the keyboard, accessing the precinct's computer system. "Let me run this through the decryption software. See if we can pull anything tangible from it."

As the computer hummed to life, Alex's mind delved into the intricacies of the code. He muttered to himself, deciphering the patterns within the seemingly random sequence of characters.

Evelyn's screen blinked with results. "Harper, you're not going to believe this. The code isn't just a message; it's a map. Coordinates to specific locations across the city."

Alex's eyes gleamed with a mix of excitement and determination. "Looks like we've got a puzzle on our hands, Mills. Let's see where this map takes us and what secrets it unveils."

Little did they know, this code was merely the beginning of a complex web of mysteries that would challenge not just their investigative skills but the very limits of Alex Harper's extraordinary mind.

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