
Julia Told Georgina About The Interview.

As they continued cooking, Georgina shared more stories about Max's espionage past, from his first mission to his daring escape. Julia listened intently, feeling like she was uncovering a hidden side of her husband. But when Georgina mentioned a mysterious code, Julia's expression turned intrigued. "What's this 'Echo-12' he used to use? It sounds cryptic." Georgina's eyes sparkled with a hint of secrets. "That was Max's favorite code, and he used it to uncover a web of deceit within the agency. But there's a story behind it, one that I think you should hear."


As they finished cooking and sat down to enjoy their meal, Julia turned to Georgina with a curious look. "Tell me more about this 'Echo-12' and the story behind it. I feel like there's more to Max's past than meets the eye." Georgina nodded, a sly smile spreading across her face. "Let's just say, Julia, that Max's past might be full of secrets and surprises, but I assure you, it's one you should be proud of. Max is a good man. And he should be the one to reveal them to you."


Georgina seized the opportunity to persuade Julia, "You and Max should have a child soon. It will change you both for the better. Men become more responsible and attentive to their families." Julia knew she and Max were still sleeping in separate beds, so having a baby wasn't a priority. She replied, "Georgina, I know you mean well, but having a baby is up to fate."

Georgina's eyes sparkled with mischief as she teased Julia, "Still sleeping in separate rooms, huh?" Julia's face flushed, and she hesitated, unsure how to respond. Georgina's expression turned sincere, and she grasped Julia's hand. "Don't mind me, dear. Max is an exceptional man, and you must keep him. She wouldn't miss a chance to praise her son. The Wellington men are loyal to their marriages..." Georgina's voice trailed off, leaving Julia wondering what she meant.

Just then, the phone rang, shrill and insistent. Julia's heart skipped a beat as she answered, her mind racing with possibilities. "Miss Robin, you've passed the interview!" the caller exclaimed. Julia's eyes widened, and she felt a rush of excitement. "Please bring your medical report and come to the company as soon as possible to complete the entry procedures." Julia's mind raced with questions, but she composed herself, confirming the details.


As she hung up, Georgina's eyes narrowed, her expression intense. "What's wrong, Julia? You look like you've seen a ghost." Julia's excitement faltered, and she hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. "I... I got the job at Darius Group," she stammered. Georgina's eyes widened, her face flashed excitement . "Congratulations, Julia... I'm so happy for you.


Georgina's embrace was warm, but her words sent a comforting chill through Julia. "I knew you'd do great things, Julia... don't worry, Max will take good care of you. The Wellington family has so much more. With time, you will find out. As Georgina pulled back, her eyes gleamed with a knowing light. 

Julia's voice trembled as she shared the news with Georgina. "I can't believe it! I thought I'd blown it for sure. That interview was a disaster - I was totally humiliated!" Georgina's beaming smile hinted at a secret. "Well, it seems you've still got a special place in Max's heart, Julia. He must have pulled some strings to get you hired!"


Julia's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? You think so?" Georgina nodded, her eyes sparkling with knowledge. "Of course, dear. Max wouldn't have arranged for you to work at the Darius Group if he didn't still care for you."

As Julia eagerly shared the news with Max and her friend Samantha, she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. Everyone seemed too confident, too certain that she'd get the job. And when Samantha offered to accompany her to the hospital for her physical exam, Julia sensed a hint of concern beneath her friend's cheerful tone.


"Hey, Sam, what's wrong? You seem worried," Julia asked, her brow furrowed in concern.

Samantha hesitated before responding, "I just don't want you to be bullied by anyone, Julia. You're going to be working with some pretty powerful people at Darius Group. You need to go there with your A game.

Julia's heart skipped a beat. "But she said softly, don't worry Sam , I will be fine." Julia knew Samantha could exaggerate.

But before Samantha could elaborate, Max interrupted, his message flashing on Julia's phone. "Hey, babe, I've got a social event tonight. Don't wait up for me, I'll be late."


Julia's face fell, but she tried to hide her disappointment. "Okay, no problem. I'll have dinner with Georgina and watch some TV."

As they cooked dinner together, Georgina noticed Julia's disappointment. "Hey, don't worry, dear. Max is just busy. He'll make it up to you, I'm sure."


But as they ate and chatted, Julia couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. And when she went to check on Max at eleven, she found him exhausted on the couch, a note from her on the coffee table read.


"Remember to eat some fruit, it won't taste good overnight," she had written. Max smiled gently, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Thanks, babe. I needed that."


As Julia watched him from the doorway, she sensed tiredness lurking beneath the surface, a she was truly happy to have this man in her world. And she wondered what lay ahead in her new job at Darius Group?

"Max, can I ask you something?" Julia said, her voice barely above a whisper.


"Sure, babe. What's on your mind?"

"Why did you arrange for me to work at the Darius Group? Was it just because you wanted me close to you?... or is there something more?"


Max's expression turned guarded, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Let's just say I wanted to give your talent a chance, Julia. And the Darius Group is a great opportunity for you."


Julia's heart raced, sensing that there was more to the story. But before she could press him further, Max's phone rang, and he excused himself, leaving Julia with more questions than answers.

As she watched him leave, Julia felt a chill run down her spine. And hoping she wasn't thinking too much, she swiftly waved off the thoughts and was excited about her new job.