
I'll take care of them all four

water_melon_ · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
50 Chs

chapter 5:

"lately, it's all about the confession "he said , wow that was hard to know,

" that's quite known ,i want the duke's reaction "the mask was covering but i can assure you his face was like

' shouldn't you know? ' when i said that so i added " i was drunk, i hardly remember a thing" " in that case, the duke didn't has the same feeling, and you didn't take that easily, and you cried, dumped wine on his head while cursing at him ." He said politely. Damn you

"... Do you think it's not late to apologize now, or do i have to tell my sister what type of grave stone i want" "i would normally tell you to to get solid stone, but in your case you're a part of the empire family so you may have sometime " he said smiling ," Well i 'll ask for his forgiveness next time we meet..." i can't have strong enemies, i going to have kids," Might need an armor then ." he said cutting my speech ,if i could i 'll boil him alive if he wasn't hot. " Not the point, anyway, you know the marquis 's twin right?" i said ." What about them?" Why so serious suddenly" i knew that a friend of the family is taking care of them , who's that?" I questioned." It's the duke klood. " " Who's that?" " .... The man you confessed to ?" he was judging me under that mask." Oh , i forget, so who did he put in charge, to take care of them?" I asked " a woman named liz. " He said ." LIZ, are you sure?" I said

" yes,why? "he asked. Liz was the most person to damage their mental health, now i get why she was strong ,she had the duke on her back."sir, if i asks for a favor, would you .." "no," he said ."even if i have useful information!" I asked " well, it depends, on the value of the information you have," he said with no interests" actually , since we're, talking about the twins status, how about i tell you how their parents died..." " What the hell did you say to me ?" This man took me by the neck against the wall and my man was so hot i almost lost my breath in his grip ,i think he is mad " sir , i want to remind you, i and only i know this , so would you like me to live or die?" I teased taking my sweet revenge. Sadly, a nock on the door ,woke him up, "who?" " sorry, sir, but we got new information about the marquis 's accident." a voice behind the door said, he smirked at me and said "looks like you're late." "Enter." He said while, putting me down, and letting go of my neck .i left them talking ,and walked to the miror to see my neck, as expected , bruises are obvious . I need to figure a lie before going to the castle. A shout came from the guy , looks like bad news . He kicked his servant out ,and sat on the sofa, poor man ,but why so sad you're not related to them. "So , you wanna hear my news, i bet they are better than what you just heard. " He stayed silence" i'll count that as a yes, so let me take you through with me , just tell me if i said something wrong. " He nodded so continued " the carriage of the marquis was found in the middle of the rainforest, nothing wrong with the carriage,next to it too bodies ,the wife died before the husband, and no blood, except on the fore head of the woman , no foot prints , the reason of death of the husband is unknown, right" he looked at me and nodded again .