
I'll Hold On To You

"Here in my heart lies a sacred promise. You and I will be together for this is our destiny. No matter what may come between us after this, we'll love each other till beyond eternity. It's not just a promise, it will be my eternal pledge to you..." ====== A love story that started with the innocent falling of the gloxinia flower and had made two completely different people's paths cross for the first time. A charming guy who was leading a carefree life... A headstrong girl who was carrying a broken heart... Two people who had a rough start and yet they found comfort from each other when they least expected it. As they spend time together, they began discovering a deeper part of each other... even the truths that each of them had hidden from the rest of the world. They gave each other more reasons to show their true smiles as they gave each other more reasons to dream, as well. Before they knew it, the time came for them to finally realize that they needed each other much more than they could ever think of, regardless of the pain that they knew the feeling could bring to them. But how far are they willing to go to fight for the love they deemed true if the time comes that everything between the two of them ended up disappearing in an instant? Who will remain holding on to the promise of love that they hoped was something that would last till beyond eternity? This is their unforgettable journey in hopes of finding the love they're looking for...

jo_yi_seu · perkotaan
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54 Chs


Let this be the moment that we will cherish and let it last in our hearts until eternity's or our destiny's end... -- Florence Joyce



"ALRIGHT, class! Based on your queue number, each pair will perform here on the stage. You need to set up everything you needed before you start the performance—music, and props if any. Only one pair at a time will be performing on the stage even though some of you would perform the same type of dance so each pair will have the whole stage for themselves. After all the performances are done, you will be given a chance to grade each pair per dance category and you need to grade the overall best pair. But give them a grade based on their performances and not because you like them. Understand?" Tachibana-sensei said to the whole club while looking at us from the stage where she stood.

"Yes, Sensei!" we all answered in chorus, and that included me.

With that answer, Tachibana-sensei went down from the stage and placed herself at the table meant for her. I noticed that my clubmates began preparing for the performance. As for me, here... I felt like a statue who couldn't even move a bit because of this annoying nervousness I've been feeling for a while now.

Just like what that Setsuji Jerk said, there was no reason for me to feel nervous. But then, I couldn't even do anything to stop it. But what could be the reason for me to feel this?

There wasn't a moment that my hands weren't clasped but it didn't do anything to dispel the anxiety I've been feeling. This was seriously getting way crazier, in my opinion. All I did was to sigh, though I still had a feeling that it would be hopeless.

"Still nervous?"

That voice made me stop my useless musings. I looked at the person who said that which of course, was none other than my heck of a dance partner named Mitsuta Setsuji. Yes, I knew I didn't have anything better to do than to mock this guy in my head. But I had to get used to doing that once again if I wanted everything to return to normal.

"What do you expect? Jump in joy because it's the day of the practicum?" I hated this! My tongue began slipping sarcastic remarks again. What the heck was happening to me?

"Woah! Take it easy! You sure are not in a good mood today. You're not even like that a while back with the way you were acting."

I ended up glaring at him because of that. This guy would never change, seriously speaking! He never stopped doing something that would pile up all of the irritation I've been feeling for this guy. But the irritation that began to appear in me at the moment was something I had no idea where it came from.

Setsuji laughed heartily that instantaneously dissipated by irritation. I could only shake my head inwardly. This was it. Perhaps things had begun to take a turn to the worst because of this.

"I was just joking. I think I need to do that once in a while to shift your focus on other things that made you like this right now."

"Ah... So you're calling that a joke? What if I whack you jokingly, as well, huh?"

"Don't even try. Even though it was done jokingly, it would still be dangerous for me," he stated and even shivered as if he was that scared.

I couldn't help smiling when I saw that.

"Good. You're smiling now. So I think that means you're not nervous anymore, huh?"

My smile soon faded when I heard that. "Who told you so? Haven't I mentioned that my hands are cold as ice because of nervousness right now?"

The way I clasped my hands together tightened. What could I possibly do just for me to fade this anxiety that was ruining my concentration? This was so stressful!

But I immediately froze when I saw someone hold my left hand. The warmth I felt from that other hand was already something familiar to me. It was already easy for me to know where that came from.

"Is it okay if I hold your hand like this? I'll try dissipating your anxiety," Setsuji inquired, becoming a reason for me to face him.

He wasn't looking at me, but the way he held my hand told me that he was still paying attention to me. Waiting for me to respond. But what was supposed to be my response to that when my mind was in chaos just because he was simply holding my hand like this?

Without a doubt, I was doomed!

"Just don't show it to the others," I whispered to my heck of a partner who suddenly smiled widely and nodded rather fast after that.

Now I wasn't sure if this guy was plain crazy or what.

But I had to say, his smile did a lot of magic to help me conquer my anxiety.

Setsuji and I watched the performances of my clubmates. Just like what Tachibana-sensei said, only one pair at a time was allowed to perform on the stage so we were able to pay attention to each of the pair that performed there. There were a total of 20 pairs who were supposed to perform for that day. The number of girls was less than that of the boys who were 8 more.

Tachibana-sensei was the one who gave the dance task to those who weren't paired with a girl. So there were four pairs all consisting of boys. Two pairs would be dancing hip-hop and two would be performing a contemporary dance (or in a most used term, an interpretative dance).

I don't know if I should consider it a coincidence or intentional, but the number that Setsuji got from the queue was number 8—the number that had a big significance for him. But then again, so what if that was the number he got? I should just be thankful that he didn't get the death slot (another term I used for number 1).

The seventh pair was just done performing. Oh, great! Here we are. My court trial for that day.

"Pair number 8, Mitsuta Setsuji and Fukuizumi Rinako. Please proceed to the stage," Tachibana-sensei announced.

And to my displeasure, we even earned a lot of teasings from my irritating clubmates. I would like to whack them on the head, seriously.

"Don't pay attention to them. You'll only end up even more anxious than you were before," Setsuji said with a smile as he was pulling my hand that I never realized he had been holding all this time.

Perhaps this guy's head should be the one I needed to smack. How could he even do that, acting as if he wasn't even affected by my clubmates' teasings? Or... was he affected? It didn't look like it.

"Go, SetsuRina!"

I suddenly frowned when I heard that. SetsuRina? What in the world was that? My eyes scanned the surroundings to find the source of whoever said that weird word. Only to be met with a grin from Seiho.

"You know what, I could end up strangling your twin brother," I said to Setsuji who couldn't seem to face me because of... shyness?

For real?

He also shook his head along with a not-so-obvious cringing. Yup, he was shy. In all fairness, it didn't suit him even though he looked cute when he was like that.

"Just let them be. We need to focus." Just that and he began dragging me again.

The duration of our preparation on the stage only took about a minute or two. Three pairs were tasked to perform a waltz. That would be Pairs #3 and #6 who performed it. In other words, Setsuji and I were the last performers of the waltz. And my anxiety escalated because of that.

This was it!

This was the day!

"You're still nervous?" Setsuji asked me.

I looked at him and smiled the best I could. "You said so yourself. I just need to let this be because we need to focus. I'll only think of it as practice. But we needed to make sure not to commit mistakes."

A few moments later, we prepared ourselves. Our music was set. All we needed to do was to perform.

"Just like our final practice..." he uttered while staring at me intently.

I nodded with that smile still on my lips.

And the music began to play.

As soon as it started playing, we let our bodies do the rest. We let ourselves move according to the beat of the music as we danced one of the most romantic dances of all time.

But with every movement I made, I didn't know why I was paying closer attention to what I was feeling instead of my movements—if I was doing it right or if I was already making mistakes without me realizing it. But then, how was I supposed to know that if I was busy checking the beat of my heart now that we were close again like this.

My attention was more focused on the guy who was my dance partner at the moment.

It all felt surreal at the moment... just like in a fairytale-like ball. I would've laughed at myself. But I never did.

All I wanted at the moment was the cherish the beautiful moment—that precious event. I knew it was getting really weird with those words coming from me. But that was the concrete description I could think of. And it was the truth.

The truth that I guessed I'd only keep there in my heart right after this.

Geez! What was going on with me? Why did I become dramatic all of a sudden?

We danced like there was no one around us. We danced like it was our world together. Just like those times while we were still in our dance practice area, with just the two of us moving along with the beat of the music.

I could've vomited at those terms I used to describe it. But I couldn't find it in my heart to do so. It didn't feel right, to be honest.

I couldn't notice anything in my surroundings. My focus was fixated on the dance and my dance partner Setsuji. I couldn't tell what he was feeling at the moment if I were to base it on his expressions alone. Somehow, it felt like he sealed off his emotions, just for that moment so that no one would ever know what he was thinking.

I wasn't sure but that was what it looked like to me. But that would be ridiculous, right? Why would he do something like sealing his emotions?

Then again, I guessed I shouldn't care about those thoughts at that moment. What was important for me was that I could enjoy this one event. After all...

...this would be the last time...

It was the truth and I knew that. But why does it feel like the truth itself stung?

Did I even have any right to feel that? This was crazy! Totally insane!

One of Tachibana-sensei's rules was to create a dance routine that would encompass and finish the whole song that we chose. And no cuts should be made to the song.

So our 'court trial', as I called it, finally ended after dancing the waltz for more than four minutes because that was the song's duration. But somehow, I felt that four hours had passed instead of four minutes.

My reason for me to feel that? My heart was beating unusually fast as if I was chased by horses and demons. I only felt that terribly because of the last step of the waltz wherein the guy would slightly 'dip' his girl partner.

And that was exactly what Setsuji did to me before the music ended. I nearly forgot how to breathe as our eyes met.

Woah! What in the world was happening to me? Why did it feel like everything was beginning to get worse because of that?

I heard applause soon after that woke me up (thankfully) and put an end to my seemingly sleeping and cloudy mind. Heck! Why was my mind acting this way, anyway? Swiftly but gently, Setsuji lifted me and helped me compose myself.

With a smile—albeit mine was something forced, we faced our audience and bowed. But to be honest, I would want to smack my clubmates. I couldn't believe how they would whistle and grin just because of this. They appeared to have watched a movie premiere with the way they were clapping at the moment.

"You two looked good together!"


"Could you add more sweet moments between you two?"

I don't think so!

"Kiyaaa! It feels good just watching the two of you!"

Eeww? I shivered at that.

"I'm envious just seeing you two looking in love."

Maybe the one who said that was either blind or just plain crazy. And she doesn't have anything to be envious about, okay?

With Tachibana-sensei's announcement, she made us come down from the stage. Thank you so much, Sensei! I could finally breathe properly. Seriously, I felt so cramped.

'Cramped? Maybe you meant you're nearly hyperventilating. Or perhaps your heart's palpitation could take a turn for the worst.'

None of the above! End of the story!

Now would you shut up and let me rest, brain?

This was crazy... Yes, I would seriously end up crazy with all this, I swear! Only a little bit more...

But there was only one thing that seared in my mind after all that. This was the end... the conclusion...

At least when it came to the truce between me and Setsuji.

To be honest... I don't know what should I feel when I thought of that.

Sheesh! This was getting way out of hand.