
I'll Hold On To You

"Here in my heart lies a sacred promise. You and I will be together for this is our destiny. No matter what may come between us after this, we'll love each other till beyond eternity. It's not just a promise, it will be my eternal pledge to you..." ====== A love story that started with the innocent falling of the gloxinia flower and had made two completely different people's paths cross for the first time. A charming guy who was leading a carefree life... A headstrong girl who was carrying a broken heart... Two people who had a rough start and yet they found comfort from each other when they least expected it. As they spend time together, they began discovering a deeper part of each other... even the truths that each of them had hidden from the rest of the world. They gave each other more reasons to show their true smiles as they gave each other more reasons to dream, as well. Before they knew it, the time came for them to finally realize that they needed each other much more than they could ever think of, regardless of the pain that they knew the feeling could bring to them. But how far are they willing to go to fight for the love they deemed true if the time comes that everything between the two of them ended up disappearing in an instant? Who will remain holding on to the promise of love that they hoped was something that would last till beyond eternity? This is their unforgettable journey in hopes of finding the love they're looking for...

jo_yi_seu · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
54 Chs

Hearts In Frenzy

My heart beats unlike before when I'm with you... ― Ni Tan Phan Dao (A Tale Of Thousand Stars), Gun Napat



AND THAT was the start. But to be honest, I didn't know how would I be able to bear this kind of set-up that I have with Setsuji. It seemed like it was a bad idea for me to propose a temporary truce. I was a bit perplexed about Setsuji's sudden change of treatment to me.

And now, I didn't know exactly what to feel because of that

Wait a minute. Why was I paying attention to that? I already got what I wanted to happen, right?

I could talk to that crazy jerk Setsuji properly now. He wasn't teasing me. And he wasn't doing anything to ruin my day.

And to think only two days had passed since that truce...

This was just great!

But why was it that it still felt like there was something wrong with me? I was just only thinking about the concern and care that he was showing to me since the start of that truce right now, and here was my heart beating crazily again. And it seemed that my heart would always react like that whenever that Setsuji would be the issue.

Why was it that my mind would always be in a frenzy when it comes to that irritating jerk?

And heck! Since when was the time that my mind was in peace whenever that guy was involved? I even said that I didn't want to be paired with him. But Tachibana-sensei already said it, I couldn't do anything about it. Rules were rules so I had no other choice but to abide.

I yawned all of a sudden. What the heck? Don't tell me I'd end up in bed without eating dinner once I would reach home later?

All I did after thinking about that was sigh. It looked like I won't ever get tired of doing this, especially since I couldn't say my mind would be at peace with all this thinking.

I continued walking, this time I chose to speed it up. I just felt enthusiastic to walk faster. My mind was functioning a little better with that when it comes to thinking logical things.

But the one thing that was frustrating for me, was why was it that I would always end up thinking about that jerk? Please, stop that, okay? It was enough that he would constantly disturb and annoy me at school. I didn't want to think of him, even more, when I was supposed to have peace of mind whenever I would walk to go back home.

"Return to your original focus, Rinako!"

Great! Now I looked like a fool here. Or maybe I already looked like a crazy person just by talking to myself here.

Then all of a sudden, I felt something like a hand just grab my left arm and pulled me hard. I wasn't able to comprehend the situation after I felt that. What soon registered in my mind was the arm wrapped around me and a hand at the back of my head and my eyes were closed while my face was buried in the chest of the one who pulled me like that.

That wasn't all.

Even my heart seemed to be in a race when it comes to beating along with the heartbeat of the guy who was embracing me at the moment. He was breathing hard, too, as if he just ran to get me and--

Now, wait just a freaking minute!

He? As in a guy?

'Idiot! He had a hard chest, right? And should I add the smell of the person hugging you right now?'

Wait a minute! I needed to calm down. Focus. Maybe it would be easy for me to know who it was, right?

But how?

"Would you find another place to display your affections instead of doing it in the middle of the road?" an unfamiliar voice said. Along with that, I heard something that seemed to come from a motorcycle.

And heck! What did he say? We were displaying affection?

"Hey, idiot! Maybe you should be scolding yourself. The road is wide and yet you decided to drive your rotten motorcycle by the sidewalk. The next time I'll see that bike of yours and you'd yell to us, I'll make sure it would end up in the junk shop!"

Woah, I couldn't believe this guy for shouting those things. And I was right, a guy was the one who pulled me away from that motorcycle.

Not just any guy, though.

It was a very, very, very familiar guy.

No wonder my heart was beating this fast again and I could hear it. I guessed it was a good thing that his voice was that loud so I think he won't be able to hear my heart beating that fast. If he did, I would be dead.

The last thing I heard before I decided to look at the guy who was holding me at the moment was the screeching sound of a motorcycle leaving that place. I slowly distanced my face from his chest before looking up. Only God knew how I was trying to control myself not to let out a loud gasp the moment I saw that guy's face.

Of all people, does it have to be Setsuji?

Setsuji looked at me almost immediately and it was too late for me to look away. Our gazes met. He was breathing slightly heavy as if he was still catching his breath. But I won't deny that certain something that I've seen in his eyes.

He was worried... for me.

"Are you okay? Were you hurt?"

Even his tone of voice was laced with the same emotion, along with concern. With the way he was expressing his worries, he was acting as if I got cornered by some gangsters and was almost hurt because of them.

Wait... Maybe I used a really bad example for that. But that was the closest one I could think of.

"I'm alright. Thank you." I could've granted him a smile for that but heck, no!

That was because... I couldn't.

How was I supposed to smile at this person when I could feel my cheeks were starting to get hotter by the minute even though I don't want to? I thought he was also forgetting the fact that...

"Ah... Mitsuta..." I started, venturing.


Breathe in... Breathe out... You could do it, Rinako.

"Umm... C-could you please... let me go now? From what I can see, you're taking advantage of the fact that we're in a truce right now so you're also taking the opportunity to embrace me like this."

Good one, Rinako!

Seriously! I almost stuttered because of that.

And as if scalded, Setsuji released me from his hold almost immediately. I sighed in relief inwardly after that and instinctively, I looked somewhere that wasn't anywhere near him. Until my eyes landed on a certain large and lush tree standing on a cliff near the sea.

Weird... Why was it that I could feel something different about that tree?

"I'm sorry," Setsuji started that immediately disrupting my concentration as I was staring at the tree on the cliff.

I stared at him because of that.

"I didn't mean anything bad when I did that. I guess it's just..."

I think I knew what reason this guy would tell me. "Protective instincts... right?"

Setsuji instantaneously faced me, as if he wasn't expecting the words I just said.

"What? Am I wrong?" I asked casually even though my heart at the moment was acting stubborn. I was seriously surprised by myself. How could I act casually when it comes to this guy even though my mind was seriously in pieces?

Setsuji shook his head after that and smiled. I almost gaped at the sight of that smile. After seeing that, I guess I could finally conclude who among the Mitsuta twins had the most beautiful smile.

I stared at my wrist when I noticed that I wasn't wearing a watch. Oh, great! What time was it already?

"Umm... What's the time indicated on your wristwatch?" I asked when I didn't have any option. I haven't bought a new phone for my supposed second option.

Since Setsuji was near me, I was sure that he was wearing a wristwatch since I could see it. So I opted to ask him about the time.

But this jerk didn't even dare answer my question and ignored me. But then, that was just my assumption. That was because after a few moments, I felt two hands suddenly placed on my shoulders from behind and that jerk started pushing me.

Honestly, what kind of craziness was this guy thinking again for him to do this?

"It's time for us to find an ice cream stand since I want to eat something cold."

"But why do you have to bring me along, huh? You can eat ice cream without dragging me."

"Stop complaining, will you? It would be my treat so you should be grateful."

What did he say? He was joking, right?

"Hey! Just because I suggested that truce doesn't mean you have any right to drag me anywhere you want. And will you please be gentle when you hold my shoulders and push me? I could punch you if you hold my shoulders even tighter. You're seriously taking advantage of the situation, huh?"

But instead of intimidating the guy, he just laughed at me. It was a heartfelt laugh, one that sent my heart soaring high.

"I was only seizing chances like this, Rinako-chan. Besides, didn't they say that 'Grab the chance while it lasts? I'm just doing that. I guess there's nothing wrong with that, right?"

When I looked at the jerk's face who was still holding my shoulders and pushing me, I didn't want to admit that I froze inwardly. The look I was expecting to see on Setsuji's face was something analogous to that of a smug one. But as I looked at him at that simple moment, that wasn't what I saw there.

It was a look that was something close to that of childish--innocent, heartfelt, and full of life. His smile was one of the contributing factors for me to see that.

That and the endearment he used to me...


Seriously... Why was it that there wasn't a day that my heart won't act this way? I hated this!

"I just wish it's alright for me to wish that this truce won't end..."

I frowned when I heard that. I had this feeling that he wasn't intending for me to hear what he said.

But that was the real issue. He wasn't intending for me to hear it. But I remembered something that my mother said about some words that were not meant to be heard but then you still heard them, albeit unintentionally.

My mother said to me that those words--the words that weren't intended to be heard of by someone--were usually the words that came from the bottom of the heart of the one who said them.

If that was the case, then...

My eyes widened when I thought of its possible meaning.

Don't tell me...?

I secretly removed whatever thoughts suddenly appeared in my ever hyperactive mind. There was no way whatever I was thinking could happen. And besides, it was impossible.


What kind of torture was this? Now even my heart was insanely pounding faster inside my chest because of that equally insane thought.

Just great! This was just the second day of practice. What was I supposed to do? If I had to tolerate this guy for one and a half weeks, that means... I still had 8 more days to endure.

You got to be kidding me...

Eight days... then adding the day of the dance practicum would make it nine days. I would have to endure this torture for that while longer because of being with this guy. This was stressful!

But okay. Nine days... I had to put up with that. Besides, I already survived two days of that kind of "torture".

But to be honest, if I had known at the moment that a lot would happen in eleven days which was the duration of that heck of a truce that would surely change the course of my life, I wished I should have suggested that.
