
I'll Have Everything

Warning: Since most Pornhwa are NTR then you are warn and no, once the mc have his way with the woman then they'll start to fall for him. A man from Murim world transmigrated into the world of Pornhwa. what is his goal? to bone every woman that interest him and slaughter his enemy. "I'll have everything!" [ Worlds ] Silent wars and other pornhwa (Suggestion)

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18 Chs

Chapter 9 - Peak Martial Artist

Walking through the streets, our appearances seemed like a perfect couple with my new look and the gorgeous woman beside me only drew their attention. I ignored them, focusing my attention on Mia who was still struggling to move and was forced to hold my arms letting me feel her two round breasts. She seemed to still be hesitant about everything but the more she clung to me, the more her heart grew attached. It seems they're still troubling her and only fools who sought only her body would not notice. 

I am not one who is only drawn by body and beauty rather there is something within that always knows which to choose. She may not remember but her drunken state told me that she was bullied and harassed by some bitch. I forget her name since she wasn't important but I'll take care of it for her.

"Hey, you don't need to worry. A deal is a deal, I'll handle those girls harassing you. It's best for a woman like you to smile and not frown."

Saying those words with sincerity causes her to be caught off guard trying to remember when she had told him about the things troubling her and knew that it was the alcohol that forces her to tell him about it. However, by the look of it seem to be affected by my words. 

"...thank you."

"No problem."

After a while, we soon arrived in secluded streets and from my newly enhanced ears seemed to pick someone fighting. It was troubling and upon opening the gates found a middle aged man beating up someone causing Mia to freeze up while I moved to stop them. 

"That is enough, I think he learned his lesson."

"W-Who are you!? 

I looked at them and could see that their body was extremely stressed, contrasting Mia's natural beauty. It was troubling to see that despite her seemingly perfect impression had this depressing family. Though, it hardly fazed me when my previous life had lived this kind of life and seen people with far worse living conditions.

"Daddy...what are you doing!"

Mia quickly helped talk to the violent old man that seemed to be her father and I decided to give them some space. I walk out a bit to get some fresh air and let her handle things. Drama wasn't my forte as I'm always straightforward who thinks later when taking action. Though, it lessened when I grew older. Few minutes, later Mia came out having a tired expression that made me quickly grabbed her by the shoulder and hold her closer.

"I'm not great when it comes to these things but you should take it easy. As someone who will be your man then I'll try to do everything to help."

"I'm not even sure to consider you my boyfriend…"

"Well there is still time to get to know each other. Anyway, here take this and please don't refuse."

I handed her a large amount of money, surprising her and wanting to refuse but I already started to walk away after handing the money. She was obviously offended by my action yet smiled when I turned and said.

"I'll meet you here tomorrow and we can get to school together."

Afterwards, I went back to my home, finding that it was still empty and decided to head into the mountains to train once again. Though, my strength already near the peak level made me focus on having control and power. It didn't take long for me to arrive in the mountains and took the time to cultivate my martial arts. The Vital Qi that I've absorbed from Mia Woo has increased my cultivation and is only a few steps into reaching the peak level. 

Taking small yet deep breaths entered a state of deep emptiness until everything became numb yet one. My body acted like a vortex churning the Qi into my Dantian through my meridians and circulating it like blood. Those who would witness reaching the peak level would see a faint manifestation of Qi around my body. The endless churning of chaotic Qi basking my fleshed with its nourishment. 

The energy of Heaven and Earth seeped into me with little resistance as I am becoming one with it. This is a clear indication of my ascension through the next level of martial art. Shimmering in an ethereal glow opened my eyes to see that I am reaching a level of strength. 

[ Name: Sung Hyun

Title: Slaughter God, One Man Army,  Second Strongest Martial Artist, Tyrant Lord.

Cultivation rank: Peak Martial Artist

Cultivation: Chaos Sutra

Martial Skill: Asura Slaughter Fist, Sky Piercer Halberd Technique. 

Skills: Business Tycoon

Mission: None

Inventory: 140,000$, School bags, School uniform.


The power of a Peak Martial artist isn't much to be considered but for me this is already the level comparable to a Transcendent surpassing the human limits. I churned the Qi in my fist shimmering in brilliant blood red Qi which I call my Slaughter Qi that I have developed. My strikes easily obliterated a small part of the forest and vanished with subsonic speed. I finished my training and found that the sun was about to set once more. I decided to call it a day and head home since they aren't anything interesting. 

Thanks to my new found speed, it only took me a few minutes to arrive at my home and decided to prepare dinner. I haven't eaten anything decent and even if I wasn't the best at cooking I still prepared cooking for myself. 

"S-Son, is that you?"

While I was busily cooking, my father suddenly arrived, baffled to see my new appearances unlike my old self. Even though I've changed, a parent such as himself would immediately know who his child is. I only smiled remembering despite how poor my relationship with him was, still better than nothing. 

"Hi, dad! Come sit down and have a taste of the soup I made."

"God what happened to your body!? Have you been working out!?"

"Hehehe I have and don't worry I've decided to change like you told me. Anyway, let's talk about this with some food in our stomach."

He sat down while I prepared the bowl and plates to pour the content of our meal. Though it wasn't anything special and only focused on the nourishment that it could do to the body. There wasn't any alchemy involved but it was still healthy to be consumed. My father, who rarely paid any attention to me, seemed to grow curious about the change but didn't pursue it and only enjoyed our meal.

"Hey dad, I decided to find a place for myself since I didn't want to bother you anymore. Like you said, it's time for me to be independent."

"S-Son don't you think it's too sudden?"

"Not really, I feel it's been a long time coming but don't worry I haven't found a place yet."

"That's good to hear but does that mean you have a job now?"

"Yeah, it's nothing special, just some betting here and there. Before you say anything, I'm not gambling when I know I'll lose so relax."

"Then just be careful and….even though I've been hard on you doesn't mean I'll just let you suffer alone."

"I know."

My father, like my old one, was hard on me both physically and mentally but his intention was pure. Though I hated him at first, I eventually grew to love him for what he did. It was fun just talking to a family member. The night was quiet and peaceful, enjoying the time with my father for a moment. 

Now I continue to circulate my internal energy to maintain balance with my external energy. Furthermore, it was better than just sleeping through the night taking only a moment to wake up where the sun had started to rise. 

"I guess it's time to head to school. It was a good idea that I bought some new uniforms from the other day."

Though school was nothing special to me, it still remains for Mia and my target. I stood up having a firm grasp of my strength gauging it to be around near a Grandmaster level. I took a shower and headed my way to Mia's home. My footwork needed some adjustment but I was able to easily vanish in the blink of an eye. Before long, I arrived to see Mia at the gate of her home and was surprised to see me.

"You actually came to see me…."

"I'm a man of my word. Now let's go before we're late."