
I'll Find You Again

Jenna Villin ~ A beautiful, strong and bold girl flew all the way from Australia to USA to get married to her fiancee, the wedding was arranged by her father. However upon reaching there she found out that she was deceived and tricked to be a mistress in the name of marriage by her father and so called fiancee. After knowing she was deceived, she was heartbroken and wanted to head back to Australia but there was no way out hence she escaped from there by entering into a stranger's car endangering both hers and his life as her fiance chased them with his men. Jace Black~ A handsome, kind and humble gentleman and yet to be a famous businessman met Jenna coincidently at Airport and helped her escaping from US back to Australia from the great Mafia man David Johnson who was behind her. In the journey of playing hide and seek with the mafia both find themselves falling for each other. However in the end she had to go back and he decided that he will find her once again. A must read short journey full of thirll, fun and love ❤

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Coming for Her.

"What the hell are you doing Ms???" The man who was shocked at Jenna's sudden barging into his car, regained his composure and questioned her with knitted brows. For a second he was bewitched by her beauty that his heart skipped a beat especially after seeing her beautiful green eyes but he instantly came back to his senses and controlled his emotions.

"Look I'm sorry for entering your car like this but can you pls help me at this moment? and drive the car as far as from this airport pls!!!!!" Jenna requested him while glancing outside the window to see where the two people who were chasing her were. They were about to reach near the car.

"But...." the man was about to say something when she cut him off, "Pls I'm in big trouble help me only you can do it now...some people are behind my life."

Just when she completed her words, he noticed from her seat window that a bodyguard was approaching the car which was enough for him to understand that maybe the lady was right hence without any further delay he started the car and drove from there only then did Jenna sighed in relief and leaned back on the seat relaxing her stiff body as she got her soul back.

"Damn it!!! she escaped. I think she heard my conversation with Emma. Boss will kill us both if he finds this." Mina cursed and looked at the bodyguard with fear hovering her face.

"Let's follow them before they go too far. We need to catch them at any cost." she nodded at the bodyguard and both stormed off to their car.

"So where should I take you Ms??" the man asked Jenna who didn't know what to reply.

Although she has escaped but where will she go now? She doesn't know anyone here.

"Oh hello Ms I'm talking to you." he called out to her.


"Huh??" He looked at her confused. 

"It's Jenna, I mean I'm Jenna." she said when he was addressing her as 'Ms' again and again.

"Ohh I'm Jace but I asked something else from you." The man also introduced himself and then frowned at her.

Jenna felt a little embarrassed and bit her lower lip in nervousness, "Umm actually I'm new to the US I mean first time visiting and..." she was hesitant to tell him anything as she didn't know whether she should trust him or not. He was a stranger after all.


"And I was supposed to go to my fiancee but I found something which I didn't know earlier so I escaped from the airport. I couldn't find any taxi and saw your car that's why I hopped in seeing you sitting inside. I don't know anyone here other than him. I'm Australian and my family is there."

She explained to him in one breath. One minute ago she was fiddling about whether to trust him or not but then he doesn't seem like a bad guy to her or why would he even help her right??

At the mention of her fiancee, he doesn't know why but he felt a knot in his heart. He was not expecting that pretty lady would be already hooked.

"So you don't wanna go back to him??" she shook her head in negative at his question.

"Then probably they would be following us." He said and unconsciously looked at the rearview mirror to find if some car was following them and to his shock a white car was really following them, by now they were on highway.

He could see the same man from earlier seated in the car from the mirror as the car was just behind him, so close. Luckily Mina and bodyguard were able to catch up with them because Jace was driving at regular speed.

"Holy shit!!!!" He exclaimed, alerting Jenna as well as she looked at him and seeing him perplexed she glanced back at the car coming behind them.

"Ohh no!!! they are really coming for me." she exclaimed too as panic and fear took over her once again.