
I'll Change (BL)

When the world slowed down, I got a chance to change. *PING* {Hello host, I’ll be helping you out in your new life.} In a different world with a different face. {I’m a Good system. I help to make my host a good person.} [That’s a weird system.] {There’s nothing special you need to do.} [???] “Then why do I have a system?” {That… Let’s begin again.} [What?] {I’m a good system. I help to make my host a good person. You only need to listen to me, and you’ll be a good person.} [This system seems weird.] {Did that sound good?} [How should I answer?] . . . With that I tried to change myself, but it seems it wasn’t as easy as I thought. {It’s okay host! You can do it!} “Clean this dirty room yourself, if it’s so easy!” This is a story, a story about how I will change myself. _______________________________________________________________________ THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW: English is not the language that I speak normally. So, my novel will have a lot of mistakes here and there so be prepared if you are going to read it! Disclaimer: _Cover art belongs to the rightful owner_ Started: 19 December 2021 Ended:

MightyMiruLin · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

5_Heavy burden

Asher felt like he was in a nightmare. If there was one thing he absolutely loathed in his dull life, it would be studying. In the beginning he didn't mind it that much, but after his workload increased and increased he detested it.

Now a system who promised him to make him a good person (?) suddenly smashed a bomb by telling him to freaking study. How does a good person equal to study until you almost die?

"No, no, no! Absolutely not! I don't know which school you want to send me, but that's definitely not happening!", Asher quickly dismissed her after thinking quietly about the horror that'll happen if he'll do what she wanted.

{ You don't have the right to decide though }, she showed a kind smile: { What gave you the impression that you had? }

The boy shuddered slightly seeing her smile. For the first time in his life he learned how scary a smile could be, and he had every right to.

{ You have no idea where you are. How are you going to mingle with the others when you don't even have common knowledge? Not to mention about the school I want you to go to, I'm not even sure if you'll be accepted by any school with reputable reputation with how much you know. }

The more Lin said the more Asher realized how he accepted this too calmly. It was the truth he died that day, but now he was alive and kicking in a body that's not his. The only thing he knows is his name, this body's name, and even that he only came to know because of the system. Even him being alive is because of Lin.

He decided to change, but here he is complaining about studying. Something that was bound to happen sooner or later. The only one he knows here is Lin, even if he knows nothing about her he can only hope she is trustworthy. He can only listen to her for now because she is the reason why he's not death.


"Lin", a trembling voice escaped from Asher's lip: "What happened to the original owner from this body? What happened to Asher?"

Lin looked at the pale boy.

"What happened to him, Lin?", he asked once again.

She gazed silently at Asher: { You don't need to know. }

Her voice sounded for a reason extremely cold. Her face that contained a smile for most of the time was now abstained from it. She had a blank face that scared Asher more than her previous smile did.

"I need to know! Tell me what happened to him!", even when he was scared of this version of Lin he needed the answer.

Asher could easily ignore it. He could decide to ignore everything and live in this body as if it's his own, but he can't. He lived his life avoiding everything and everyone around him. In the end, he lived a miserable life and died. He died and no one will ever care.

This body will from now one be his own. This identity will be his own. He isn't planning to return the body if there is a chance because he is a selfish and greedy person, but at least he wants to know if the original Asher left willingly.

"Did he leave willingly?"

{ What if he didn't? }, Lin asked curiously.

There are three possibilities he came up with. First possibility, they swapped bodies, but if this happened it means he died because his previous body was beyond saving. Second possibility, this body owner already died before he occupied it. He dismissed this one because he knows that this body is healthy with no signs of dying. Third possibility, he kicked him out while obtaining this body. That means there is a high chance he is a ghost, if they exist, or died because of it.

"Then…I will live my life bearing the weight of stealing someone's life."

Asher is a selfish human just like everybody else, but he will make sure to never forget that the only reason he is alive now was because he killed an innocent person.

{ You really do think extremely }, Lin who was quiet for a long time finally replied: { You don't need to worry about carrying that burden because Asher left willingly and he was extremely happy till the very end. }

The boy showed a relieved face: "That's good to know."

{ We'll end this topic today, so don't think about it anymore. There's no reason to feel guilty. You should only think about adapting to this life. }

Hello Honeys!

I'm back (for now lol)! The chapter is a short one, but I hope you enjoyed it.

See in the next chapter!

P. S: I published a new novel! Do read it!

MightyMiruLincreators' thoughts