
I'd rather be with you.

"Do I know you?" I asked and she giggled. "No you don’t. Good morning." she said politely. "Who are you? Why am I here? Where is this place?" I asked. "Why are you on the floor?" She questioned, ignoring my questions. "Are you ok?" She asked. "What happened to me? Why am I naked?" I asked. "Um… technically, you are not naked, you are wearing a short." she said. "You think I don’t know that?" I asked. "If you know then why say you're naked?" she asked and I ruffled my hair and stood up. "What happened?" I asked and she sighed. "Well last night, you..." Meet Calvin Hart, twenty six years, owner and CEO of the multi billionaire VERA GROUP OF COMPANIES which specializes in Cosmetics, Known worldwide, and apparent heir to the HART'S CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. A recently heart broken bachelor who is every lady's dream guy in all ramifications; handsome, wealthy and hot. And then.. meet the sweet Hailey Drew. A self employed twenty-three years old lady, who studied medicine and surgery in Billhard University. She owns a Bakery. She's a modest young lady who is trying to work her way out in order not to end up like her mother who was a mistress to a wealthy business man. What happens when she cross paths with the heart broken Calvin Hart who finds her 'AMAZING' and wants to be friends? What happens when his Ex-fiancee and his mother makes life difficult for Hailey? How was Hailey able to get through the shocking truth about everyone around her. Follow me in this fantastic ride, giving you drama, suspense, betrayal, tears, love, jealousy and friendship.

Anns_library4321 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
71 Chs

.. we are pregnant.


I woke up to see myself on the bed. How dare he touch me with those filthy hands of his? I looked side ways to see him sleeping soundly. I sat up moving far from him. Looking at him right now just gets me angry. I was about to stand up when I got dizzy and fell back on the bed. I slowly stood up this time and made for the bathroom as I felt nauseated. I threw up. I knew it was the symptoms.

I washed up my face and flushed the toilet. I turned to shut the door and I saw Calvin leaning by the doorframe.

"Are you alright?" He asked but I ignored him and held the door. He got the message and left sadly. I shut the door and had my bath. I walked out afterwards and dressed up. I walked to the kitchen. I started preparing breakfast, although I was feeling kind of dizzy. The maids helped me throughout.

"Good morning sir." They greeted and I knew Calvin was here.

"Excuse us." He said to them.

"No stay." I said to them.