
I'AM~Matou Shinji

I, Matou Shinji, just six years old this year, have been having strange dreams every day recently. The man named Ashes killed countless powerful Kings, turned their souls into firewood, accomplished the great cause of spreading fire, and saved the world. The silver-haired man known as the Demon Hunter killed monsters along the way just to find his apprentice. The man in blue, who pursued throwing tiles, set off a bloody frenzy for power, and fought with his younger brother. In the end, the two worked together to solve the crisis. ... or magnificent, or turbulent, or helpless stories, all appear in the dream. At last! He dreamed of the Fifth Holy Grail War, and in the Holy Grail War, the disgusting "self", the self-abased and arrogant character Shinji Matou who was twisted to the extreme! And the abused sister...and the "self" who was finally killed by her. don't want! Never have a future like this! When he was shocked, he saw the black-haired girl standing in the hall, and his father Matou Tsuruo said: "Shinji, come and welcome your sister Matou Sakura!" At this time, Matou Shinji knew , Matou Sakura was thrown into the wormhole tonight! He decided to be kind to Matou Sakura ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

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127 Chs

The Magic Association is here!

The teacher at the podium was trying to get acquainted with the students, and asked the students to introduce themselves one by one. The same is true for Matou Shinji. The very usual self-introduction is inconspicuous among the energetic children.

After sitting down, Matou Shinji continued his previous thoughts, thinking about things that had nothing to do with school.

His absent-minded appearance was quickly discovered by the teacher on the podium. The teacher just wanted to open his mouth to call his name, but suddenly thought of something, carefully observed Matou Shinji twice, and then replayed the words that came up his throat. swallowed back.

In the morning, the principal just reminded them that the famous Matou family in Fuyuki City has just donated a lot of money to the school. For the young master and young lady in the Matou family, if they do not deliberately cause trouble, they will only pay attention to some things. Close your eyes and don't mind your own business.

Under the superpower called money, the teacher directly ignored Matou Shinji who continued to wander in the classroom and continued to start the first lesson of the school.


Just like that, the day's class has passed, and Matou Shinji and Sakura got into the car together.

Sitting in the car, Matou Sakura stared out the window blankly, her face full of disappointment, which made Matou Shinji a little puzzled: "What's going on? You are so unhappy, someone bullied you in school?"

"No... I just saw my sister... Tohsaka-senpai, she was surprised when she saw me, and then she said something like she just met me and walked away, feeling... very uncomfortable."

Matou Sakura murmured that she was in a very depressed mood. Originally, she had a very good experience today. Not only did she meet some new classmates, but the teacher was also very friendly to her. There were many people of the same age together. A happy thing.

Then she met Tohsaka Rin in the corridor, and the two people in the corridor were stunned for a moment, but Matou Sakura was full of excitement, after all, she hadn't seen her sister for half a year, just when she was very excited to talk to her sister While speaking, I heard Tohsaka Rin's indifferent words:

"Sister Matou, Yasushidai Elementary School is a good school. Your family made the right choice for you to come here. By the way... I'm going to hand over these homework to the teacher and go first."

Afterwards, Tohsaka Rin walked past Matou Sakura with a pile of homework, without even listening to her reply.

Matou Sakura told Matou Shinji about this, and he just smiled faintly and said, "Following the ancient covenant, the Matou family and the Tohsaka family will not interfere with each other and not invade each other. Miss Tohsaka does this. Your attitude is also normal, after all, your surname is no longer Tohsaka, but Matou..."

Turning his head to look at the fast-receding scenery outside the car window, Matou Shinji passed through the dream and knew a little about the Tohsaka family. Obey her father's orders.

Looking at Matou Sakura, who was in a depressed mood, Shinji couldn't do anything about it. He could only try to comfort her, but the effect was not obvious. Matou Shinji was not a guy who was good at coaxing girls.

At night, Matou Shinji was really busy. He not only had to read the Matou family's collection of books, but also took time to teach Matou Sakura the basics of magic. Any bit of magic basics.

In the study of the Matou family, Matou Shinji was working hard to make up lessons for Matou Sakura. The children of the same magic family, at this age, at least use some basic magic, but Matou Sakura didn't even know the concept of magic. As a father Tosaka Tokiomi is really partial.

But as the head of a magic family, this is a very wise choice.

Suddenly, Matou Shinji, who was lecturing for Matou Sakura, stopped explaining, a magical light flashed in his pupils, and then said to Sakura: "Really, there are guests in the house, you can study here for a while, I will leave. Go here and deal with it, it won't take long."

"Well, I will study hard."

Matou Sakura said very seriously, when she was in the Tohsaka family, she often envied Tohsaka Rin who received magic teaching, and now that she can finally learn magic, she naturally went all out to study.


Outside the Matou Mansion, the courtyard gate was opened for no reason. A blond man in a black suit and a bowler hat was standing in the courtyard, frowning slightly and staring at the Three-Eyed Crow on a pillar beside him.

As he entered, some magic patterns quickly appeared on the stone floor of the courtyard, forming a magic barrier that prevented him from entering Matou's house.

"It's a bit interesting... Well maintained, I'm Morrison sent by the Magic Association to confirm the change of the Patriarch! Please also ask the Matou Patriarch to remove the enchantment."

The blond man, called Morrison, showed a very gentle smile to the Three-Eyed Crow and said loudly.

"Oh! The members of the Magic Association have finally arrived. I thought something happened and I need to apply again! Mr. Morrison please come in. The door of the Matou family is always open to the members of the Magic Association."

The immature child voice said from the mouth of the three-eyed crow, which made Morrison's eyes flicker slightly. Although he knew when he accepted this assignment, he knew that the successor of the Matou family was a six-year-old child, but he was so calm. But really rare.

Matou Shinji began to go downstairs. Shortly after Matou Shizang died, he reported to the Magic Association about changing the head of the family. After all, as a member of the Magic Association, one of the three royal families of the Holy Grail War, it was impossible to communicate with the outside world at all. No, instead of hiding it, it's better to reveal it directly.

In the world of magic, it is rare for a child of a few years old to become the head of the house, but it has accumulated a lot of examples over the years.

When he came to the hall, Matou Shinji looked at Morrison who was standing in the center of the hall. If he didn't have the control of the Matou house barrier, I'm afraid this guy would break in directly. This is to test his ability. ?

Thinking of this, Matou Shinji's eyes narrowed slightly, strange magic patterns appeared in the living room, black mist condensed behind him, and a huge figure appeared behind Matou Shinji, a arrogant knight in full armor, his mask full of weirdness turned towards Mori Sen, staring at him.

On the simple and eerie mask, the pupils were filled with crimson light, filled with the smell of ominous and death, and the knight's long sword with purple magic pattern in his hand was full of deterrence, and the magic power flowed on the magic pattern, from time to time. Emits a faint glow.

Seeing this scene, Morrison's face became solemn. It seems that this child not only mastered the enchantment of the family's magic workshop, but also possessed such a powerful familiar. If he really fights, he will be a fool. However, a magician who steps into someone else's magic workshop has no choice but to die.


He didn't come here to do something that can't be seen, but on behalf of the Magic Association, to confirm the replacement of the Matou family's patriarch. After all, it is rumored that the Matou family has fallen, and the descendants have no magic circuit. If the inherited patriarch is not magic teacher's words.

The Magic Association just had an excuse to forcibly take back the magic engravings and books of the Matou family. After all, in order to keep the mystery, it is better for ordinary people to stay away from magic.

But now it seems to be impossible, Morrison sighed secretly, lost a lot of extra money for himself/feeling lost, and at the same time straightened his back, and said to Matou Shinji: "Seeing Matou's family is so prosperous, really It's amazing."