
Worried Rona

Olivia's POV

I kept on feeling kisses on my face and I wondered where I was, I open my eyes and realized I was in Rona's room.

"Good morning ".he kept on placing kisses on cheek, 

"Stop it ". I giggled happily and tried moving away, but he tightens his grips on me, 

I turn and stared at him, his hair was arranged, and his eyes were dull and were not sparkling like it used to.

I brought forth my hand and gently ran my fingers tips on his face, he hissed in relief and closed his eyes in my touch.

"You didn't sleep last night ?" I expressed those words not as a question.

He open his eyes and flash me a big smile before pulling me closer to him.

"I can't sleep, not when I have the opportunity to watch you sleep so beautifully"

Hearing those words I chuckled softly and shyly buried my face on his chest.

He chuckled softly and gently stroke my hair with so much care.

"Did you sleep well ".

I nod my head, 

"Are you hungry?" He asked, 

"Not really ". I Murmured with my face still on his chest.

"I'll tell the cook to prepare us something" I did not let those words finish from his mouth before I cut him off, 

"I want to make my breakfast on my own". I spoke up while staring at him, 

"Why ?don't you like her food".he asked 

"Of course not, I just want to prepare this on my own". I Pleaded

He stared at me and thought for a while before he spoke up 

“Make it for two "

I chuckled softly and stood up from the bed, I went to the bathroom to wash my face, but I couldn't brush my teeth.

I was on my way out of the bathroom when I saw Rona standing by the door with a new toothbrush in his hand

"Have it ".he handed the brush to me 

"Were you expecting me to pass the night here ". I asked while taking the brush from him.

"Not really, I have many of this in my drawer".

I nod my head and went inside the bathroom, I brush my teeth before leaving the bathroom.

"I'm going downstairs". I muttered out those words and went for the door, 

"I should go with you ".he stood up from the bed and walk towards me.

I chuckled at his behavior and open the door of the room, we climbed downstairs, and he directed to the kitchen where I saw the cook preparing breakfast 

"Good morning". I greeted

"Morning ". She greeted with a big smile on her face

"Can you show her around the kitchen, she wants to prepare breakfast for both of us". Rona directed to questions to the cook, 

"Breakfast for three ". I heard Rita voice at the door 

I chuckled softly and stared at her, 

She walks in and smiled at me 

"How are you Olivia".she asked while sitting on the table 

"Very well ". I responded 

"Come let me show you around ".the cook spoke up 

I went to her, and she showed me around the kitchen before I started making breakfast.

In few minutes I was done with breakfast, I kept them on the dinning table and went to call Rona.

I got to the room and noticed he was in a call with someone, he noticed my presence and flash me a weak smile, but I knew something was wrong

"I'll call you back ".he quickly said those words and ended the call 

"Is breakfast ready ".he asked while coming closer to me 

"Yeah, is something wrong ". I asked concerned 

"No, let's go have Breakfast".he smiled at me and led the way out of his room.

We got downstairs and noticed Mike and Rita already seated in the dinning table.

"Thank goodness you are here oli, I've been trying to explain to Mike here that his breakfast isn't here, but he wouldn't listen"Rita spoke playfully 

I chuckled softly and sat on the chair 

"The food will be enough for four of us ". I muttered out those words and dish some pancakes into my plate 

Rita roll her eyes at Mike and started eating, we all ate in silence, but I could notice Rona wasn't in a good mood something was wrong, and I could feel it.

Occasionally, I met eyes with me, and he would just smile at me and look away trying to hide his feeling from me,, but I knew something was wrong.

After breakfast Rona and I went back to his room, 

I sat on the bed while he sat on the couch constantly pressing his phone.

"Is everything okay ?" I asked 


I couldn't believe him because he was clearly lying.

I stood up from the bed and went closer to him, I stood before him with folded arms while giving him a quizzical look 

"What is it ".he asked 

"I should be the one asking you ". I murmured

He hissed softly and stood up from the couch and pull me to himself

"Everything is fine just stuff from work, you don't have to bother about it ".he tried assuring me but still, I wasn't convinced.

I stared at him for a while before nodding my head, 

"I'll go take my bath ". I moved away from his arms and step into the bathroom.

I pull off Rona's clothes from my body and put on the warm shower.

I was taking my bath when I hear a knock on the door, 

"Rona?" I asked, 

"Were you expecting someone else?" He asked in a teasing voice, 

I smiled at his words before speaking up 

"What do you want".

"I kept your clothes on the door ".

"Thanks ".

He left the door and went back to the room.

I finished taking my bath and went for the clothes, I took the clothes from the door and noticed it was s new dress, and it was beautiful.

I put on the dress and step out of the bathroom.

"Beautiful, just like I imagined".he moved closer to me and pull me into his arms.

He touched my face with his fingers tips before he gently caresses my cheek

"I wish to see you like this for the rest of my life".he muttered out those words like he meant it.

I smiled at his words and place my head on his chest.

We stood there for a while, while he gently run his fingers on my back.

"Mike will drop you off at home, I need to work on something".he murmured those words while he strokes my hair.

I nod my head and did not say a word, 

"I'll come see you later by the day okay ?" He pulls me from his chest and stared at me, 

"Okay ". I whisper 

He smiled at me and kissed my cheek and was about moving away from me when I held him back 

He turns and stared at me confused

"What's wrong?" He asked, 

I swallowed nervously before speaking 

"Are you letting me go just like that ?" I asked while looking away.

He brought back my face to him and stared at me with curiosity.

"Do you need something"

"Yes". I whisper 

"What is it ".he asked 

I twist my fingers and nervously bites my lips in shame

"Say it ".he demanded

"Can you kiss me ". I whispered those words, hoping he won't hear me.

He chuckled softly and pull me closer to him and took my lower lips in his mouth before taking my lips fully.

I place my hands on his shoulder and deepens the kiss.

I took his hands and place them on my waist wanting more from the kiss, but he noticed it and pulled away.

"I'm sorry ".he murmured

"I can't go further than this ".he whispered those words hurt.

I nod my head in pains and move away from him.

He stood there and stared at me as I pick up my things.

"I'll come see you after work".he said those words as a promise

"Okay ". I murmured and went for the door, but he held me back place kisses on my face

"We will talk about it when come back okay ?" He pleaded

I stared at him for a while before nodding my head and smiled at him.

"Goodbye". I muttered out those words and went for the door.

I went downstairs and saw Mike already waiting for me in the sitting room, 

"Are you ready?" He asked 


We left the house and went to the garage, we got into the car, and he drove off.

The drive back to my house was quiet, and I kept on thinking what was bothering Rona.

"We are here ". Mike's voice brought me back from my thought, 

"Thanks". I was about going for the car door when I decided to ask Mike, maybe he would tell me 

"Is something wrong ?" I asked, 

"You mean with Rona ?" He asked 


He hissed softly and thought for a while before speaking, 

"Don't worry he will handle it "

I wanted to ask him what was wrong, but I knew I won't get answers from Mike, so I decided to let it be 

"Goodbye". I went for the door and opened it, 

I wave at Mike and watch him drove off.

I open the door of my apartment and went in, I was about going to my room when I heard a knock on my door, 

"Did I forget something ?" I asked while going for the door, 

I open the door and realized it wasn't Mike, but it was someone else. 

But before I could say a word he put a cloth on my nose and I fell unconscious.