
Why me

Rona's pov

"Why are you dressed like this "i spoke in anger 

"And what is wrong with my clothes ".she replied back with a devilish smile on her face .it was pretty obvious that she was trying to annoy me and I know how to deal with her .I moved closer to her and held her closer to me .she tried to release my grip from her but I was too strong for her.

"The next time I see you dressed like this ,I will bend you over and fuck the living hell out of you ".I spoke those words softly to her ears. She flipped at my words and moved quickly away from me .I chuckled at her behavior and told the Driver to take us to a nearby boutique.when we got to the boutique I ordered her to follow me in while I pick out a blue sexy long dress for her.

"I'm not wearing this ".she spoke sturborly 

"I'm not asking you but it's a command".I spoke with all seriousness in me .

She noticed how serious I was and decided to wear the dress.i sat at the waiting room while she dressed up.

"Can we go now "I heard olivia voice .

I look up and saw the most beautiful black skinned girl I have ever seen .the dress was so perfect on her .it took all the power in me not to rush up to her and kiss her .

"You look good ".I told her 

She roll her eyes and walk away from me.i followed her to the car and got in.

"Where are we going".she asked 

"It's a surprise". I replied back .

She gave me an annoying look before looking outside the window. The drive to the place was quiet till we got there.when we got to my private garden I opened the car door for her and let her out of the car .she ignored me and walk away .I walk her up to where the table was prepared.

"Is this yours ".she asked 


"It's beautiful and peaceful unlike the owner".I laughed at her words and told her to sit.she sat down and was looking at everywhere except for me .

"You look beautiful".I didn't know when those words came out from my mouth.she just roll her eyes and look away .

Drinks and food was set before us .she wanted to take a bite before speaking up.

"Hope this food and drinks wasn't posiooned".she asked with a serious face .

I couldn't help myself from laughing at her behavior ,when she acts like a kid .

"I wouldn't want to posion you now ,not when I haven't tasted you yet".I spoke with a mischievous smile on my face.

She look scared after I said those words and instantly took a sip of her water.

"I'm not ready for that now ".she spoke in a whisper.

"Not ready for what ".I asked in a teasing voice .

"For sex".she replied back 

"But you are not a virgin".I asked back 

"I'm not just ready to start having sex with you ".

"You think am not worthy of having your body ".I asked with a angry look .she gave me a pale look before looking away .she ignored my question was started eating her food. We ate in silence till we were both through with our food. 

"Don't you wanna know more about me ".I asked in a calm voice .

"There is nothing to know about you ".she replied nonchalantly.

"Come on am not that boring,you can ask your question and I will honestly tell you the truth".

She was quiet for a moment before speaking up 

"What do you do".she asked with all seriousness.

"I'm into so many things".I told her 

"Like kidnapping and killing people".she asked with all seriousness.

I chuckled at her behavior and took a sip of my drink .

"Ask another question".I told her 

"So you are not denying the fact that you kill and kidnappe people"

"Even if I tell you the truth you won't believe me ,so there is no need in me explaining myself".she roll her eyes and look away.

"Ask another question"

"Why me".she asked 

"Why you ?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes why me,there are thousands of girls out there why must you want to date me ".she asked with a scared voice .