
Why I wanted her away

Rona's POV

I walk aimlessly with Olivia's dried blood still in my hands and all over my body, 

I hit the wall of the hospital and scream in anger and Frustration

"Calm down Rona". Mike pleaded

"I can't ". I murmured in half tears 

Just then I heard footsteps and voices but didn't bother to look 

"Rona" I heard Rita's voice 

I turn around, and before I knew what was going on she came closer to me and gave me a tight hug 

"Olivia is a strong girl she will get through this ". Rita taps my shoulder.

I took in a deep breath and nod my head as I melt in her embrace.

I stayed in her embrace until I heard the door open, I moved from Rita's embrace and rush to the doctor

"How is she ". I asked while holding my breath 

"Relax Rona ".the doctor pleaded

"Don't tell me to fucking relax". I shouted in anger 

"Calm down Rona ". Mike gently taps my shoulder, 

I took in a deep breath and roughly ran my fingers through my hair.

"She is still unconscious, but we've done series of test on her and realized she wasn't raped and also does not have any internal injuries. the one problem is the substance she took in, and it will take some time before we can extract all from her body".the doctor spoke firmly

I hit my hand on the wall with anger and range 

"Calm down Rona she is just unconscious, she will be fine". Rita spoke up, 

"Can I see her". I asked 

"Yeah sure, but don't force her to wake up".he advised 

I nod my head and followed him in 

He opens the door and the first thing I heard were sounds of machines beeping.

I entered the room and saw my Olivia laying on the bed with bandage on her forehead and arms,, but her face was just as beautiful as it was.

With shaking legs I moved closer to her and sat by the chair in her side

"I'll be outside ".both Mike and Rita went outside including the doctor.

I stared at Olivia and felt tears drop on my cheek, it felt like she was just asleep just as she was in my arms three days ago.

I brought forth my hands and ran my fingers through her cheek and gently ran the tips of my fingers on her cheek.

"I'm so sorry ". I whispered in tears

"I'm so sorry that I couldn't come earlier than I should ". I gulped in tears 

I took in deep breath and stared at her in pains 

"This was one of the reasons I wanted you to stay away from me, this was the reasons I wanted you to act like we were strangers all these was the reason, but then I realized I can't even stay without you because you are now part of my life "

I place my hand in her hair and gently stoke it 

"Please come to me little bird I can't imagine life without you ". I spoke truthfully, 

She has become part of my life and I didn't need one to tell I was in love with this girl, so in love that it scares me.

I place my head on her stomach and sob silently before I notice the door of the room open and footsteps coming in.

I raised my head and saw furious Derrick staring at me.

"How did you get in here ". I asked in anger.

He ignored my question and pull me out of the chair while holding my collar 

"Have you seen what you have done ".he spoke in anger 

"Olivia is in such state all because of you, and you can't even protect her ".he spoke angrily 

"Let go of my shirt ". I spoke calmly 

Fighting with Derrick was the last thing in my mind right now 

"And if I don't, what will you do ".he yelled in anger 

That's it I have had enough 

Easily I took his hands away of my collar, but he tried grabbing me again, but I pushed him, and he hits the wall 

"I don't want to fight you Derrick because if I do, I might pour out my anger on you and I know you won't make it alive ". I warned 

He stares at me but did not make a move, 

I hissed in relief and sat back on the chair.

I noticed Derick standing by Olivia's side, but he did not say a word,, but I could notice he was angry and hurt.

He stared at Olivia for a while before he left the room with anger.

I stood up from the chair and kissed her cheek before leaving the room, I went outside and saw Mike and Rita talking to the door 

"Don't worry she will wake up ".he assured them 

"How is she Rona?". Mike asked, 

I just shake my head in pain but didn't say a word.

"I have something to say to you ". Mike spoke up, 

"What is it ?". I asked, 

Mike stared at me for a while before he spoke up 

"Not here, and you need to take your bath and changed your clothes"

I nod my head and walk out of the hospital with Mike and Rita.

We got into the car and the driver drove back home.

I got home, went straight to my room and took a warm bath with Olivia in my thoughts.

I came out of the bathroom, changed my clothes and came downstairs where I saw Frank, Mike and Rita in a deep discussion.

They noticed my presence and stopped talking, then I knew something was wrong.

"Tell me what's wrong ". I demanded as I walk up to the bar and brought out a hot and poured some in the glass, 

"I'm listening ". I spoke up when I noticed their hesitation.

Mike stood up and walk up to me in the bar, 

"We saw the cameras planted in the room Olivia was kept ". Mike murmured, 

I took a sip of my drink while holding my breath.

I knew something was wrong with the way he was saying it.

"I'm listening". I spoke up 

"Derrick father was there ".he whispered 

I turned and stared at him shocked and confused 

"He wasn't involved in the kidnapped, but he knew she was kept there and even came to see her ". Mike spoke up 

I hissed in anger and took a sip of my drink, I knew that wasn't all, Mike was hiding something from me.

"Say it ". I ordered

"I think maybe you should watch it yourself".he spoke up 

I nod my head and walk up to the electronic room, where all the cameras in the house is linked to 

I walk into the room and saw two of my men there.

"Please excuse us ". Mike spoke up 

"Yes boss".they both left the room, 

I sat on the chair while Mike brought out a tape from his pocket and played it on the laptop.

He types in the time and the screen displayed Derrick's dad talking Darlington's dad and how Darlington's dad left to make a call, leaving him with Olivia.

I heard all he said to Olivia then and there, I knew he asked her to be his lover, and she also slapped him.

I watch when Darlington's dad came in and how Derrick's dad was forcing him to rape Olivia.

That's enough, I've had enough.

I stood up from the chair and walk out of the room.

"Rona". Mike called out but ignored him, 

"I went straight to my room, opened my drawer and brought out a gun from my drawer, took some bullets and left the room.

"I'm coming with you ". Mike spoke up, 

We got to the car, and he drove off.

I could feel anger run through my blood, Derrick father was aware of this, he knew where Olivia was and decided to keep quiet despite how he knew his son likes Olivia.

The car stopped, and I knew we were in font of the gate.

Mike came out of the car and talked to the man guarding the gate.

He went in and asked if he could let us in,, and we were allowed in.

Mike drove in, and I could see Derrick's dad standing in the compound with his men besides him, 

"Weak fool ". I murmured and got out of the car with anger.

I came out of the car and pointed my gun at him and his men did the same to Mike and I, 

“Foolish of you to think you can come into my house to challenge me ".he spoke in anger.

I chuckled loudly and crack my gun at him before speaking up, 

"Just six men, and you think they can save you if I intend killing you “. I asked in anger

"I would have asked him to kill her right there, he was just too stupid ".he spoke in anger

Hearing those words from him, I felt anger in me, and I was About blowing his brains off when we heard Derrick's angry voice.

"What did you just say, dad ".he spoke in anger.