
What pains feels like.

Olivia's POV

I walk pass him like he was nothing to me.

This was what he wanted, this is what he asked of me, and I would make sure I play by his rules.

All that went on in the director's office didn't mean a thing to me. while sitting there, my thought was on aunt and what I could do to raise money for her kidney transplant.

I got to the hall and noticed all eyes were on me.

So were giving me a hate glare while others were murmuring.

"I heard they are always violent, that's why I always hated blacks ".a girl behind me whispered those words to my hearing.

I clenched my teeth and grit my fist in anger and stared at her.

"You will always hate us because you see us as a threat to you". I muttered out those in anger and noticed her bite her lips in fear.

I hissed softly and walk to a seat in the hall, 

"How was it ". I noticed Lizzy seating beside me.

"Went well". I murmured.

"Really ?"she asked in disbelief

"Yeah". I replied

She stared at me with unbelief but did not say a word.

"I have to go see aunt at the hospital". I murmured those words, pick up my book and left.

I walk a few miters, and got to the hospital.

I greeted the nurse on duty and went to Aunt's room.

The moment I open the room I saw her open her eyes and smiled at me

"Did I wake you up ?”. I asked 


I nod my head and closed the door behind me.

"How are you aunt " I asked while staring at her 

"I'm fine, don't worry about me".she flash me a fake smile before looking away.

I hissed softly and sat beside her.

"Any improvement yet?". I asked, 

She shakes her head but did not say a word.

I hissed in frustration and stare at her.

"Are you hungry?".

"No, I just finished eating ".she murmured.

She signs in pains and sat down on the bed .

"I want to talk to you, Oli ".she demanded in a calm tone.

"What is it, aunt ?". I asked, 

She hissed softly before she started talking.

"I might not be able to make it "she whispered in pains.

"Don't say that Aunt, you will make it ". I assured her, but she stared at me with sorrow and shakes her head.

"Listen to me oli, I have less than a month for the transplant, I know my body system, it's getting weak day by day ".she murmured softly.

"There can be a way, don't worry aunt, you can make it ". 

She shakes her head and stares at me with pity.

"No Oli there is nothing that can be done unless a miracle can happen".she murmured in pain."

"Then a miracle will have to happen, aunt ".

She shakes her head and chuckled in pain.

"Listen oli ".

"I'm worried about you ".she spoke firmly.

"Worried About me ?". I asked confused

"Yeah, I don't know what will become of you when I'm gone ".she murmured 

"Nothing will happen to you, I promise".

She hissed and closed in her pains.

"There is something I haven't told you".she murmured.

"What is it, " I ask in fear.

She signs in pain and regrets before staring at me.

"I'm sick, really sick ".she murmured.

"I know you are sick, aunt but don't worry we will find a way ". I spoke almost like a pled.

"No, Oli, you don't understand".she spoke firmly.

"I'm really sick oli ".she murmured 

I stare at her confused 

"Not only do I need a transplant, but I also have cancer, I have cancer of the blood "she whispered in tears.

"What ?" I asked in shock 

"Yes oli, I noticed it five years ago, and I have been spending all my savings and money on it, but this is the last stage oli, there is nothing I can do ".

"No, no no, this cannot be true". I yelled in tears 

"Tell me you are lying aunt, please tell me you are ". I begged in tears.

She signs in pain and closed her eyes in tears.

"I wish I was lying oli, I wish all this was just a prank, but it's true, I'm in my last stage and I can die any moment from now .it might be today or tomorrow or even an hour from now ".she murmured softly.

"All my organs are shutting down, I can feel them ".she whispered in tears.

"This is not real ". I yelled in pain.

Just within a week my life is turning upside down, I thought I felt pains when Derrick and Rona broke up with me, but that wasn't pain, this is pains.

I have dreamt of life together with my aunt, I have imagined things I would give to her once I'm done with school, all these were just fairy-tale.

"Listen to me oli ".her weak voice caught my attention.

"I'm worried about you, Oli ".she expressed those words in a weak voice.

I hissed and look away.

"Can you stay here or would you like to go back to Nigeria?".she asked, 

"I'm not going anywhere". I did not let those words finish from her mouth.

"I'm not leaving you here all alone ". I said those words in a serious tune.

"No one is asking you to leave me oli, I'm asking if you would go back after my funeral".she expressed the word so casually like she has been expecting it all her life.

"Don't say things like this, aunt, you will make it ". I tried assuring her, but the look she gave me I knew it was over.

"Do you know why I refused getting married all these years? It's because of this. I knew I have only few years on Earth and I have been planning for it ".

"You can go back to Nigeria or stay here and finish your school,, but it will be hard for you".she murmured.

"I thought I would be able to last a few years that was why I brought you here, but my body failed me oli, I can't last up to a month now ".she murmured in a weak voice.

"You don't have to make the discussion yet, you can make it after my funeral ".

I shake my head and stared at her, I was soaked in tears and did not know what to say or do anything.

All this was like a dream to be,, and I wish I could just wake up from it.

"I have a little savings in my account that you can use and sustain yourself for a while if you decide to stay back, or you can take the money and return to Nigeria and start up something with your life, the choice is yours to make ".she whispered in a weak voice.

When you get to my room, check my last drawer, you will see a list of names I listed and their contacts. Call them when am gone, and they will help you for my funeral and bank process in order for you to manage my account ".she murmured softly.

"No, aunt, no ". I pleaded.

"Give me your hands oli".she demanded.

I brought for my hands and gave it to her. She took my hands and gently squeeze it.

"You are a strong girl oli, I believe you can make it on your own ".she whispered in pain, 

I couldn't say anything or do anything, I just stared at her with tears uncontrollably running down my cheek.

"It's okay oli, I'm not even dead yet ".she chuckled sadly.

I hissed in pain and stared at her, she caught my gaze and flash me a weak smile that torn my heart into pieces.

"You have to go home and rest ".she expressed those words as a command.

"Can't I stay here ". I begged, 

"No Oli, I don't want you to have many memories of me laying on this bed ".she murmured.

"But". I tried speaking, but she caught me off .

"Don't worry about me, I work here they will take good care of me, now go ". She flash me a weak smile.

I hissed in pains and stood up from the chair.

I stared at aunt one more time before going for the door, I open the door and stared at her one more time before leaving the room.

I left the room and lean outside the door of her room.

I cried and sobbed until my eyes could no longer carry me.

"She must have told you everything". I turn and saw the doctor who tested me for the transplant.

I stared at him but did not say a word.

"Your aunt is a strong woman, she has been fighting this for a long time now ".he said those words while staring at me with pity.

"If there was anything medicine can do I believe we all at the hospital would have done it for her, but its impossible, only a miracle can save her ".he whispered in a pity tone.

"How much time does she have left ". I asked, 

He hissed softly and stared at me with worry.

"Probably a week ".he whispered those words in regrets.

I felt my heart clench in pain, and I found it hard to breathe.

"Are you okay ?". He asked sounding worried

"I'm not okay, I can never be okay ". I whispered those words in tears.

Author's note.

This chapter got me emotionally.

Hey guys, thank you so much for reading.

More 20 chapters and I would be done with this book.

And don't miss any chapter because from now on, the story is going to get twisted and hot.

And yes, I haven't considered who she should end up with. 

So go to my review and write under my review who you think she should end up with and your reasons.