
What do you want

Olivia's POV

The moment Rona left, I felt sad and angry at myself, but I have to do what was right. I went back to bed when my phone started ringing, I checked the caller and saw that it was Lizzy.

“Hey Lizzy “. I greeted her.

“What's up babe”

I'm fine”. I lied

“I called, but your aunt told me you were grounded”.“Yeah, but all that is over now “. I replied 

“Really”.she spoke out happily 

“Yeah, why are you sounding so happy “.I asked confused 

“Listen, do you want to join me at a party”.she asked 

“That would be nice, but my aunt won't let me “. I spoke up disappointed.

“Your aunt don't need to know, just close your door, and you can leave through the window”.

“You think that will be possible”. I asked, 

“Yes, now hurry and dress, I will be waiting outside.

She ended the call while I stood up from the bed. I went to my closet and pick up a crop dress and a short jean short.

I check the time and saw that it was pass 11pm,aunt would probably be asleep.

A soft tap on the window brought my attention to the window. I opened it and saw Lizzy standing by the window.

“Jump down oli, we are late already”.she quickly spoke up. I climb on the window and jumped down.

“You are good at this “. Lizzy spoke with a grin on her face.

“Good at what “. I asked while closing the window.

“Good at sneaking around “.she spoke with her devilish smile.

I ignored her and walked away.

“Where are we even going”. I asked while walking away with her.

“We are going to a party, I told you on the phone “.we walked a few miters away from our apartment when we saw a black car packed at the corner.

Lizzy walked towards it while I followed her .she opened the car and sat on the passenger seat while I went to the back seat.

When I got to the back seat, I saw a guy already seated there .he smiled at me and brought forth his hand to shake.

“I'm Johnson and you must be Olivia”.

Yes”. I took his hand and we shake each other.

“And I'm Mason”.the guy at the driver seat spoke up

“Nice meeting you Manson”. I replied him with a smile.

I was uncomfortable throughout the drive because I noticed the guy besides me gaze on me.

Luckily, for me, we got to the party. Lizzy led us inside the party and introduce us to some of her friends.

I felt suffocated in their presence and decided to go out for a fresh air. When I noticed someone sitting at a corner lost in thought .it was obvious the person wasn't interested in the party, just like me. I was about to move my gaze from him when I locked eyes with him. Something about his eyes made my body shiver, and I could help but stare.

When I stared at him, I noticed there was something about his eyes that looks familiar and intoxicating, so I had to move towards him to see who he was.

The nearer I got to him, the more I felt my body shivering.

I walked a bit further and to my greatest surprise it was Rona. I noticed how shock he was to see me. I was happy and wanted to go to him, but then I remembered aunt words and Derick. I frowned and moved a step back.

I saw him stood up and was about coming my way when Lizzy dragged me away.

“Hey babe, I've been looking for you “.she spoke up while dragging me away.

“He is here “. I murmured.

Lizzy turned around and face me a confused look, 

“Who is here “.she asked confused

“Rona”. I whispered.

“Rona?”.she asked surprised, 

“Yeah, I just saw him “. I replied to her.

“Wow, where did you see him”.she asked excited.

I wondered why she was so excited.

“Tell me where you saw him “.she asked impatiently, 

“There”. I pointed at the spot I was before she dragged me away.

“Wait here”.she quickly told me and rushed away.

I hissed and went for a drink. I took my drink and sat in a corner while I watch people having fun, 

“Why are you seated alone here “. I turned around and saw Johnson smiling at me .he sat beside me and offered his drink, but I politely reject it.

“Why are you hiding here “.he asked while taking a sip of his drink, 

“And who told you I was hiding”. I asked while rolling my eyes.

He chuckled softly and removed a hair from my face, 

“Thank you”. I whispered shyly,

He chuckled and looked away.

We sat there quietly and watched the party.

“You are beautiful”.he said those words without looking at me. I act like I did not hear him and took a sip of my drink.

We sat there in silence until he spoke up again.

“Do you have a boyfriend “.he asked .this time he was staring at me.

I looked at him and swallowed nervously. I did not know what to say to him.

“Sonia, told me you were single”.

I hissed and cursed Sonia in my thought.

“So tell me are you single “.he asked. I wanted to reply to him when we noticed someone standing behind us. We turned around, and I noticed that it was Rona

“No she is not single “.before I could react, he took hold of my hand and dragged me away.

He pulled out of the party and led me out of the house .we stood outside the party without looking at each other.

We awkwardly stood there for a moment before Rona turned around and faced me, 

“I'm sorry “.he apologized.

I was shocked because I wasn't expecting him to apologize Because it was me who should apologize.

I looked at him and saw how sorry he was, I wanted to let him know that I wasn't angry with him but instead I was angry at myself, but my aunt words came to me. I closed my eyes and moved back.

“Tell me what I did wrong “.the tone of his voice was different. I stared at him and wondered if it was pains I was seeing in his eyes.

I have to end this, and I have to end it now, 

“I can't be with you anymore”. I murmured hoping he won't hear me but of course he did.

He moved closer to me but did not try to touch me like he always does.

“You know that's not possible”.he threatened. I knew what he meant, but I wasn't going to let it scare me.

“I know what you mean Rona, I know you will make life miserable for me, and my aunt's life will be in danger, but I have to end this “. I spoke in a trembling voice.

I couldn't meet Rona's gaze, so I had to look away from him.

“Is that what you think of me “.his voice doesn't sound angry, but I knew he was hiding it.

“What do you want from me “? I pleaded, I was getting frustrated in the whole situation. I didn't look at him, but I knew he was staring at me.

“You, I need you, little bird”.he spoke those words slowly.

“Then you can have me “.the word left my mouth even before I realized what I said.