

3rd person pov 

Olivia quickly left his car and went up to their apartment.luckly for her ,her aunt was on a night shift .she went straight to her bedroom took her bath and changed to her nightwear.she was about to sleep off when she saw her phone blinking indicating that she has a message .she opened it and saw that it was Rona wishing her a good night sleep."bastard".she mumured under her breath.she ignored his test and allow the darkness of the night to take over.

On the other hand when Rona got home he couldn't sleep for some strange reason . this wasn't the first time he was kissing a lady .he has had sex with different kind of ladies but none had this effect on him.

Falling in love with this girl could be a big risk to him and her and to sum up the fact that Derick was after her too .

He hissed and sat at his office chair .he heard a knock on his door .he told the person to come in and saw that it was Mike.

"Sir you should be in China by tomorrow".that was Mike voice .

"Cancel it or you can go for me "he spoke those words without thinking .

"Boss your presence is highly needed there ".Mike spoke with a worried voice .all this while he has been working for his boss his boss have never turn down a deal like this .

"Are you okay boss ".he asked with a concerned voice .rona ran his hand on his head and hissed.

"I'm fine Mike ,you need not worry ",. Rona replied back .

There were both silent for a while before Rona spoke up.

"How long do I have to stay there ".he asked Mike 

"Just  three days boss".

Three days was a long time for him.he realized he won't be able to see olivia during those three day and he felt uneasy.what if Derick take her away from him before he comes back ,he thought to himself.the thought of she been taken from him brought a different kind of fear to him.

"Arrange my flight ".we will leave in the morning.mike gave him an approving nod before leaving his office.

Rona stood up from his chair and walk up to his mini bar where he took a bottle of whiskey and poured in a glass.

"Olivia".he called at no one

"You will definitely be the death of me ".he took another sip of his drink and sat on his chair .he was still in thought when his phone started ringing.he look at the caller and hissed at it before picking up 

"Why are you calling me ",.he asked in an angry voice .

"How do you want to killed ,either by gun or knives or by suffocating".the voice replied back.

"Are you threating me Derick".he asked with an angry voice .

"It's not a threat but I will definitely do it if you don't stay away from olivia".Derick shouted over the phone .

Rona chuckled over the phone before replying Derick 

"We may almost be the same age Derick ,but you are a rat to me when it comes to things like this ,I expect your father to be telling me this and not a rat like you ", Rona spoke with all seriousness.

"Stay away from olivia Rona,I'm warning you "

"And if I don't "

"Consider war between the serpant and the scorpion Mafias ". Derick spoke in an angry voice .

"War is it then ". Rona replied back .