

Rona's pov

"What do you want ".the voice was so calm and gentle.for a moment I felt myself melt in her words but I refused to show it .

"You should be done by work now ,"I asked .

"I'm about ending my shift".she replied with so much fear in her voice. 

"I'm outside "

"What for ".she asked 

"We have a deal remember"?.I asked 

She was quiet for a moment before speaking up 

"I'll be there in 10 minutes .she quickly ended the call on me .

Few minutes later I saw her walking out of the coffee shop.she look so scared and sad .I wish see knew what I felt for her .

She search around looking for my car till she saw it and started walking over .she got to my car and knocked on it .I opened the door for her and let her in .

"What do you want".she asked with fear written all over her face 

"You know what I want ".I replied with a devilish smile .

"You are worst than a devil ",she shouted .

I gave her a devilish smile before moving closer to her.

"I'm devil himself ".I spoke close to her ear .

She shiverd under my touch .

"Stay away from me "

"I won't "

"Why me ".she asked with tears In her eyes .

I felt so bad seeing her in tears and wish I could hold her in my arms and tell her I wouldn't hurt her  .but I couldn't do it .

"I want what I want ".I replied back 

"Fine".she replied back 

"Fine what ?"I asked 

"I will be your girlfriend for the next two months".she spoke those words and look away .I felt so much joy in me now that I knew I have her all to myself.

"Good girl ".I place my hand on her head .she shifted from me and sat at the extreme .

I moved close to her and held her waist ,she flipped at my touch and look shocked 

"What are you doing".she asked with fear in her voice .

"What they do in relationship".I replied back with a devilish smile .

"I accepted to be your girlfriend ,but that doesn't mean I'm ready to do these things with you ".

"I chuckled and moved away from her .

"Are you a virgin ".I asked 

"Am not ".she replied back 

"Then why are you acting like one "

She gave me a hard stare and look away .

"You are my girlfriend "and you know what that means "I told her with a smirk on my face .

"I don't know what you are saying".she was almost whispering now .

I noticed how scared and uncomfortable she was with the topic,so I decided to let it be .

"So I'll see you tomorrow for our first date "

"I don't wanna go on a date with you ".she replied back with an angry voice .

"A date with me or I might not guarantee your aunt safety"

"Leave my aunt out of this ".she shouted 

"She will only be safe if you keep to my words"

"Fine".she shouted 

"Tomorrow by 6pm ,I'll come pick you up "

She gave me a death look before giving an approving nod .

"Can I go now ,I'm home already"

"At least give me a Peck before you leave ".I told her with a big grin on my face 

"Can I please not do this ".she asked with a pleading voice.i wanted to say yes to her but decided to tease her more .

"Should I do it myself".I asked with a  mischievous  smile on my face 

"No no ,I'll do it myself .she spoke in a rush .

Before I could realize what was going on .I felt a soft kiss on my cheek . before I could turn around she quickly open the car and left in a rush .I smilled at her behavior before telling the driver to drive me home .