
Make love to me

Olivia's POV 

"What's going on ". I asked as I walk into the sitting room with Rona. 

I step into the sitting and could see the house filled with Rona's men, Rita, mike, frank, and Lizzy. 

I stared around and could notice the sitting room was decorated with balloons and writings welcoming me home. 

I turned and stared at Rona with wild eyes 

“Welcome home baby ".he murmured those words and kissed my forehead 

I felt tears standing in my eyes and threatens to fall 

"Now is not the time to cry ". Rona whispered those words and kissed my cheek, 

"Let's go in " 

I nod my head and walk into the room with smile all over my face. 

"Welcome back oli". Lizzy pulled me into a tight hug, 

"Thank you " 

"Welcome back home, ". Rita muttered out those words and hugged me tightly, 

"Thanks". I murmured and smile at her, 

"Welcome ". Both mike and Frank smile at me, 

"Thanks ". I smiled at them before smiling at the rest of the people in the room. 

"Music". Rita shouted happily, 

I chuckled at her behavior before taking a drink from Rona. 

"Don't worry I'm not giving you alcohol ". 

I roll my eyes at him and took a sip of the drink. 

We merry, talked and laugh for hours until Rona decided it was time for me to rest and took me upstairs. 

"I want to stay ". I murmured as I step into his room 

"I don't want you to stress yourself".he places his two hands on my shoulder and smiled at me. 

"Go take your bath ".he muttered those words in a tune that has no room for argument. 

I murmured and walk into the bathroom. 

I pull off my cloths and stared at my naked body on the mirror 

The injuries I sustain in my forehead and arms were all gone just like miracles except for the tiny scare which Rona had already ordered for a cream  from China and will be in California by tomorrow to remove any scare in my body. 

I told him it wasn't necessary that the scare will go at least in a year time, but he refused. 

I hissed and stared at my naked body and thought of what I would have done if that man eventually have his way. 

I knew I wouldn't be able to take it neither will I be able to look at my body. 

I bite my lips nervously as a thought came to my ends. 

I took in a deep breath and step into the shower as the thought filled my mind 

I knew Rona will never accept it, but I have to try. 

I took a quick bath and put on the night dress Rona bought for me. 

I step into the bathroom and lock eyes with Rona who stares at me nervously, 

I should be the one nervous and not him. 

"I'll go take my bath". He muttered out those words and rushed into the bathroom. 

I sat in front of the dressing mirror and comb my hair as I thought of a way to convince Rona. 

Few minutes Rona came out with a sweat pant and a big shirt. 

"You should be sleeping by now ".he muttered those words and pulled me out of the chair. 

I place my hands on his shoulders and stared into his eyes and nervously bites my lips before I kissed him gently on the lips. 

At first he wanted to resist, but I kept on begging for access with my mouth, and he allowed it. 

He pulled me into himself and deepens the kiss

His lips were soft, almost silken, and pillowy against my own. I could feel the soft tickle of his breath beneath my nose, fingers carding through my hair as we breathed each other in.” … “His lips were still sweet with alcohol from the wine he took.

He kissed me for a while before he pulls away from me.

I bite my lips thinking of a way to say it to him 

"Are you okay ?".he asked 

I swallowed nervously before speaking up 

"Rona ". I softly call out his name, 

He stared at me but didn't say a word.

I took in a deep breath before speaking up

"I want you to make love to me ". I whispered those words hoping he won't hear me, but he did.