

Olivia's pov

I checked the caller and saw that it was Rona's .I felt fear rush all over my body when I saw the call coming.the phone kept on ringing but I refused to pick it up .few minutes later I got a message from him.

"Pick up the fucking call"

I ignored it and sat on my bed 

Another message came in again

"If you don't pick up my call the next call you will get will be from the hospital about your aunt ".as soon as I saw that message I felt scared and tears were threatening to pour down from my eyes .he always knew my weak point.

Few minutes later the phone started ringing

I checked the caller and noticed it was Rona.

I quickly pick up the call with fear. 

"Hello".I spoke in a whisper

Rona's pov

"Hello ".came the most sexy voice I have ever heard .I hissed in frustration before speaking up

"You've been a bad girl little bird ".I told her 

She was quiet and wasn't saying Anything.i listened to the phone line and noticed she was silently crying.hearing her cry torn my heart apart and to worsen it all I knew I was the reason she was crying.i hissed in frustration before speaking up

"I haven't done anything to you yet and you are already crying".I told her in a calm voice .

"What do you want from me".she shouted

"Keep your voice down little bird ".I told her 

She was quiet but I could still hear small sounds from her .

"I'll come pick you up tomorrow ,so be ready to receive your punishment because you've been a bad bird".I told her in a serious voice .

She was still quiet but I knew she was listening to me .

"Little bird ".I called out 

She was still quiet and refused to speak up

"Little bird ",.I called out but this time with command.she must have noticed my tune and spokd up

"What do you want ?".she asked in a scared voice .it's pains my heart to know that she was free with Derick but she was scared of me .I hissed in frustration before speaking up

"I'll come pick you up for school tomorrow"so you better be ready".I told her 

"Okay ".was all she said .

"Goodnight little bird ".I told her .

"Goodnight ".she spoke in fear before hanging up.after the call I lay on my bed.i felt really bad to know that she was scared of me and that's the only way I could have her .I hissed in frustration before going to bed because I can't wait to see my little bird Tomorrow

3rd persons pov

After Olivia ended the call she lay on the bed and wondered what her life would have been if she hasnt met Rita or had a fight with her .maybe she would still be living her normal boring life .

The thought of meeting Rona tomorrow and what he might do to her scares her and she had to do some about it. She picked up her phone and called Lizzy 

"Where is the party happening",.she asked

"Don't tell you you wanna come". Lizzy asked with a suprised tune.

"The house is boring",. Olivia told her 

"Very well then .I'll send you the address"

Lizzy sent Olivia the address of the party.

Olivia left the apartment and went to the party.it wasn't hard for she to find the location.she got into the party and saw Lizzy dancing with a good looking dude .Lizzy waved at her to join them.she walk up to them and introduced herself to the guy.few hours later the party was buzzing and Olivia allowed herself to mix up in the party so she could forget her sorrow.she took one bottle took two and kept on drinking.on the other hand Lizzy was already drunk and Olivia was on her own.

Olivia kept on drinking untill she was drunk.she was drunk when she brought out her phone and dialled Rona's number.the number rang few times before he picked up

"Little bird",.he spoke in a worried voice.he was suprised and scared when he saw her call.

"You fucking bastard I will kill you". Olivia shouted in a drunk state .Rona noticed the noise from the background and wondered where she was

"Where are you ".he asked in a worried tune 

Olivia chuckled in a drunken state 

"A place you can never find me ".she replied back.rona hissed and stood up from the bed 

"Tell me where you are now".he commanded

Olivia chuckled over the phone

"Come find me if you can".she spoke those words and the call ended.

Rona ran his hand on his hair in frustration .he dialled a number on his phone and called someone

"I'm sending you a number right now,check the location and send it to me "

"Yes boss",.the person on the other line replied back 

Few minutes later Rona was texted an address .he quickly went into his car and drove off .he drove quickly to the venue and realized it was a party.he hissed in frustration and wondered what state Olivia would be in .he walked into the room and started looking for Olivia.eveywhere was dark and it was hard to recongnise anyone.he hissed in frustration and kept on searching for her .he kept on searching untill he saw her seated on a chair with her leg folded  against her chest ,and she was sleeping peacefully.

He released a sign of relief before walking up to her .when he got closed to her he noticed she was drunk 

"Little bird ".he called her 

There was no reply from her her .he hissed and carried her bridal style in his arm.he took her to his car and drove off .as he was driving he can't help but think what will make someone like Olivia get herself drunk .he looked at her and noticed she was peacefully sleeping.

"Sleep little bird".he touched her cheek and kept on driving