

We drove in silence until we got to my place .

"This will be the last time I'm gonna help you in a situation like this ".he spoke up 

"Thanks a lot "I appreciate ".I told him 

"I don't need your Thanks,"just don't come running to me again".

I nod my head before getting out of the car.i was about getting to my door when Derick called out my name .

I walk back to his car and stood besides his window.

He came out of the car and kept on looking at me like he was searching for something.

"Did they hurt you".he asked 


"Did he touch you"

"No "

"Just try and stay away from him ,"I might not be around to help another time.

"I'll make sure of that ".I replied him with a genuine smile .

He wanted to smile at me but held it back.he entered his car drove off.

I went into the house and saw my aunt watching a TV show 

"You are back ".she asked 

"Yes Aunt"

"There is food in the fridge ,heat it and eat"

I went to my room took my bath and eat some food . after that  I went to bed .

The next day was a Sunday and I have to fill up for missing work yesterday.i got  to the coffee shop changed my uniform and went straight to the counter 

"You work on Sundays too ".a customer asked 

"Not really "I'm just filling up for missing work yesterday ".

He smiled at me before walking to his table .

I was still busy making an order when I heard the door bell rang , indicating someone was walking in .

I lift up my head and realized it was my worst nightmare.he was casually dressed with a blue jean and a white t shirt.he was alone this time and walk over to me .indeed he was really handsome.i compose myself and spoke up .

"How may I help you ".I asked 

He gave me a devilish smile before speaking

"I'll need a cup of black coffee ".

"Alright then ".

"So you and Derick are dating huh?".he asked

"None of your business".I replied him 

"I see you have no fear in you ".

"And why should I be scared of a human like me ".

"I can deal with you and he won't be able to do anything about it "

I gave him an angry look before giving him his coffee

"50 box"

He put his hands in his Pocket and brought out the money 

"Keep the change"

"I don't need it ".

"You might need it to buy some drugs "who knows "

"Touch me and I will let Derick know about it 


"I will handle Derick and get back to you ".he said those words and walk out of the shop

Rona's pov

I went back to my car and drove off .I got home and sat on my bed .I wasn't able to concentrate since the first day i met her.

When my little sis came home that day crying over a girl that bullied her in school,I was so furious and wanted to kill that girl .

I ordered my men to follow me .when we got to where she works I enter in followed by my men .I was already Bolling inside of me and just wanted to deal with her and get out of this shop.not untill when my eyes saw the most beautiful black skin I have ever seen .

Her black was shining and those eyes were so innocent that she can't even kill a bird.