
Don't want to be treated like a kid

Olivia's POV

Holding hands with Derick felt so good to be true, I stared at him and noticed how he was smiling like a baby. He got to the lecture hall, and he refused to leave my side rather he sat beside me.

I could feel stares and hear murmuring around us, but Derick and I wasn't bothered. whenever he stares back at them, they all look away and kept quiet.

The lecturer came to class and the lecture begins. Throughout the lecture I could feel Derick gaze on me and to be sincere I love it. I was getting all his attention, and it felt like the most amazing thing in the world.

Lecture ended and Derick have a class that I wasn't attending.

“I'm not going to that class”. He murmured when he realized he has a class i doesn't have.

I chuckled softly and raffles his hair.

“You will go to that class, okay '. My voice came as a command.

“Are you commanding me now “. He smiled and pulled me to him while placing kisses on my face. I felt shy and looked away.

“Don't tell me you are shy “. He mocked with a big grin on his face.

“I hate you “. I threw a book at him.

He caught the book and place it on the table.

“You are Derrick's girlfriend, and you should start getting used to things like this “. Without warning, he pulled me to him and kissed me softly on the lips, not minding students were staring.

“I love you, oli, and I want the whole world to know that “. He said those words like he meant every bit of it.

I smiled at him and wondered what I might have done in my past life to get such love from a personality like him.

“Since you want to be to go to class, then class will I go “. He kissed my Cheek and left for his class.

I hissed softly and checked my timetable.I wasn't having any class for the next two hours. I hissed in relief and made my way to the library.

On my way to the library, I felt someone was watching me .this was different from the stares I was getting from the students. This felt like I was being exactly watched by someone.

I kept on turning around, trying to see who it was,, but I couldn't see anyone.I hissed and kept on walking towards the library.

I was almost at the library when I felt a hand on me. I turn around and met eyes with mike. His expression was cold, and his eyes shows a bit of anger in them. 

“What are you doing here “. I asked surprised.

“Rona sent me to you “.he spoke calmly.

Hearing his name brought a cold shiver to me, and I couldn't help but remembered all that happened at his place.

“He wants to see you, as a matter of fact, he is outside”. Mike spoke calmly.

“I don't want to see him “. I spoke stubbornly.

Mike raised a bow at me and folds his arms.

“You have no choice, it's either you come with me willing or I might just take you by force “. He said those words like he meant it. I haven't seen Mike this pissed or angry with me.

I hissed in frustration and started making my way to the gate .it was better I go quietly than to let Mike create a scene.

I walked with Mike to the school gate and saw Rona car packed outside. The glass was tinted, so I couldn't see him,, but I knew he could see me.

“Go in “. Mike said those words when he noticed my hesitation. I rolled my eyes at him and walked to the car. Before I got to the car, the door was already opened for me by Rona.

I hissed and went in. The moment I got in, Rona pulled me to his laps and buried his face on my chest.

“I miss you so fucking much “.he murmured.

I tried moving away from him, but his grip on me was tight.

We stayed like that for a while until he removed his face from my chest and stared at me. I looked at his eyes and noticed he looks stressed out and was exhausted like he wasn't having some sleep. Out of impulse I move my hand and touched his face .he hissed in relief and closed his eyes. I realized what I was doing and quickly kept back my hand .he stares at me but did not say a word.

“Why have you been avoiding me”.he spoke slowly.

I looked away but did not say a word.

“You know I have been calling you for the past two days and you either reject the call or you switch off your phone “. I could notice the hurt in his voice. 

“Little Bird”. He gently strokes my hair and kissed my cheek.

“Are you angry because of what happened the other day “.he asked, 

I angrily stared at him when I remembered all that happened at his place .he treated me like I was some kind of kid .and how dare him tell me I couldn't handle him.

I hissed in anger and tried to move from him,, but he held me back.

“Let me go “. I shouted.

“Take us home “.he told his driver.

“I'm not going with you “. I shouted.

“Listen, let's go home and talk About this “. He pleaded.

“No”. I shouted in anger 

“Olivia”.he called out, but I cut him off 

“What is it Rona, what the hell do you want for me “. I spoke in anger.

He stares at me and I guess he was surprised at my behavior, but I care less.

“Calm down oli”.he pleaded.

“Don't tell me to fucking calm down”. I spoke in anger.

“Why are you so angry “. It was obvious he was getting angry. 

“I'm tired if you treating me like a kid “. I shouted in anger.

He hissed and ran his fingers in his hair, 

“I'm not treating you like a kid oli, I just don't want to hurt you “.he spoke almost in a pled.

“Hurt me “. I hissed and looked away.

“You don't understand”.he spoke softly and tried and to touch my face,, but I move away.

“Not going any further that day was the best decision I made “.he spoke slowly.

“The best decision”. I asked in anger.

He shakes his head and hissed in anger.

“You don't get it, Olivia, am too rough to take you as a virgin”.

“Really”. I asked 

“Olivia”. He called out.

“Don't worry about that, okay “. I spoke in anger.

“What do you mean “.he asked, confused.

“I said you shouldn't worry about that.since you see me as a fragile girl that can't handle you, then I think Derick won't see me as one “. I said those words, not realizing what I just said.

“What did you say “. Rona voice was full of anger.

I swallowed nervously but refused to back out.

“I said I would prefer Derick having me than you “. I spoke in a firm voice.

He groaned in anger and I could feel his grips on me tighten.

“You won't do such thing”. His voice came as a threat, 

“Watch me" . I replied stubbornly.

He ran his fingers in his hair and hissed in anger.

“You are joking, right”. He spoke in anger.

“No am not”. I shouted in anger, 

“Since you treat me as a kid, then it's better I be with someone who doesn't see me as one “. I spoke firmly.

He stares at me and I could see anger all over his face.

“Is this all about the sex" he asked, 

I swallowed nervously but did not reply

“You want to go to Derick just because I wasn't able to fuck you “.he spoke harshly.

“I'm tired of you treating me like a kid “. I spoke in anger.

“Really “. He asked 

“You don't want to be treated like a kid, is that it .so because I treat you like a lady you don't want to be treated that way “.he spoke in anger.

I twist my fingers and swallowed nervously.

“You want to be to treat you as a woman, right”.he shouted in anger.

“That you shall have “.he opened the car of the door and pulled me out of the car, 

“What are you doing”. I asked in fear, 

“You don't want me to treat you as a kid right, I will show you how I treat my women”.he pulled me away from the car and dragged me to his house.

“What are you doing”. I asked in fear, 

He ignored me and dragged me to the sitting room .his men kept staring at us, but none said a word.

“Rona, what are you doing”. I spoke in fear when I noticed his body was vibrating in anger.

He ignored me and carried me roughly in his arm and climbed the stairs.

“Rona”. I spoke in fear when I realized the anger in his eyes. 

What I must have said must have really made him so angry, and the fact that I made mention of Derrick's name must have worsened everything.

We got to his room and he roughly threw me on the bed.

“What are you doing, Rona”. I asked in fear when I noticed him pulling off his shirt.

“You want to be treated like a woman, then I will show you how to be treated like one