
Do what is right

Rona's POV

“Boss, someone is here to see you “. Timothy stood at my door 

I turn around and looked at him 

“Who is that? "

“Someone “. he murmured

I wheezed in anger and stared at him 

“Does that person has no name? “. I asked in anger 

“It's Olivia, she is at the gate “.he murmured

“Olivia?”. I asked 

“Yeah, she is asking to see you "

I hissed in anger and stared at him, I wish to see her and hold her in my arms but then again I have to let her go 

“I don't want to see anyone”. I murmured

Timothy stared at me with shock, 

“What should I tell her? “. He asked, 

I groaned in frustration and glared at him with anger 

“Are you deaf, I just told you I don't want to see anyone”. I shouted in anger .

“Yes, boss “. He whispered and left my room.

I hissed in frustration and tried to stand up from my bed, but the pain in left stomach held me back.

“Mike”.  I called out 

Mike walked into my room and stood by the door 

“Has she left? “. I asked 

“It shouldn't be your business, “.he replied in annoyance

I noticed he was angry at me, but I care less 

“Get me a drink “. I ordered 

“I won't do such a thing “.he replied firmly, 

I hissed in frustration and tried to stand up from the bed,, but the pain held me back. I groaned in anger and stared at him, 

“Don't make me repeat my words”. I spoke in anger, 

He hissed softly and looked at me 

“Do your worst, Rona, you aren't getting any drink “. He said those words and storm out of my room.

I hissed in frustration and I grunted in anger, the pain in my left stomach was too painful and i couldn't walk around.

I heard my bedroom door open, I turn around and saw Rita walking in with a worried look 

“Are you okay? “. she asked while sitting beside me.

“I'm fine, don't worry “.  I replied with a smile, 

I can't tell Rita what happened, she will be heartbroken to find that the people she considered as a brother and uncle killed our father.

“Rona”. Rita's voice brought me back from my thought.

“Are you okay, you were lost in thought”. She asked with concern in her voice.

I hissed softly and smiled at her, 

“I'm fine Rita, don't worry about me “. I spoke in an assuring tone.

She stared at me for a while before leaving my room.

I groaned in pains and went for some painkillers, I took some painkillers and lay on the bed.

“Little Bird”.  I whisper, 

I hissed in frustration and closed my eyes and all I could see was her.

I wanted to see her, hold her, touch her and be with her as much as I could, but then I knew it wasn't possible.

I open my eyes and sighed in frustration.

I was so much in love with this girl and it scares me,

I closed my eyes as  picture and memories of her filled my thought until I fell asleep.

“Boss”. I groaned in frustration and opened my eyes. 

I look around and found Timothy at my door, 

“What is it? “.  I demanded in anger 

“She is here again”

“She?”.  I asked confused 

“Olivia, she is here and demands to see you”. 

“Stubborn girl “. I murmured 

I hissed in frustration and closed my eyes.

“I prefer not to see her “. I murmured

Timothy stared at me but did not say a word

“What are you still doing here? ”. I asked in irritation

“Should I tell her to leave? “.he asked 

“Yes, and get out, “.  I shouted in irritation .

He left my room and closed the door.

I hissed in anger and roughly ran my fingers through my hair.

I was hurting myself, but I have to do it., with time she would forget about me and move on. 

“Rona”. I heard Mike's voice, 

“She is still here., don't you think you should at least see her? “.

I hissed softly and look away .

“Do anything to make her go “. I ordered, 

“I can't., if you want her gone, then you should send her away and stop hiding in this room “. He spoke in anger.

I groaned in anger and look away.

He hissed and left my room.

“You can do this “. I murmured to myself.

Few minutes Mike came in with a serious look 

“Look at the time, Rona, it's late, and she refused going home unless you see her "

“So stubborn”. I murmured 

“I'm letting her in. “. he did not let me say a word before he left my room, 

I angrily hissed and sat on the bed.

I can't see her, I don't know how I will react if i sees her.

I noticed my door open and saw Mike walk in 

"She is outside your room,I'm letting her in ".he said those words and stood aside 

"Come in ".he spoke softly to Olivia.

She walked in and I met eyes with her 

"I'll be outside".he left the room and closed the door behind him 

She stared at me with fear , worry and concern before walking towards me .

"Hey ".she greeted with a smile on her face .

I groaned in frustration and look away ,why was just a smile having this effect on me 

"Rona".she called out 

I turn around and faced her 

"You wanted to see ,can I help you with something".I asked in a cold rough voice .

She stared at me hurt ,and I knew those words might have really hurt her but then I have to do it .

"I heard you weren't doing okay so I decided to check up on you ".she spoke slowly 

I hissed softly and look away trying to avoid her gaze

"Thanks for your concern ,I'm fine and doing better ".

She stared at me but did not say a word .

I took in a deep breath so I could say what I wanted to say .

"I think you should go home ,it's getting late .Mike will take you home ". I said those words while avoiding her gaze,I knew I won't be able to say those words while looking at her .

She stood there and stared at me in pain and hurt ,all I wish was to pull her to myself and tell her how much I love her but I couldn't .

"Did I do something wrong ".she asked almost in a whisper

I hissed softly and look at her .

Her eyes were red and it feels like she was about crying .

"Please tell me Rona ,why are you acting this way towards me".she begged

I hissed but did not say a word 

"Is it because we couldn't have sex ".she asked with a shaking voice .

I hissed in frustration ,how could see even think that 

"Is it because of the way I reacted the last time I was here ".she asked in pain 

"Olivia".I called out 

"Why do you call me Olivia and not little bird ".she asked in pains .

I hissed in pain and closed my Eyes ,she was making things hard for me 

"Tell me Rona ,what did I do wrong ".she Pleaded

I stared at her and saw that her eyes were filled with tears .

"Go home Olivia it's late ".I mumured 

"She that's it ,what Rita said was true".she spoke in pain 

"Rita ?".I asked confused

"What did she say to you ".I asked in curiosity 

Olivia stared at me with pains and anger 

"She said you would abandone me like you did to others ". She mumured in pain 

I ran my fingers in my hair in anger 

How can Rita say such a thing to Olivia.

"She was right ,right ?".she asked 

I hissed softly and look away 

"Tell me Rona ".she demanded in anger 

"Are you abadoning me like you did to others". She asked in pain 

I hissed in pain and stared at her 

She was in so much pain and I hated myself for putting her in such pain .

"Rona".she called out in pain 

"Are you kicking me out of your life ".she asked in pain 

I hiseed softly but couldn't say a word.

She chuckled softly and stared at me

"I should be happy that you are letting me go but here I am asking you questions I already knew".she spoke in so much pain 

Hearing those words from her I felt my heart clech in pain and all I wish was to hold her in my arms and tell her how much I love her and how much she means to me . But then I need to do what was best for her .

I hissed in frustration and took in a deep breath for what I was about to say .

"Go home oli,I wish never to see you again".I said those words while staring directly into her eyes.