
Date me

"Rona".I asked 

"Yes baby ,"don't you miss me "

"Why are you calling me ".I sounded scared 

"Don't be scared baby ,"I won't hurt you "

"Don't call me that ".I sounded irritated.

He stared laughing before he replied  me 

"Just come outside now,"don't keep me waiting "

He ended the call as soon as he said those words .

I started contemplating if I should call Derick and inform him about this .but on the other hand  I don't wanna start a fight between them  .so I decided to go see what he wanted.

I came out of the school gate but couldn't see any Trace of him.i was about going back to school when I heard my name .I look around and saw a familiar guy walking towards me .I tried to remember where I met him and realized he was one of Rona men .

"I'm Mike "

"What do you boss wants me ".I shouted 

"Just come with me "

I wanted to hesitate but decided to follow him .

He walk me to a black tinted car and  asked me to go in that Rona was inside .

I opened the car door and went in .

"You are finally here ".that was Rona's voice

"What do you want from me "

"You still own me a debt ".

"What debt are you talking about "

He chuckled before locking eyes with me .he kept on looking in my eyes like he was looking deep inside my soul .

"Date me"

"Sorry?". I asked 

"I want you to date me for two months ,"after that I will let you go and pretend you never hurt my little sis".

"I will never date a monster like you ".I shouted

"It's not an option"

"I will rather die than date you ".I shouted.

He look like he was hurt with my words .he was quiet for a while before speaking.

"Then I will gladly kill you ".he replied with a devilish smile on his face. 

"You have just two days to think about it ."and don't you dare tell Derick about this , because if you do I might not guarantee your precious aunt safety".

"Please keep my aunt away from this ".I pleaded

He chuckled before replying me 

"I don't intend hurting your aunt if only you will do as I say ".

"Two days right".

"Yes two days "

"I will give you your answer in two days "

"I'll be waiting.

I quickly came out of the car and went home.

When i got home I quickly called Lizzy .

"What's up babe I've been looking for you all over the school "

"There is problem"

"What have you done this time "

"I did nothing".I told her 

"Then what is the problem".she asked 

"Rona came to school today "

"He did what ".she shouted 

"He came to look for me today at school "

"Why ".she asked 

"He wants me to date him "

"He what".she asked

"He wants me date him for two months ,if not he might kill my aunt ".I spoke with tears in my eyes 

"Girlfriend you are in big trouble "