
Bigger trouble

"Rita".I asked with fear in my voice 

"Yes Rita,do you know her ".he asked 

"I don't ".I lied 

He gave me a wicked laugh before moving away from me. 

"I hate it when people lie to me ".he shouted , bringing some much attention to us .

"This is a work place ,so I won't tell my men to touch you."but if you ever come close to my little sis again ,I might just send your dead body back to your country"

I felt my legs shaking as soon as he said those words .

He gave me a devilish smile before walking away with his boys 

My colleague ran up to me asking so many questions .I just told her it was nothing to worry about.

When I got home I called Liz and told her what happen 

"You are in big trouble"

"I Know"

"You should avoid Rita"that girl is trouble herself"

"Maybe I will for now ".I told liz

The next day at school I sat very far from Rita .she kept on looking at me like she was expecting me to be dead by now .after class I was on my way out when she walk up to me .

"I don't know why my brother decided to let you go ".

"Stay away from me ".I shouted 

"I won't "

"Just because your brother is a Mafia boss doesn't give you the right to look for trouble ".I shouted

"I will do whatever I wishes to do "

I gave her an angry look before walking away .

On my way out I bumped into Derick 

"Watch were you are going".he shouted

"I'm sorry "

"You better be ".

I walk away from him and went to my next class .after class I sighted Liz with a guy .she waved at me to join them which I did. 

"Are you okay ".she asked 

"I'm fine".

"This is Jackson,Jackson this is my friend Olivia"

"You are the Nigerian girl Liz always talks about"

"Maybe ".I replied

"Nice to you ".he replied 

I gave him a shy smile before looking away .he was really handsome.no wonder Liz was madly in love with him .

I gave Liz and Jack my goodbyes before going home .on my way home I saw Rita at gate like she was waiting for someone .I quickly avoided her and started walking away .

"I was waiting for you black bitch"

I ignored her and kept walking.she walk up to me and stood in my front .

"Move away".I told her 

"And if I don't ".she asked 

I could she she was trying to piss me off.i push her away and kept on walking.she ran up to me and slapped me on the face .

"How dare you push me ".she shouted 

I couldn't hold my anger anymore ,I walk up to her and slapped her not once but twice.

" because your brother is a Mafia boss ,you think  can do anything you want "

She held her face like she was shocked at what I did .she released her hands from her face and there I then I noticed the place I slapped was now red .

"Consider yourself dead olivia"she spoke with a devilish smile on her face .

Maybe I'm in big trouble now .