
Asking Derick for help

Olivia's POV

I followed Lizzy out of the car park.

We left the campus and went to the play park,

“Wow, I haven't been here before”. I exclaim when I saw how beautiful the park was. Lizzy Chuckled before paying for our tickets. We got inside and found a comfortable spot to sit.

“So, why are you here “. I asked while taking a sip of the coffee she brought for us.

“We have to think of a way to get you out of this mess “.she said the word so seriously like a detective.

I hissed and thought of the possible way to get myself out of this mess, but I couldn't come up with anything positive.

“I'm out of ideas”. I spoke up while running my fingers in my hair.

Lizzy stood up and started walking in cycle around me for a while before she sat back.

“I think I have an idea “.she spoke up, 

“What could that be “.

Lizzy stared at me for a while thinking of how she could say the words to me, 

“Tell me Lizzy, is the idea that bad “. I knew wherever Lizzy hesitate to say something, that means the idea might not be good. 

“I don't think you would like the idea “.she hissed and took a sip of drink.

“Let's hear it “. I told her.

She hesitates for a while before she started speaking.

“You might not like the idea, but I think you should ask Derick for help “.she whispered.

“What “. I asked, shock.

“That's the only way out, oli, things like this are easy for Derick “.

I ran my fingers on my hair in frustration,

Things like this would have been easy for me if only I and Derick were still in good terms. But right now, he hates me so much that he nearly killed me some hours ago.

“You know Derick won't give me a listening ear, not with the way he acted some hours ago". Lizzy rolls her eyes at me before standing up, 

“Where to”. I asked while following her out of the park.

She turns around and held my shoulder,

“We are going to see Derick and ask for his help “.she smiled at me and started walking away.

“He won't listen to us “. I shouted from behind.

“Let's see about that “.she replied.

I followed her, and we came back to the campus.

We search for hours before we were able to find Derick in the basketball pitch.

The moment I saw him, memories of what happened earlier today flashed in my memory and I couldn't help but got scared. Lizzy noticed it and held my shoulder with a smile on her face.

“Do you want me to go with you “.she asked. I knew Lizzy was scared of him, but she was just trying to be a good friend.

“I think I will go by myself”. I smilled at her and started walking towards Derick.

He was relaxing on the bench with his eyes closed and an air pod in his ears .he was so lost in whatever he was listening that he didn't hear me coming.

I stood there staring at him for a moment before nervously clearing my throat. But still, yet he did not notice me.

I stood there for a while thinking of a way to get his attention. I thought for a while, and the only possible way was to tap him.

So, I move closer to him and tap him on the shoulder.

Like a speed of light, he opened his eyes and stared at me in shock and anger .he brought out his phone from his pocket and tap on it before staring at me with so much anger that I felt my body shivering.

“Why are you here “.he spoke in so much anger that I felt like walking away, but I knew I had a bigger problem than that.

“I need your help “. I murmured.

He looked at me and chuckled evilly.

“You need my help”.he asked in a mocking tone. I stared at him and knew he was furious with me.

“Yes, I really need your help “.he chuckled softly before getting up from the bench.

He walked slowly to me and stood before me.

“You need my help “.he asked in anger. I felt his angry gaze on me and I couldn't help but twist my fingers nervously.

“Yes”. I whispered while looking away.

He chuckled softly before speaking up,

“What about your precious Rona”.he asked angrily.

I stared at him and realized what happened in my house the other day has really hurt him.

I move closer to him and tried to touch him, but he moved away.

“Please let me explain”. I was pleased.

“No, there is nothing to explain here, you've told me your answer already “.he spoke angrily. I noticed he was really trying to hold back his anger from me.

“Derick”. I called out.

He closed his eyes for a moment before opening them .he ran his fingers thoroughly on his hair before speaking.

“Stay away from me oli if you don't want me to hurt you “.his voice was calm, but I knew he was serious about it.

“I won't “. I murmured

He stared at me, but this time he wasn't angry.

“If you need any help from me, I believe Rona can help you with that”.she said those and was about walking away,, but I quickly held his hand.

He stood there for a while before turning around and face me.

“What the fuck is your problem”.he shouted in anger.

“You have to listen to me, Derick”. I pleaded.

He forcefully removes my grip from him and stared at me with anger.

“What the fuck is your problem, you are here because you need my help, why can't you go to your precious Rona, or has he abandon you already”.he spoke in a mockery voices.

I stared at him and realized I won't be getting any help from him, so I just stared at him one more time before walking away.

I felt tears falling down my cheek, but I quickly wipe it off. I need to be strong, there was no room for weakness in me.

I left Derick standing there and walked over to Lizzy .she noticed my mood and hugged me tightly.

“It's okay, we will find another way '.

“Which other way “. I asked in tears. 

She released me from the hug and stared directly at me, 

“Rona”.she whispered