

Rona's pov

"You look anxious boss ,is there a problem".Mike asked 

He was right I was really anxious.i was having my first day with Olivia and I couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Are you okay boss".that was Mike voice bringing me back from my thoughts.

"I'm fine Mike ,you don't have to worry about me".

"If you say so"

"Where is Rona ?"I heard Rita shouting outside my office.she walked into my office with a angry face .

"What's the matter ".I asked with a worried voice .

"I saw her coming out from your car ".she sounded angry.

"You mean olivia ?"I asked 

"Yes,what was she doing in your car ".she was now shouting

"Keep your voice down ".I commanded her

She kept quiet and sat on my chair .I walk up to her and tap her on the head

"I will be dating Olivia for the next two months "

I can see the angry look on her face and how her expression changed.

"Why must you date her ,when you can just do with her the way you want and dump her" .

I felt anger rushed down my vein when rita says those words .I would have put a bullet on her head if she wasn't my sister.i angrily left her side and stood at the other end of the room .

"You won't tell me what to do ".I shouted at her .she look shocked at my action because I hardly spoke to her in a harsh manner.she stood up from the chair and walk up to me 

"You are now shouting at me because of her ".she spoke with anger .

"I don't wanna talk about this anymore,you should leave I have things to do".she gave me a pale look before leaving my office .I hissed and went to my wardrobe .I checked for an outfit for a date and picked the perfect one . I finished dressing up and told the driver to take me to Olivia's house .on my way to her apartment I called her and she picked up 

"Hello sunshine",

"My name is Oliviaaaaaa and not sunshine ".she spoke with a angry voice .

I chuckled at her behavior before speaking up .

You won't tell me what to call you ".

She hissed over the phone before replying me .

"What do you want ".

"I'm on my way to your house ,hope you are already dressed ,I don't like to be kept waiting".I spoke with so much command in my voice .

She was quiet for a while before speaking up .

"I'm already dressed ".

"I will be there in a no time".I told her and ended the call.

I will definitely make this date a memorable date for her ,I thought to myself.

I got to her apartment few minutes later and called olivia.

"I'm in front of your apartment ".I told her 

"I will be out in a minute".she replied back .

I ended the call and waited for her.few minutes passed and she still hasn't showed up .I called her and she rejected my calls.this girl is getting on my nerves I thought to myself.i waited for another ten minutes and she still hasn't showed up .I got angry and called her again 

"Hello ".came the voice .

"Where the hell are you ".I shouted

"I'm still dressing up "

"You better come here or I will burn down this apartment".I shouted with anger and ended the call .

Few minutes later I saw her in front of her apartment .she was putting on a crazy Jean and a white dress and her hair was unkept.its was obvious she was putting on a show for me .