
A strange offer

Olivia's POV

I froze and couldn't move from the spot that I was standing

Standing before me was Derick father staring at me with a mischievous smile on his face. How on Earth is aunt boss related to this man what would he be doing in a party like this.

“Hello penny, I want you to me my elder brother “. He introduced us to him.

Derick father smiled and took my aunt and place kisses on it.

“And I want you meet her niece Olivia”.he introduced us

“Hi”. I nervously waved my hand at him

“hello, nice meeting you “. He said those words while staring directly in my eyes.

I felt uncomfortable by his gaze and quickly looked away.

“Alright everyone, please enjoy yourself. Mr tony shouted and left us.

I and aunt left Derrick's father and move into the crowd.

“Do you know who that man is “. I asked aunt, 

“Yeah, and I believe you do “.

“You knew all along “. I asked 

“Yeah, I knew Derick was my boss's nephew and I know that man we just met is Derick's father “.she took a sip of her drink 

“So that was the reason you allowed me to stay “. I asked 

“Yeah, Derick assured me that he won't let any harm come to you and considering who is father is, I believed him “. She spoke with a smile on her face.

“Really “. I asked in shock 

“What “. She asked, 

I hissed and walked away to find a comfortable spot to sit.

“You are here “. I heard a familiar voice behind me, I knew who it was without turning around. I took a deep breath while waiting for whatever might happen.

He moves from behind me and stood before me with a big grin on his face.

“Now I see why my son is hell over hill for you “.he said those words while staring at my exposed laps. I placed my hands on my laps, but it wasn't helping. He chuckled softly and took a sip of his drink.

“I like you “. He said those words not as a word but as a threat

“You are the kind of girl I like, innocent, brave and beautiful”. He said those words while staring at me lustfully. I felt angry and disgusted but decided to keep calm.

“Be my girl and I will make the world be under your feet “. He said those words like he meant it.

“Seriously”. I asked in anger 

“This is a great opportunity you should grab it while you can “. 

I hissed and stared at him with anger, God knows what I would have said to him if not for the kind of man he is.

“Do you know you are old enough to me, my father”.I spoke in a calm voice so that people around won't hear what we were talking about.

He chuckled softly and gently rub his ring in his left finger.

“But you are not my daughter”.he spoke with a big grin on his face.

I hissed and look away, how I so much hate this man.

“Please, am not interested”. I whispered

“You should think about it, don't be in a rush “.he spoke softly

“There is nothing to think about sir, I'm your son's girlfriend and this is disgusting to hear”. I spoke in an angry tune .the thought of dating him made me feel angry and disgusted.

“Don't worry about my son, I will take care of him “. He assured me.

I hissed and stood up from the pavement I was sitting on. There was no need having such a conversation with him 

“Sorry sir, I can do this, and please don't ever say this to me “. I spoke angrily and was about leaving when he held my arm.

“It not an option, I get what I want, and you can't stop me “. He said those words while staring at me .then and there I knew I was in big trouble.

“Did you enjoy yourself”. Aunt asked when we got home, 

“Yes”. I murmured .if only she knew what was going on.

“Are you okay “. She asked while staring at me with a curious look 

“I'm fine, am just tired”. I said those words while walking to my room, so I could avoid her questions.

I got to my room and changed my cloths, I check the time and saw that I still have few hours before I have to go to work.

I lazily lay on my bed and so many things went through my head.

I don't know if I should let aunt or Derick know about what his father said to me, but if I tell aunt she will send me back home immediately .and if I tell Derrick it will bring a fight and I don't want to be the reason for that.

I hissed and turn around on the bed thinking about how my life became this complicated. I hissed and went for my phone, I dialed Rona's number, and it rang few times before it was picked.

“Hello”.came Mike voice.

I hissed when I realized it was Mike again, 

“Please give Rona the phone “. I spoke in anger. I was getting filled up with all this.

“I can't, Rona is busy right now “. He spoke in a calm voice, but I could notice how tired his voice sound.

“Mike “. I called out

“I can hear you "

“Is everything alright over there “. I asked .for strange reason, I was getting a strange feeling in my body.

He was about saying something when I heard someone groaned in pain and I knew it was Rona.

“Rona”. I shouted over the voice 

“Is that Rona, why is he groaning in pains, what is wrong with him “. I was shouting and panicking.

“You heard wrong, that wasn't Rona “.he spoke calmly, but I knew he was lying.

“Give Rona the phone “. I shouted in anger.

Mike hissed over the phone before speaking up

“Rona isn't here, and he is busy, I have to go now “. He said those words and ended the call on me.

I scream in frustration and threw the phone on the bed .that was Rona, I knew I wasn't wrong, the person who groaned in pain was Rona and Mike couldn't deceive me.

What was going on and why was Rona avoiding me.

I pick up the phone and called Lizzy, 

“Hello girlfriend”. She spoke cheerfully.

“Hey “. I spoke in a low tune

“What is it “. She asked concerned

“So many things is wrong “. I spoke slowly.

“Wait for me, I'm coming over to your place”.

“Alright, I will be waiting”. I said those words and ended the call.

I lay on the bed and waited for Lizzy to come .few minutes my door was wide opened, and I saw Lizzy walking inside my room .she met eyes with me and gave me a curious look.

“What is going on”. She asked while sitting on the bed.

I hissed and stood up from the bed.

“Where do I begin from “. I murmured

“Start for anywhere”

I hissed softly before speaking up 

“I met Derrick's father in a pool party today “. I murmured

“And”. She asked, 

“He wants me to be his girlfriend”. I felt disgusted even by saying if.

“Tell me you are joking”. Liz chuckled softly

“I wish I was “. I whispered

“Shit”. She shouted, "This can't be happening, how can Derrick dad wants you to be his girlfriend when he knows you are with Derrick”. She spoke in disbelief.

“And what did you say”. She asked while staring at me with a curious look.

“Of course, I told him no “. I spoke angrily.

“And “.she asked, 

“And what “. I asked confused

“Listen I know he won't allow you go even if you say no “.she spoke up while giving me a pity look.

“Should I let Derick know about this “. I asked, 

“No you shouldn't, we will find a way to solve this “.she bit her lips and thought for a while.

“We should let Rona know about this “.she spoke with a smile on her face. I hissed and ran my fingers in my hair in frustration.

“What is wrong “. She asked when she noticed my mood.

“I don't know what to say "

“Then say it as it is "

I hissed and stared at Lizzy before speaking up, 

“Rona has been avoiding me since he travelled to China “. I spoke softly

“Why would he do that, did you guys have fight “.she asked 

“No, and even if we had a fight, Rona will never ignore or avoid me “. I hissed and ran my fingers in my hair.

“This is strange “. Lizzy murmured.

“Not just that, I called him earlier today and his friend pick up the call saying he wasn't around, but then I heard someone groaned in pain close to him and I knew it was Rona”.

“Shit, this is bad “. Lizzy spoke up

“But are you sure it's Rona “.she asked 

“Of course am very sure "

“Then why will he not pick up the call or speak to you “. She asked, 

“I don't know “. I murmured.

Lizzy kept quiet and thought for a while before she speaks up 

“Oli”.she called out my name, 

I turn around and stared at her.I think Rona doesn't want to have anything to do with you anymore”.she said those words like she was so sure of it.

The moment I heard those words, I felt my palm become sweaty and my heart clench in pain.