
I’ve reincarnated as Zeus!?!?(rewriting)

A guy dies and finds himself reincarnated as baby Zeus. What will he do as a new race of gods? Will he mess the same mistakes as the old one? Stay tuned to discover these things with Zeus, the king of the gods!!

Boots_ups_your_ass · Derivasi dari karya
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4 Chs

Information and honey.

I watch Neda's face morph into one of confusion, as she stops in her tracks. She looks around, searching for the source of the sound. However, I didn't let her wait for long as I opened my mouth again.


Her eyes instantly lock on to me as her face changes into one of shock. She yelped, almost dropping me as she jumped in surprise.

"Did- did you just talk?" She stuttered out, her hold on me shaken.

Abandoning my newfound motive, I instantly replied. "Yes."

"Woah. A talking child." She let out in awe. "You truly are different from the Titans." She said, self-consciously raising me to better look at me.

"I have something to ask you," I said, eagerly wanting to forward the conversation.

"Y-yes, Lord Zeus. You must be very interested about this world." She replied, snapping out of her awe. She stiffened up as she seemed to remember who I was. I guess even baby-size Zeus is one to fear. However, she's probably afraid because of my mother.

Her face suddenly frowned as thoughts ran through her eyes. "Lord Zeus, do you perhaps know what's going on?" She asked seriously.

"Somewhat," I said. I briefly wonder if I should have lied to her, but the world of Greek mythology works in many strange ways. It should be fine. "Enlighten me."

"Of course, Lord Zeus. I guess I should start at the beginning." She muttered, tapping her chin as she thought for a moment. After briefly gathering her thoughts she told me the story so far.

In the beginning, there was Chaos. Not actual chaos, the primordial Chaos. There was a planet Earth back then and Chaos somehow gave it sentience, creating Gaea. My grandmother.

After that Gaea started doing her own thing before getting tired of being alone on earth. She looked at the space above her and wish for a sky. And her wish was somehow granted, from Chaos or willpower, no one knows. Anyways, this created Ouranos, my grandfather.

And being the only two beings on earth, they mingled, giving birth to the Titans, the Elder Cyclops, and the Hundred-Hands. However, Ouranos, after seeing the latter two was so disgusted he sent them straight to Tartarus.

I took note of this information. Confirming the location of future allies. However, it's not that significant as the information was already known to me.

Moving forward, Gaea was upset and ended their engagement. She plotted against him using his children. However, not all of them went against him. The outliers being the female Titans and Oceanus.

Again, basic knowledge.

Gaea and the remaining Titans, Koios, Iapetus, Krios(different guy), Hyperion, and Kronos, tricked Ouranos into his weakest form. Kronos cut him up as the other four held Ouranos' limbs, preventing him from escaping. They succeed in killing him, ridding him of his primordial body.

However, in Ouranos' dying breaths, he spoke his final words, a curse. That one day Kronos' children would overthrow him as he did to him.

After his death, Kronos was crowned king of Earth. He freed his brothers and after that, Gaea was satisfied and went into a deep slumber. And almost immediately, Kronos switched up on his younger siblings, sending them back to Tartarus.

Then later, after my mother gave birth to my sister, Hestia, he went on an eating-your-own-children frenzy. Thankfully, Rhea saved me.

I'm glad I wasn't reincarnated as any of my siblings because I would really hate to be in his stomach right now.

Neda finished the story, telling me that Kronos currently doesn't know I exist right now which was very nice to hear.

"I see. Thank you, Neda." I said after hearing her finish.

"Of course, Lord Zeus!" She quickly let out, reassuring me that it was her pleasure.

I thought about the information I have received so far before frowning. The curse that Ouranos put on Kronos, which in some iterations he put on me. His final send-off he gives before being cut up by his scythe and imprisoned in Tartarus.

I would need a way to combat this if I don't want to suffer an unfortunate demise. And I know someone who could possibly help.

Hecate, the goddess of Magic and Witchcraft. The only problem is I don't know when she appears. Hopefully before the war.

I asked Neda about several things to get more information. Like does she know who Kronos' allies are and if she knew how to get to Tartarus.

She was a bit freaked out about me asking her how to get to Tartarus as it was the Greek equality to hell. She asked me in a panic why I would want to know how to get there.

I told her calmly that it was to get allies to help me defeat Kronos, which surprised her greatly. I would be too if a child who was just been born was planning so far ahead.

Unfortunately, she doesn't know the exact location of Tartarus as to get to one needs to go through a series of cave systems.

She did however know who Kronos' allies are. They are the four that helped him overthrow Ouranus and the titans, Atlas and Menoetius. I was unfamiliar with Menoetius, the latter of the two.

Neda added that he was the titan of rashness. Interesting. Anyways, I should keep an eye on Kronos' relationships. There is no telling who else would join his side when the war starts.

I sat there in deep thought as one more question eagerly begged to be asked. "Neda, do you know when my mom is coming back?"

"I don't know, Lord Zeus." She fluttered uneasily as a worried expression showed on her face. "I'm sure she would come as soon as she can." She continued, failing to hide her nervousness.

"I see." I was kinda bummed out by that for reasons that I can't comprehend.

'What to do now?' I thought when a shadow cast over my eyes. I look up to see us going into a cave entrance. It must have been the same one I woke up in.

We headed deep inside, going back to the room from before. Neda sat down on a nice smooth rock as she hold me.

"Neda, can you put me down?" I requested. She quickly agreed to my request as I started moving around getting a feel for my body. I wondered how strong it was. I looked around the seeing rocks scattered on the floor when an idea came to me.

"Lord Zeus, what are you doing?" Neda queried from the sideline curiously.

"I want to see how strong I am," I replied bluntly as I started picking up rocks.

I decided not to hide my intentions from Neda as she was my handmaiden and it was too much of a hassle. I don't have time to worry about these little things.

The rock I picked grew bigger and bigger before stopping at a rock slightly bigger than my head. I look at it before wrapping my small arms around it tightly, raising it over my head. My arms buckled as I started feeling its weight slowly lower on me. I was barely able to throw it off me.

I fell to the ground and saw Neda rush towards me. Seeing I was just exhausted and not hurt she picked me up and put me on her lap.

I felt kinda giggly from the motion as I never received something like it before. Her legs were soft and warm, making the blush on my cheek even redder. In my previous life, I never laid on a girl's lap, so I couldn't help but feel flustered.

"You know Lord Zeus. I'm glad to see you like this. I would be lying if I said I wasn't overwhelmed." Neda softly spoke as I felt a hand brush through my hair.

I didn't say anything as there was nothing to say.

Suddenly, my stomach rumbled loudly. A pregnant silence came with it as the sound of my stomach growl hang in the air.

My blush grew redder as I heard giggles above me. "The others should be up here in a little bit. When they get here I will feed you."

I shyly nodded, burying my face in her thigh. There are a couple of perks to being a kid. I slowly dozed off as I lay down when I heard someone exclaim.

"Neda, we're here!"

I open my eyes and raise my head, seeing the Kourete brothers and the two nymphs. The brothers who were carrying baskets, placed them down beside Neda.

"Melissae! That's great! Lord Zeus was just hungry." She praised as she stands up. She walked over to the three baskets, each filled with something else. One with blankets, branches, and some hex object that was covered in orange liquid.

Neda bent down to get one and brought it toward my face. "Here Lord Zeus."

I look at it curiously before opening my mouth to take a bite out of it. But before I could eat it someone snatched it away from me.

"Wait!" Someone shouted. I looked annoyingly at the person that took my lunch. Her hair was black and messy and she had bright orange eyes.

"Can I feed him?" She requested eagerly, crumbling my lunch in her hand.

"I- what?" Neda let out, surprised by her action. "I don't know, Melissae-"

"Please!" She begged, jumping up and down on her with an excited grin on her face.

"Fine fine fine," Neda yielded annoyingly as she hands me over to her. The nymph quickly grabbed me and brought the crumbled food to my mouth, poking with it.

"Say ah," Melissae said. I looked at the food in disgust as a bit of it fell off. Normally I would have standards. However, I was feeling hungry so I took a bite.

If I were to compare it to something I ate in the past. It would be a Rice Krispie treat filled with honey. I had to pause my snacking to close my eyes and appreciate the flavor. And that way it comes together at the end. Very delicious.

"Yes~ yes~ it's good isn't it?" I abruptly ended my snacking as an eerie voice enter my ears making me uncomfortable. Opening my eyes I could see the nymph from before staring at me attentively like a cat.


Word count:1745

Surprise! I know I put a notice out and said I wasn't going to be able to update this story, but nothing happened. Kinda anticlimactic. But hey, nice chapter.

Let me know what you think about this chapter. Was it good? Let me know.

I have some big plans in store for the future. Especially for Titanomachy. Again let me know what you think. I don't know if I did a good job.