
I’m the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

After a brief slumber, Yuga woke up to find himself in the world of Pokémon, inheriting a family daycare business. Note: 1. This book is a Pokémon fan fiction. 2. The story is heavily inspired by the animated series in terms of world-building and characters. 3. Early chapters may contain mature themes, reader discretion is advised. 4. The main storyline involving the day care may have a slower start, please be patient. 5. Prior to reading, it is recommended to review the introductory sections for relevant information. 6. This story does not feature a female lead. Let's Join : My Patreon: https://shorturl.at/imCOS My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EmMDmZmRaC

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After being rescued by Yuga, the young man and the boy approached him and spoke rapidly in a language he couldn't understand.

The language spoken by the young man and the boy was the same as the one used by the two individuals in black.

What language is this, and why can't I understand it? Yuga was puzzled.

At this moment, the system provided an explanation to Yuga.

It turned out that these four people were speaking an ancient language of the Pokémon world.

Yuga's system had interacted with this world when he entered it, allowing him to understand the ancient language of the Pokémon world.

With the system's translation, Yuga could finally understand what these two were saying.

However, they couldn't understand what Yuga was saying in response.

So, Yuga had to follow the system's guidance and translate his words into a language they could understand, despite the inconvenience. This way, they could communicate.

But why were these two individuals using the ancient language of the Pokémon world?

Yuga quickly found the answer during their conversation.

Among these two individuals, the young man was named Hubert, and he was the guardian of the boy named Shadowsong.

Hearing the name Shadowsong, Yuga felt a sense of familiarity and became frightened when he thought about it carefully.

He remembered that when his master took him to the temple to awaken his abilities, there were plaques dedicated to the ancestors, and the name Shadowsong was the first and most prominent among them.

Because of its prominent placement and distinct name, Yuga had remembered it.

Of course, the names on the plaques were written in the modern language of the Pokémon world, which is why Yuga remembered them so vividly.

Connecting the dots between the boy with the power similar to his own, the language they spoke, and the appearance of Celebi earlier, Yuga couldn't help but think that there might not be so many coincidences in the world.

It made sense that Celebi had brought these two individuals here from ancient times.

So, how should this be calculated? Ancestor?

Looking at the young boy who was younger than himself, Yuga felt a headache coming on.

"Are you saying we've traveled to a future world?" The boy's face showed disbelief.

"Yes, the language you're speaking is ancient and different from the one we use now," Yuga replied.

"Then... how many years into the future have we come?" The boy looked anxious.

"I don't know..." Yuga admitted, realizing that he wasn't well-versed in the history of the Pokémon world, especially its ancient history.

"Have you heard of the Arus Empire?" The boy asked, his unfamiliar surroundings making him anxious, causing him to stutter.

"Ar... Arus..." Hearing this name, Yuga was taken aback.

Could it really be such a coincidence?

Suddenly, the ancestor came to mind, and it was from the Arus Empire, which he had a deep connection.

This is a country that existed in the Hoenn region thousands of years ago.

Yuga had once researched the history of the Arus Empire, It's unclear whether it was because the king at that time was excessively cruel or if parts of history have been lost.

In any case, within the historical records of Hoenn region, there are only scattered mentions of the Arus Empire, and there is no useful information available.

In the field of archaeology, the Arus Empire remains a mysterious presence.

"Yes, what's wrong with the Arus Empire?" Confused by Yuga's strange expression, Shadowsong asked.

"Are you truly from the period when the Arus Empire existed?" Yuga couldn't help but ask again.

"Y-yes... Is there a problem?" Shadowsong was puzzled.

"Arus... That was a kingdom that existed over a thousand years ago," Yuga explained.

Upon hearing Yuga's words, Shadowsong was shocked. He hadn't expected to have arrived in a future over a thousand years later.

"Don't worry; I will find a way to send you back," Yuga assured them.

Yuga comforted Shadowsong, feeling that it was his duty, especially since this boy might be related to his ancestor lineage. Yuga thought he should help them, as Celebi had brought them together for a reason.

To send Shadowsong back, Yuga needed to find Celebi, and the only clue to his whereabouts was in the temple connected to their lineage. Yuga's master had mentioned that their lineage was the only one with a close connection to Legendary Pokémon. Celebi had appeared when Yuga awakened his abilities, but the Celebi he encountered today seemed much more powerful.

Yuga decided that he should take Shadowsong to see his master; it seemed like the best course of action.

"Thank you, Yuga. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know what to do," Shadowsong expressed his gratitude, seeing Yuga as a genuinely helpful person despite their first meeting.

On the other hand, Hubert, the guardian, remained cautious and didn't quite understand why Yuga was being so helpful to strangers.

"I'm not helping you for no reason. You must have felt the power within us that connects us. Since Celebi brought you to me, he must have wanted me to assist you," Yuga explained.

However, Yuga refrained from mentioning that he recognized Shadowsong as their ancestor; he couldn't bring himself to say those words.

In truth, Yuga's master hadn't lied. Their lineage did trace back a long way, perhaps even a thousand years.

"I see, that explains why I felt so familiar with you," Shadowsong said excitedly, and even Hubert's wariness seemed to fade away.

"By the way, how did you encounter Celebi, and who were those two individuals in black?" Yuga finally remembered to ask.


Shadowsong briefly recounted their story.

They had been pursued and had taken refuge in a forest. Somehow, they had ended up here with those two individuals in black.

Shadowsong didn't elaborate on why they were being pursued, but Yuga guessed it might be due to family conflicts.

Judging from Shadowsong's attire and demeanor, it was clear he came from a well-off family, and he had a personal guardian.

"Here's what we'll do: you both come with me back to my home, and I'll help you find a way to return," Yuga suggested.

"Thank you so much, Yuga. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't even know where to go," Shadowsong expressed his gratitude.

With only a Dusknoir and Sceptile as their companions, Shadowsong and Hubert couldn't easily make the journey back to Verdanturf Town.

So, Yuga released his Dragonite and Charizard to transport them. Shadowsong and Hubert would ride on Dragonite, while Yuga would take Charizard.

Shadowsong and Hubert were amazed by Yuga's ability to store Pokémon in Poké Balls, a convenience they didn't have in their time over a thousand years ago.

To make it easier for them to carry Dusknoir and Sceptile, Yuga gave each of them a Poké Ball as a gift, which they cherished.

During the journey back to Verdanturf Town, Yuga did his best to educate them on some common knowledge of this era to prevent them from making jokes.

He also advised them to avoid speaking or interacting with others to avoid appearing too out of place.