
Ecological Park Pokémon Groups Arrangement

Main Ecopark:

- Audino (pseudo-Elite)

- Great Flygon (pseudo-Elite)

- Wigglytuff

- Medidite x 11

- Natu x 18

- Mr. Mime x 2

- Gardevoir (Female)

- Gallade

- Ralts x 5 (including one offspring of Gardevoir and Gallade)

- Gardevoir (Male)

Desert Sub-Ecopark:

- Oasis 1:

- Snorlax

- Shiny Ariados

- Galvantula

- Ursaring

- Kecleon family (including baby Kecleon)

- Oasis 2:

- Gligars and Gliscors family

- Oasis 3:

- Trapinches, Vibrava, and Flygon family

Shallow Sea Shore:

- In the Sea:

- Cradily

- Cloyster

- Kabutops

- Clauncer and Clawitzer family

- Island 1:

- Linoone and Mightyena

- Greninja

- Milotic (Blue)

- Gyarados (Blue)

- Milotic (5 Green, 4 Yellow)

- Island 2:

- Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Bellossom family

- Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff family

- Island 3:

- Archeops

- Vullaby and Mandibuzz family

Flower Sea Sub-Ecopark:

- Dragonite (Champion Level)

- Vespiquen (pseudo-Elite) → Combee (Reversed)

- Masquerain x 2

- Sceptile (1 Blue, 5 Green)

- Serperior (1 Blue, 2 Green)

- Lilligant x 8

- Tsareena x 10

- Bellossom x 5

- Cacturne x 5

- Exeggutor x 5

- Lurantis x 5

- Gogoat x 2

- Shroomish x 5

- Swadloon x2

- Amoonguss

- Cottonee

- Ribombee


Grassland Sub-Ecopark:

- Noctowl (Elite) & Chatot (Hoothoot)

- Honchkrow (Initial) & Swellow (Initial)

- Murkrow x 3

- Swellow x 6

- Crobat

- Golbat x 2

- Altaria (Blue)

- Swabblu x 14

- Starly, Staravia, Staraptor family x 8

- Miltank family

- Tauros family

- Persian and Delcatty x 3

- Liepard and Zoroak (Purrloin and Zorua)

- Swampert (1 Blue, 4 Green)

- Lombre x 4

- Bagon

- Deino


Volcano Sub-Ecopark:

- Volcarona (Elite)

- Ninetales (Initial: Blue) - Houndoom (Initial) - (Vulpix x 3)

- Ninetales x 3

- Houndoom x 5

- Rapidash (Leader)

- Ponyta x 9

- Typhlosion

- Cyndaquil x 2

- Darmanitan

- Darumaka

- Umbreon (Male) - Espeon (Female)

- Jolteon (Male) - Sylveon (Female)

- Vaporeon (Male) - Vaporeon (Female)

- Leafeon (Female)

- Glaceon (Female)

- Flareon (Male) - Flareon (Female)


Haunted Manor Sub-Ecopark:

- Ghost Sea:

- Jellicent (Blue) - Jellicent (Pink)

- Room 1:

- Chandelure

- Litwick family

- Room 2:

- None

- Room 3:

- None