
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasi
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66 Chs

Chapter 64: Goodbye

Charles' POV: I woke up, surprised to see it was the next morning already, and saw my beautiful bride-to-be next to me. I ran downstairs and brought two blood bags with me when I got back up Jade was gone. I checked the bathroom and luckily I saw her there, she was looking at the bit mark on her waist that has now spread to her hip and ribcage. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her shoulders in a hug. I whispered in her ear, "I love you." She smiled and replied, "I love you more!" We both stared in the mirror at each other for a slight moment until Jade fell out of my grasp onto the floor wincing in pain. I cradled her in my arms to try and take her mind off of it, but it didn't work. She was really hurting right now so I layed her in bed and ran to get Elizabeth. She said that if I rub a special ointment she made onto Jade's bite then it'll slow the process and help ease the pain a little more. I returned and Jade allowed me to rub it on her wound. She grunted every now and then at the pain, but for the most part she seemed more relaxed. When I handed Jade a blood bag she didn't hesitate to take it from me, in fact, she drank the whole thing in nearly a minute! We both layed in bed for awhile watching tv until she shot up in a hurry and screamed loudly. I didn't know how to help her in this situation. She's hurting but I don't know how to make it feel better. Right now Elizabeth, Audrey, Ariana, Nora Lee, and Daniel are all researching ways to cure a werewolf bite. So far there hasn't been anything. Hopefully soon they'll find something to cure her.


For the past 5 hours Jade hasn't shown any sign of recovery. She's getting worse by the second. I feel awful for her, but I can't do anything right now except sit here with her. Everyone else told me I have to stay with Jade in order to keep her in check so she doesn't try to murder the whole town. So far, she hasn't had any hallucinations or breakdowns, I'd say that's progress. The bite has also stopped spreading on her body. In the meantime while Jade and I wait to hear from anyone, we're watching our favorite show, only the last few minutes of this episode and it's over! Almost another hour passed, nobody has heard anything back yet. Jade and I have barely spoken to each other today. She turned to me and said, "Charles, I have a question for you but you have to agree on it!" He neglected to answer the second part of my statement as he replied, "What's your question Jade?" She looked very serious when she said, "I'm in so much pain and torture. I don't show it because I don't like showing my weak side, but it's there. I feel like tearing apart everyone I see, and I'm hungry and in so much pain, so I wanted to ask you if you'd kill me?" My face widened in shock. Before I could answer, Jade held up her head and screamed loudly in pain and said to me, "It's spreading to my brain. Ahhh! Please, Charles! Make it stop. Kill me please!" Her screaming was sad. I felt terrible for her. I leaned in and put my hands on each side of her head. She calmed down instantly. I whispered in her ear, "I cannot live without you Jade. If you want me to kill you then you'll have to kill me too!" Her face grew silent. Teardrops drained her face as she said, "I want to die Charles. I can't live like this for another minute!" I nodded my head in agreement. I leaned over and said, "We can just reach into each other's chest and give our hearts a twist, that'll kill us." Jade shook her head in disagreement and said, "No! You kill me and that's all there is to it. I won't kill you Charles. You have your life to live and I refuse to let your life be taken because I wanted to be selfish. I love you with all of my heart, and because of that...I'm letting you go. Kill me, mourn me, and move on. Promise me that!" I climbed onto her and wiped the tears from her face. She placed her hand on my face and smiled. I leaned closer to her face and kissed her one last time. Then she said to me, "I love you!" I plunged my hand into her chest as she gasped. I waited a moment hoping she would change her mind, but all she did was nod for me to keep going. Tears ran down my face as I ripped Jade's heart from her chest. Then, as she was taking her last breath, I whispered, "I love you too."

Jade's POV: I felt my life drift away from me into a deep slumber. Awhile later and I woke back up. How am I awake. I stood on the opposite side of the room which is strange considering I can clearly see Charles picking up my dead body from the bed. I now know what has happened. I died and now I'm on the mystical passage of death for the supernatural. Charles told me stories of it, and how once my debt for all the bad things I've done is paid for in time I will be at peace! I smiled with tears filling my eyes. I watched as right before Charles took care of my body Elizabeth walked in and was shocked. I could hear what they were saying also. This is amazing, I get to watch over my true love, and the family I got to call my own! Maybe death isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I will soon find peace and get to live out my days as I choose. Until then, I will route for the rest of the Sulimans to move on, and for Charles to find new love. I picked up a piece of paper off of the desk nearby in our room and the pencil next to it. I didn't know I could touch anything. I used this opportunity to write a note for Charles.

Dear Charles,

I'm on the Other Side now. I love that I get to still see you and everyone else, but don't let that stop you from moving on. Tell everyone that I'll miss them and how much I love all of them. Tell my father I love him, and tell Talia that I appreciate everything she's done and how much I love her as well. As for you, Charles, I will never forget you, and I hope you never forget me either. I will love you until the end of time and long after that. We promised each other forever, and I'm glad you honored that until my last breath. I love you Charles. This won't be our last encounter. I will find a way to see you again. Goodbye for now!

Love, Jade.