
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
66 Chs

Chapter 39: The Story About A Love Triangle

Jade's POV: I continued with the story, "So when I first arrived in Boston I was here to visit my mother after nearly 12 years of being in California with my dad. When I arrived I was told I had to go to school, so I did and on my first day I connected with someone, he had chestnut hair and golden eyes, he was like a miracle put on this Earth just to fall in love with me. It was Nathan. I was immediately drawn to his charms, even though he wouldn't speak a single word to me until he saved me from being crushed by a car, then he didn't show up to school for a few days. I went to his house to check on him when I saw Elizabeth for the first time, then I had a conversation with Nathan and he told me about him and his family, how you're all vampires. When I started freaking out I felt a pair of strong arms grab me and put me in a car. I woke up in a motel and there I saw Daniel for the first time. He explained to me about the ritual and Nathan's curse, how I was the key to breaking it and he was saving my life. I instantly grew to hate and fear Nathan more and more. I also grew to fall in love with Daniel, and only about a day or two past before I slept with him, after that he told me that Elizabeth and Nathan were out of town so we could go back home. He took me back to your siblings house and that's when I met Charles, his first impression on me was very cruel. He fed me his blood and nearly turned me into a vampire until Elizabeth came and snapped his neck, then she introduced herself to me. After that, Daniel showed me to Audreys room where me and her met. She was nicest by far and the least harmful looking, I loved her instantly, she's like a sister to me. Then Daniel got put to sleep by Nathan for being with me, and Charles shot his shot with me and kissed me at my doorstep. I melted when I felt his lips on mine and I invited him in, I tried to have sex with him but he did the gentlemanly thing and just had us watch movies and cuddle all night. After that, Nathan spotted Charles kissing me in the school parking lot so he woke Daniel up and they nearly ripped each other's heads off over...me. Then Daniel forced the decision on me, who would I pick. I had to make a choice between Charles and Daniel. I couldn't pick, it felt nearly impossible to choose between them because I was slowly falling for each of them. I asked to have some time to myself to choose, I ended up taking almost three months to decide. By then Nathan insisted on performing the ritual to break his curse. I willingly went and let myself die. However, we had a backup plan, it failed though so Elizabeth ended up resurrecting me from the dead. After that Charles and I had our own plan, it involved me pretending to be caught up in dark magic, I pulled it off perfectly. Everyone bought it. I was able to snap Nathan's neck with only my mind and leaving like a total badass. When I got home a few hours past and Charles knocked on my door. Before the ritual happened I told Charles that if this ended badly and I ended up dying for good that I choose him. Since I was able to live I still chose him. He was a gentleman and didn't kidnap me or take advantage of me like Daniel did. After about a week Charles had been staying at my house ever since and we planned a trip to Prague. The trip was a 'secret mission' in order to find a special glass hair comb that held dark magic and a bunch of power from all of my ancestor witches in the past. We got there and had to interrogate my sister Talias college professor who gave her a spell book, he knew about vampires and witches too. We got there and Charles compelled him to tell us where the comb was. He said it was in Prague but he didn't know an exact location, we also found out it was in a safe that was spelled shut. Once we left we got a map and put together a list of all the places it could be. But before we left Charles revealed to me that he had a sibling that's had been asleep for 2,900 years, you Nora, and I was very upset because he never wanted me to know that. I didn't speak to him for the rest of the day. But that didn't stop us from finding that comb. We searched an area in the woods and found and old, abandoned cabin with the safe inside. We brought it back to the hotel we were staying at and I figured out a way to open it, I had to use a truth spell on Charles to find out if I could open it or not since it was spelled shut. In doing that I found out that there was more than just the comb inside, there was the spell that put you, Ariana, to sleep over 90 years ago, and the spell that sealed the safe shut. I created my own spell that opened the safe and I found all three of those items inside, the two spells, and the comb. The next morning Charles explained to me that he wanted to take me to London. I went with him and we visited museums and saw probably a million different art pieces, I love art and painting so he brought me there for a reason. After that he took me somewhere else, a house he has there in London. We went inside and he had a dress waiting there for me, it was the most beautiful dress I'd ever seen, and we danced and drank and laughed. At the end of the night we said 'I love you' for the first time and after that we also had sex for the first time. After that we came back and the moment we opened my house door we saw my mother, staked against the dining room wall, Nathan killed her. So then, without anybody but myself knowing, on the day of my mother's funereal while everyone was out of your house, I used the hair comb and took in every ounce of dark magic that was inside, I used my new power to open up Arianas coffin and awaken her. After that we planned to kill Nathan, nobody knew she was awake except me. We used that to our advantage. Charles was aware of the plan to kill Nathan, except he didn't know it included Ariana, so while he was holding back Elizabeth, Ariana was holding back Nathan, then I ripped his heart out. After that I woke you up, Nora, and went home. Once I went home I found myself paranoid that Elizabeth would try to kill me, but she never did obviously, however, Charles stopped by and we spent the rest of the night together. When we woke up my sister Talia told me that she was moving to California to live with my dad. She left me here. And then you two came in and swiped me onto this plane. That pretty much sums up my life when I moved her to Boston! Any questions?" Ariana looked at me and said, "I have a few...How the hell aren't you crying right now from that story? Why are you still in Boston after all that? How did you overcome all of that trauma so fast? And how the hell are you acting fine when you have dark magic inside you?"