
I’m A What Now???

Lunar (our MC) dies by mistake and gets a chance to get reincarnated, but what happens when something goes wrong and now he needs help, come and watch his adventure

TheDragonEmpress24 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

How Did This Happen Again?

Lunars' POV

I was panting and the feeling of hopeless washed over me like a wave, the sound of feet behind me got me out of my thoughts, how did this happen?!

Earlier That Day

I was happily skipping as I was heading home, I just got new books of one of the best selling book series, Harry Potter, ok they aren't really new but I have turned a deaf ear to all spoilers so that I can buy all the books and movies and binge read and watch, and today is the day!

3rd Person POV

As Lunar was walking he was too excited to notice that a truck was heading straight for him, last minute he saved his books and movies so that if he lives he gets to watch and read after, sadly this is the legendary truck-kun and he would not survive. As the truck hit him a god was yelling "NO! HE'S NOT ON YPUR LIST!" But his call went to deaf ears, so he sighed picked up the soul and waited until the soul would speak.

Lunars' POV

I just died, and I didn't get to read or watch anything for Harry Potter, i silently cried anime tears. I was so busy crying I didn't notice that the godly being in front of me, after what seemed like hours i noticed the being and quickly apologized "I'm so sorry! I should have noticed you!" The being just said "Yes yes well I have some bad news" I waited patently "you should have died when you were 87 not when you were 25" I was startled and asked "then what happened?" The god (I think) calmly stated "the infamous truck-kun went rogue and hit you instead" I nod my head and ask "what now?" The god said while handing me a bottle and pointed "well I have to reincarnate you into a different world so drink this and head through that tunnel" I nod and drank the weird potion thing and went through the tunnel when it started shaking half way through, as I went tumbling I threw up, the potion didn't get the time to work.

The Gods POV

"DAM*IT FATE IF YOU DO THAT ONE MORE TIME DADS GOING TO KILL ME!!!" I yell at my younger sister fate as she just ruined another one my universes, since she ruined it I'll make a few changes for him, hopefully he won't Mind as it's going to be a BIG change.

Lunars' POV

When I woke up I felt wet and warm, wait, wasn't I supposed to forget my memories? As I was thinking this I heard a voice in my head "hey! Sorry for informing you like this but uh my younger sister Fate messed with your fate as you were going down the tunnel, you were supposed to be reincarnated in a fantasy universe as crown prince but Fate decided that you should become a 12 tailed demon fox, your gonna be born in a few hours so I'll inform you everything on your species, your born as human with ears and tails but normal beings of your species is born with 2 or 3 tails, but you get 4 as your a 12 tail, you're going to be born in a rouge clan that gets killed later, all the adults get massacred and the young get taken and used as pets or slaves, but for plot reasons a pregnant mother makes it out. After days of travel she finds a good den site and has her litter there, that fox is your mother, because you know nothing of this world you'll be given a system, it will answer questions within reason and because I don't want you to die right off the bat whenever you or your family is in the den so long as you barely move or make a sound no being will see you or them, also this is around your modern time in housing, there is little electricity and zero water pumps, but the houses have a modern look they just have lamps instead of lightbulbs, everything you know about walking should be put in the trash, I will contact you if something new pops up, bye!" I blinked then just waited, being birthed won't be that bad, right?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! I’m kidding but still, I’m running out of ideas for this

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