
I’ll Start A New

.... In her past life she was an assassin though not the best she was still pretty good. After dying in an explosion she awoke in the body of a baby. How will Scarlett’s life be from now on? Will she be able to live a different life than her past life? Or maybe this life will be full of surprises waiting for her to discover. After all this is a world of cultivation. **** **** It’s my first time writing something so yeah! If you find that my story is similar to something else you read it probably is! I read a lot and take inspiration from here and there but I’ll try to make this an original. If you have any suggestions please let me know! Let me know if there’s a spelling or grammar mistake. Thanks! The cover photo isn’t mine I just edited a picture I found! Updates are random!

Snowlotus56 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

Chapter 2 - 6 months later

At an unknown location somewhere far from our little Scarlett.

A man dressed in black was traveling threw a forest at an inhuman speed. After arriving at what seemed to be his location he walked into a courtyard.

Standing outside a large door with wooden carvings, he gets down on one knee.

"Reporting, your subordinate has returned."

After waiting around 5 minutes he finally heard a response.

Without so much as a greeting the man inside spoke in a bone chilling cold voice.

"I presume you completed your task, hmm?"

When his subordinate heard this question he broke out in a cold sweat and reported what happened.

"Your subordinate was ordered to kill the woman and child but during the fight there w..was a complication."

"Oh…", the man inside said in a deadly calm voice.

Shaking, his subordinate replied, "The w..woman self destructed and through the ruckus h..her servant escaped with the child. Your subordinate has searched everywhere during the pas six month but failed to find a trace of her. But down worry Master, that servant and child shouldn't have long to live at most five years with proper treatment." An everlasting glint appeared in the subordinates eyes.

During there fight six months ago, before it even started, they had made sure to poison that woman, her child and subordinates. Otherwise, they probably wouldn't have stood a chance against them let alone while them out.

The tension in the air was so fierce that the subordinate didn't dare raise his head.

The sound of tapping could be heard inside the room adding to the tension.

Only after a long while did the man inside speak again.

"We'll it's all the same anyway. That child wouldn't be able to survive anyways. Pull your men back, there no point in searching for people on the brink of death." An evil smile could be seen on his face that would surely make children cry.

"Send the remains of that woman's body back to that man….ahh I wonder if he'd be drowning in despair knowing his beloved was killed. Ahah, even worse he would never know he had a child."


Sitting upright in my crib, I felt chills run down my back and my nose felt itchy.

"D*mn, was someone talking about me behind my back? Wait till I find the ba*stard I'll….ill….."

Falling back down on her fluffy pillow, Scarlett fell asleep without even finishing her sentence.


The next morning

Standing up in a crib was a baby girl with locks of silver hair that reached her shoulders, little stubby legs and arms, and beautiful violet eyes. She had chubby cheeks, porcelain skin, and red pouty lips.

It's been officially 6 months since I've been reborn. Other than training my mobility I've done pretty much nothing. That woman from the first day, Elle, she's the only person I've seen. She comes to my room 7-9 times a day to basically feed me, change me, or bathe me.

This woman really knows nothing about taking care of a child. If my guess isn't wrong I'd say she's never done anything like this before. But that would be weird right? I mean from my room I'd say I was living in a pretty rich house hold so how could they not afford a nanny?

Anyway Elle has a stern looking face and a scar running the top of her forehead to the side of her cheek right threw her nose area. Like I said, she is probably not a nanny but hey, who am I to judge?

So my life has been pretty much limited to my room ever since I was 'born', though I'm not complaining, but if I was a real child I'd be crying all day from the isolation.

Honestly though my room in the best. First there's my crib, which could just be called a bed if you excuse the bars around it. This has the softest mattress I've ever felt. Then there's my dresser full of clothes and diapers, along with other necessities. A little further in front of my dresser is a window with a a-clove, which I already know is going to be my new favorite place to read books when I'm older. There's also a bathroom with a tub and walking shower. Again, my parents must be rich because I mean WOW.

Back to the topic at hand. ME.

I've finally started walking.