
It’s just the beginning.

My head hurt from hitting it on the wall several times. I wasn't drunk, I was just feeling stupid. I dragged my tired body down the hall toward the elevator and pressed the button. I waited for it to open then I staggered in.

Thankfully, no one was there. So I got out as fast as I came in. My driver was already waiting for me in the parking lot.

"How was it Miss?" He asked once I entered.

"My name's Edith, and it was crappy." I said and took off my heels.

"I'm not going to the manor today. Take me to my place."

He looked at me. "But Miss, your mother's waiting for you."

"I don't care. Tell her I fell sick."

He sighed.

"As you wish, Edith."

I waved him off and told him to pull the partition. I dozed off on the seat.