
Hymn Of The Crimson Devil (hiatus)

Before you read: It is AU and noHarem story Devil's Slumber, dreaded by the pure and tainted alike. Without a cure, what one can do is only wait for their demise. Cale Gremory the second born of Zeoticus fell victim to the same just before the civil war. One who was believed to reach the same heights as his brother was now forgotten by the world. A man out of time... "What do you mean the civil war ended decades ago ?" "Since when did I have a little sister ?" "Why is Grayfia in a maid uniform ?" "F**K!!!" Disclaimer: Cover art, world, characters, etc belong to their rightful creators, and blah blah blah Warning: This is not the generic DXD-type fic. No harem, no pure dxd, and multiversal travel is included. NO catch em all extra tags: #HighschoolDXD, #Multiverse, #Tensura, #noHarem Note: The story will become AU. I do not know the exact dates of the events. And English is not my first language..... Blah Blah Blah

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20 Chs

Chapter 17


The faithful edge

"Draw your blade out Daemon. For the sake of our old rivalry. Do it!"

"I can't..." Holding the sheathed Ōdachi he muttered.

"You are at your end, my friend. Your blade is not sharp anymore. The hidden edge is decaying... " The higher elemental said with a hint of melancholy. The Arch Daemon was his opponent for eons.

"My sheathed sword is still enough to match your magic elemental" The arch daemon denied all the requests to unsheathe his sword. The blade he held, the edge he hid would only cut what his master decides.

After all, that is how he got his name.

"You shall be my sword from now on. Sever what I deem unworthy, Cut what I believe is unimportant. This will be your catalyst to evolve. Your edge will be sharpest when held in my aide."

"You shall be known as Gram."

Remembering the sacred moment in his heart he raised his sheathed Ōdachi in order to cut his enemy.

"You never answer me directly Gram. You hold too much pride in your lord." The elemental replied not all perturbed by his acts.

"Isn't it the same for you?"

"True... That is why Gram give your all in that attack because next time only one would leave... This Game of pawns shall have one less piece to despair." It was for the last moment they were going to fight as equals. For he had found his catalyst as well.

'Last time my friend... I beg you... Give your all.' He thought while preparing to meet Gram's attack.

The higher elemental aggregated all his magicules in his hands to create that one final beacon of light. Where his advantage lay, his nascent attribute.

Gram responded equally. Even with the sheath on, his attack was going to be equal. The violent sword energy flowed through the blade as if it was cutting apart the very space, empowered by his magicule energy, he was giving his all albeit not at the same time.


The atmosphere buzzed by the presence of strong light energy. With lightning crackling around his hands, numerous magic circles covered what seemed like a ball of concentrated light ready to outshine the encroaching darkness.

"Take it, Gram"

With his one hand holding the light ball in front of his chest the higher elemental muttered before releasing an intense beam of light toward Gram.

Passing through magic circles the beam widened to erase more area. The atmosphere seemed to burn in its wake leaving behind a sizzling wave touched by crackling thunder.

"Humph!" Harrumphed the arch daemon in response. Bringing down his Ōdachi he met the attack with equivalent fervor. A giant slash marched forward severing everything in its path. Be it air or the space itself nothing remained complete.

This battle was a way to declare their stand in this game. They were not just ordinary rivals anymore. They were not enemies just because of their race anymore.

They supported different ideals.

Each attack held their values as its essence, and this move carries it all. The final effort...

*Zzzz* *Whoosh*

In an instant, the attacks met each other yet none touched the other. Halting at a stalemate the slash and the beam stood at the center not allowing the other to move forward.


"Your domain will be destroyed my friend" Gram muttered

"It should not matter to you Gram. You are a disappointment."

"So be it." Noticing the determined expression on the elemental's face Gram pushed forward with more power.



Brilliant Light engulfed everything as the slash severed the space. With the elemental nowhere to be seen the decaying domain shattered more quickly.

The only remaining entity was Gram who left as soon as he noticed the absence of the higher elemental.

The domain of light was gradually devoured by the darkness of the eternal void. Erasing even the proof that such a dimension ever existed.


The magicules gathered up in a storm to create a cloud. When concentrated enough it gradually transformed into a gateway.

A teleportation gateway to be precise.

The gate opened to reveal a beautiful woman with curly long green hair and green eyes. She was beautiful, to say the least.

Walking down a bit further soon she found herself in front of a rundown hut. Dark and empty yet holding a warm environment, clearly it was a temporary abode.

The humble abode of none other than Gram.

Barging in she caught the sight of an injured arch daemon.

"He did quite a number on you Gram" She mocked halfheartedly.

"I apologize for not being able to stand in your welcome... Misery-sama"

Hearing his chuckle Misery sighed. They expected this outcome... The higher elemental is going to be a pain in their ass for much longer.

"It was expected you both are evenly matched" She muttered

"Only if you would use the damn sword..." Misery exclaimed at his moronic behavior. She and everyone else believed that Gram is more than capable enough to cut down that elemental but his restrictions get in the way.

"You know very well Misery-sama... I would not." His expressions were unclear, unable to be determined due to his mask. However, his voice carried sadness.

"It represents my disappointment." Disappointment for he was promised yet never fulfilled.

'You are not alone Gram' Misery thought in her mind while staring at the sad visage of Gram. The sudden disappearance of Guy Crimson had a massive effect.

However, they hid the news from everyone. Only the Primordials and those who have a connection to him know about his disappearance.

Gram having one because of his name realized it as well.

"Anyways, what is the conclusion?" Misery asked trying to tackle the purpose of this meeting. She was not here to share sorrows. For she was superior at this moment and Gram was a subordinate.

"It is as expected he joined the camp from the East" Gram held his Ōdachi while continuing

"Most likely he made a deal with the Hero of the Begining." He finished while sighing. They were true enemies from now on.

"Kill him next time Gram! The Apostles of Vert do not need more enemies." Misery ordered while preparing to leave.

"What are you going to do next?" Misery inquired

"I will be going back to the city of Estadion. There is a Daemon growing his legend. I'll have a look into it." Gram replied he wanted to see who was causing Chaos in his home. He might become a part of their forces against Rudra.

Misery just nodded and decided to finally teleport away but a sudden thought rose in her heart. Looking at Gram she muttered in all her seriousness.

"Gram... do you not believe even a little bit that... that he might be dead...?" She wanted to see his reaction. She wanted to check whether he-

"Believe is a small word Misery-sama. I trust in our master. This sword will be out for sure... One day for sure it shall finally serve its master in all its splendor." Gram declared.

To which Misery just smiled and teleported away...

Releasing his Ōdachi Gram settled down to take a little rest. The fight took a toll on him and he needed some time to recover before venturing into the city of Estadion.

After all, he was in for a hell lot of surprises.


It has been 2 months since his first fight in the arena. With an unbeatable streak of 99 wins, Cale has created an undying legend.

The Crimson Daemon... In the heart of regular people, he had become a living legend.

"Great Sage how is the progress on the analysis of my intrinsic traits?"


[Answer: Positive]

He smiled at the outcome. In the last two months, he has progressed significantly in controlling his Power of Destruction. The Gremory Trait was working its wonder.

Unlike his brother and his future sister, he took a different path.

The Gremory trait of manipulation was his prime focus. Via this, he was able to control POD much more freely.

Creating moves such as the death beam, concentrating the POD as much as possible he uses his finger to aim and release a beam that cuts through everything like butter.

And the best part with further practice he could use his eyes to do so as well. Fucking Laser eyes baby.

However, with the help of the Great sage soon he will be able to control the intensity of his POD. After completion of the analysis, he will be able to completely control the entire process of disintegration and erasure.

'The Chains of hell are a cheat as well... Damn' He thought.

Many things happened in these two months. Frequent visits from a certain pink-skinned daemon girl. Drinking all evenings with Moro and the usual fights in the arena.

Getting famous n all. Honestly soon it started becoming a bit boring. He was not willing to accept any feelings from Aria as well. Truthfully he felt the girl was strange... very strange.

"Hey, Bartender where's Moro? It has already been 3 days..." Cale questioned at his regular drinking spot. It has been a while already and Moro was nowhere to be seen. And unnaturally it bugged him a lot.

"I don't know man... He usually never disappears before telling." The bartender raised his hands in defeat. He too believed it was quite strange.

"Alright... Tell me if you got to know something." saying that Cale decided to leave the Ale shop.

"Not drinking?"

"Nah not in the mood today..." Cale replied before finally coming out of the shop.

'Both of them have suddenly disappeared... What happened?' he walked toward his home while thinking. Aria too has stopped coming.

"Maybe she finally realized that I won't accept her feelings... Nah she is too stubborn for that..." He conversed with no one particularly but himself.

Suddenly however he was brought out of his thoughts

"Crimson Daemon Cale! We challenge you to a death battle in the arena. Do you dare?"

'Familiar faces and such interesting timings... Strange' was Cale's only thought while looking at them.

**********That's all Folks**********

Gram's image

The update rate may vary. I have to read the LN, as I am lacking some knowledge.

Tell me how the story is going on. Being my first story I need a third-person point of view about my writing style n all.

Tell me about the pace, character interactions, dialogues, etc. A little effort will help us both.

Give me Power stones.

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