
Hydrangea あじさい

*ADULT CONTENT* The little girl gasped for air while clutching at the rough hands firmly gripped around her neck. The unpleasant grin, the same panting and grunting of an unknown man. Paralyzed by the pain, she laid motionless on the mattress. A room that smelled of bleach, sweat and rust made her feel sick. She would throw up occasionally in between their violent thrusts, but they never stopped until they were satisfied. To numb the pain, she would shut her eyes, cover her ears and remember the time when she held her mother's hand as they walked to school. On the way, they would stop by a field of blooming hydrangeas. Remembering the nostalgic feeling of being wrapped in the warmth of her mother's arms and the familiar scent of hydrangeas.

Onihimedesu · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Chapter 3 "Taro..."

"My name's Kotaro, nice to meet you Chiyori-chan." The boy said with a soft smile. Chiyori felt confused, the room was dull and smelled strongly of antiseptic but the smile on that boy's face was bright and warm.

Recalling that same warm feeling she felt in the morning sun of that familiar Hydrangea field.

"Taro...", said Chiyori as she felt her throat tighten. Unable to contain her overwhelming emotions, tears starting rolling down her cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you upset! Pl-please stop crying!" Panic-stricken, Kotaro quickly grabbed for a bunch of tissues to wipe away her tears. Chiyori started wailing as if she had years of emotions pent up within her tiny body and it all came gushing out at once.

Feeling conflicted with what to do, Kotaro hugged Chiyori's small-frame and started stroking the back of her head with his palm. The girl was trembling in his embrace but quickly calmed down and only soft sniffles could be heard.

Kotaro quickly pulled away after realizing what he had done, his face flushed red from embarrassment.

"My son is acting so manly today," Nakamura Ken chuckled as he walked up towards his son and patted him on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, It's time for the patient's temperature taking." A female nurse said as she walked into the ward. Kotaro nodded in understanding and proceeded to step aside but was pulled back to the bedside by a tug on his sleeve. Chiyori held onto his sleeve refusing to let go. "Seems like she's gotten quite attached to you," the nurse giggled. "haha..." Kotaro laughed nervously while scratching the back of his head.

The day was soon quickly over and Detective Nakamura Ken was not able to get any information from Chiyori. It seemed that the child was still not able to speak properly, every time she was questioned she would reply with "Taro..." or just stare blankly at Kotaro's face.

"Hah... It seems like today is no good as well, It's getting late we should get going Kotaro". Nakamura Ken sighed in disappointment. "Chiyori-chan we'll come and visit you again-". Before Nakamura Ken could finish what he was saying, Chiyori quickly held onto Kotaro's sleeve refusing to let go.

"Chiyori-chan I'll visit you again tomorrow after school". said Kotaro.

Chiyori stared at Kotaro and held out her pinky finger. Kotaro chuckled "It's a promise!", and intertwined his pinky with hers. Chiyori nodded shyly and waved to Kotaro as he left the ward.