
Chapter 22

I must call the kids. I rush back to our bedroom and get my cell. I call Princess Pepper first.

“Hey love, we bought the house in New Orleans. Are your brothers close by?” I ask.

“Yes, mom I have you on speaker,” she says.

“Look we will work out all the details. You guys can finish out the school year. We decided that the three of you can have the two houses there,” I tell her.

“Mom I am going to come there but the boys want to stay here,” Pepper says.

“Great. We will be home in a few days, and we can work it all out,” I tell her.

I run back to tell Bishop the good news and he is in the kitchen with Leigh.

“What is going on?” I ask.

“Nothing we were just talking,” Leigh says.

Bishop is silent. Hmmm What the hell is going on with those two. He hired her before I could. He got her to bake a pie and now he is whispering with her in my kitchen. Something is not right.

“What do you want to do today?” he asks me.