

Hela698 · Televisi
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Scott and Stiles got into the Jeep and drove after the kanima.

Astrid turned Derek, "Derek go with them knowing Scott he's gonna try and capture him but a kanima is hard to kill so go for a lethal blow it'll lose enough blood to incapacitate it"

"what about you two," Derek asked.

"well it's time a certain Argent became a supernatural plus we'll be taking Lydia home," Astrid said as Derek nodded before running after the kanima while Isaac, Erica and Boyd went back to the abandoned subway station.

Astrid and Allison drove Lydia home and told her everything about the supernatural except her being a Banshee. They decided to give her time to digest the information they gave before telling her she's supernatural.

"I need you to promise that you won't say anything about what we just told you, " Allison said to Lydia as they parked in front of the Martin house.

"I promise I won't say anything but this is a lot to take in," Lydia said with a shocked look that she had throughout the whole ride.

"Yeah, it's overwhelming at first but you'll get used to it," Astrid told her.

"I still can't get over the fact that you're 1000 years old," Lydia said making Allison laugh.

"you'll get used to that as well," Allison said before Lydia got out of the car.


Scott got out of the back door of the club following a trail of blood before finding a past out and naked Jackson with the slash on his throat healed at first he thought he was dead but Jackson suddenly takes a deep breath and coughs. Scott calls Stiles who comes quickly before Stiles take him to his Jeep while Scott runs back to Danny who's paralysed along with a few others.

"Hey, Danny," Scott says.

"McCall, what are you doing here?" Danny asks as he's being taken to an ambulance.

"Just uhh seeing if you're doing ok and umm wondering if anything weird happened to you today besides being paralysed from the neck down," Scott says.

"sorry but we need to get him to the hospital," The paramedic tells Scott.

"one more question just one," Scott says before turning to Danny, "Are you ok?"

"Did it happen to my ex too?" Danny asked and Scott turns to see Danny's ex in the same if not worse position.

"yeah," Scott says.

"Then I'm great," Danny says with a grin.

Scott joins back with Stiles in the Jeep, "I couldn't get anything out of Danny"

"Ok, can we get the hell out of here before one of my Dad's deputies sees me," Stiles says as he starts the Jeep only for his dad's car to block his way.

"oh my god, oh my god, can this get any worse," Stiles says bitterly as Jackson groans. "That was rhetorical" he snaps.

"Get rid of him," Scott tells him.

"Get rid of him? we're at a crime scene and he's the sheriff" stiles says.

"Do something"

Grumbling Stiles gets out of the car and slams the door on the way out making Jackson groan at the sound and starts to sit up.

"Jackson be quiet," Scott says as he pushes him down.

"what are you doing here," stilinski asks

"what do mean what I'm I doing here it's a club- it's a club we were clubbing you know at the club, " Stiles says.

"Not exactly your kind of club," Stilinski says.

"Ahh, well dad there's a conversation that we-" Stilinski interrupted him.

"you're not gay"

"wha- I could be" Stiles defends.

"Not dressed like that" Stilinski tells him, he moves toward the Jeep but Stiles stands In front of him.

"This is the second crime scene that you just happened to have shown up on, at this point I have been fed so many lies, I'm not sure I know the kid standing in front of me now what the hell is going on" Stilinski snaps.

"Dad, I-" Stiles stutters, desperately trying to come up with a lie.

"The truth Stiles," Stilinski says sternly.

"The truth? Alright... well, the truth is we were here with Danny. yeah, 'cause he just broke up with his boyfriend so, you know, we were just trying to take him out and get his mind off of things, that's it" Stiles says

"That's really good of you guys, you're good friends," Stilinski says as he lets Stiles leave.

Stiles gets back to the Jeep and drives out of the parking lot, Stiles asks, "uh, what about your house"

"not with my mom there. We need to take him somewhere we can hold him long enough to figure out what to do with him or long enough to convince him he's dangerous" Scott says.

"I still say we just kill him" Stiles suggested.

"we're not killing him," Scott says sternly.

"ugh, fine... ok ok, I've got an idea"

"Does it involve breaking the law?" Scott asks hopefully.

"By now don't you think that's a given," Stiles tells him.

"I was just trying to be optimistic," Scott says.

"Don't bother"


The next morning Astrid and Allison were at their lockers.

"How do you feel," Astrid asked as she touched the right side of Allison's waist feeling the dressing through her dress.

"it's still sore," Allison said

"it'll heal by the end of the school then we get to the hard part tonight," Astrid said

"you're being dramatic I'm not gonna stay dead," Allison says as she kisses her girlfriend.

"Still I'm the one snapping your neck," Astrid said with a frown.

"Well how about I make it up to you-" Allison said but was interrupted.

"Allison" Gerard called her, with a sigh she turned with a glare.


"Mind if I talked to you in my office," He asked while eyeing Astrid she was a complete mystery to him all he knows is that she's a werewolf 'no need to rush I'll just get rid of them all once I get what I want and it'll be a lot easier if I get the kanima' he thought.

After giving Astrid a deep kiss Allison followed Gerard. she sat down on the chair in front of him.

"So who did you say you were studying with tonight," Gerard asked referring to what she told her parents.

"Can you get to the point because who I'm studying with is none of your business" Allison said angrily before she took a deep breath to calm down.

"oh come on I'm just trying to make a conversation no need to be angry," Gerard said.

"Alright, I'm studying with Astrid we're prepping for our world history midterm," Allison said.

"History was one of my favourites especially military history," Gerard says

"of course, it is," Allison said lowly but loud enough for him to hear making him frown.

"ever hear the phrase 'know thy enemy' " He asked.

"it's from the Art of War by Sun Tzu" Allison answered while picking her nails in boredom.

"very good you know what it means"

"Can you just get to the point" Allison snapped.

"Alright, your father and I have an enemy in which we know next to nothing, it's killed one of our own among others," Gerard tells her.

"So I've heard," Allison says still not interested.

"Did you hear that Jackson Whittemore didn't show to school today?" he asked


"you wouldn't know anything about that would you," He asked.

"I'm not his friend not his parent so why should I care," Allison said.

"well let me tell you what I know. I know that a teenager's first instinct is to protect their friends" Gerard said as stood up and walked towards Allison, "and I believe that my granddaughter would always want to protect her friends even if it meant lying"

"so I want to ask one more question and this time with a small advantage," Gerard said as he felt her pulse.

"Did you know about Jackson being missing?" he asked

"No," Allison said calmly

"Is he in trouble," he asked again.

"I have no idea" She answered calmly again.

"Does this have anything to do with Astrid or Scott?"

"No, can I go now because this is getting way too creepy for me," Allison said making Gerard sigh in frustration as her pulse was steady the whole time but he let her leave. As Allison was leaving his office she saw a security camera being installed and a lot more in the hallway.


Stiles is leaning on the transport van texting Jackson's parents when he hears the crunching of leaves as he's looking around Astrid and Allison appear next to him with Astrid being in her wolf form scaring the crap out of him.

"They know," Allison says


"They know Jackson's missing," Allison tells him as Astrid relaxes next to a tree in her wolf form since she was comfortable in it.

"No, they can't I've been texting his parents since last night they don't have a clue," Stiles says.

"Gerard said his parents went to the police, they know," Allison says making Stiles run the radio.

"All available units proceed to Beacon Hills preserve. Proceed with caution until sheriff Stalinski's arrival. I repeat proceed with caution"

Stiles enters the van and starts it, "Are you guys coming" he asked Allison.

"No, we're going to do something else," Allison says.

"like what," Stiles asked but instead of answering Allison's eyes glow golden yellow surprising him.


"Yes, now go before they get here," she tells him. Stiles nods as he dials Jackson's father and throws the phone out of the window before flooring it. Allison and Astrid leave as well and head to the packhouse.

"waoh, This is a nice place and it's big enough for everyone," Allison said

"yeah, that's why I bought it come on let me give you a tour," Astrid said as she shifted back.

After she showed Allison around the house the sun had set so they returned medical area. Allison sat on the bed while Astrid stood in front of her.

"Are you ready?" Astrid asked.

"yes," Allison said with a determined look. Astrid nodded her head before bitting her wrist and letting Allison drink her blood a few minutes later she let her wound heal as she looked at Allison's face seeing the blood drip from the side of her lip before kissing her deeply.

"Hey, don't worry it's going to be ok," Allison said making Astrid nod before snapping Allison's neck and listening to her heart stop. This was the hard thing she did 'course even though she knew Allison isn't permanently dead she couldn't help but cry as she laid her on the bed.

A few minutes later Astrid felt their mate bond strengthen as she heard Allison's neck snap back into place confusing her until a letter appeared in front of her.

'you must be confused about what you just felt well to put it simply it was me connecting your souls together meaning as long as you are alive she won't die even if she takes a stake to the heart your welcome.

ps: I would stay with her this coming full moon if I were you because you know how painful it is when you first shift'

The letter said before disintegrating just as Allison gasped awake.

"How do you feel," Astrid asked

"I feel amazing I mean my senses are dialled to 100 is this how you always feel because if it is I'm glad you trained me," Allison said as she vamp sped around the room making Astrid chuckle before she grabbed Allison by the waist stopping her.

"You can test out your speed later now we should focus on settling your thirst," Astrid said before taking out 7 blood bags from the fridge Allison stiffens as the scent of blood hits her eyes glow as black veins move from her cheeks to her eyes and 4 fangs grow from her upper jaw.

Astrid placed 5 blood bags in front of her and Allison took one of them before sinking her teeth into it she moaned as the taste hit her tongue before draining the bag doing the same with the other 4.

"Better?" Astrid asked

"Better" Allison said as blood dripped down her chin.


Stiles finds the doors of the van open and Jackson missing while Scott who's supposed to watch him was sleeping he wakes him up before showing him the empty van.

"Scott I have to tell my dad," Stiles says making Scott nod his head.

"I'm coming with you," Scott said and they both headed to the sheriff station only to find Jackson there with his dad.

"Scott, Stiles perfect timing have you met Jackson's father Mr David Whittemore esquire," Stilinski says

"That means lawyer" Jackson says smugly.

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