
Post Mortem

__________ POV Ashton__________

This girl... She's so presumptuous. So confident, so devious.

Some of those things were quite apparent even while she was part of that silly alliance. Why did I turn a blind eye to her antics in the past?

Maybe it was just because she was useful to Momoze and her goals. But now she's nothing but a nuisance.

She seems hellbent on the fact that this society is sick. She considers herself the only person capable of 'curing' it.

She seems to be quite charismatic, her entire speech was an attempt to sway my opinion on her. She likely decided to come out about killing her other siblings as soon as she found out I arrived on the ship.

But she must've been considering this for a while now. She has obviously worked on her speech a bit.

I don't really like the way she phrased some of her words though. Right at the beginning, 'I will spare Momoze if you join me'. She thinks she actually has a choice on the matter.

Which means that she's confident in escaping from this room with her life. I am quite curious, what exactly is her trump card?

"You seem to have wasted enough of my time... Can you die quietly now?" I appeared in front of her and looked her in the eyes while slowly raising my arm.

She didn't seem scared whatsoever. Curious, but I can deal with anything she might throw at me.

My hand slowly came down towards her. And, to my surprise, she didn't do anything. She just fearlessly stared at me.

Even as her head was separated from her body her eyes still didn't show any fear. Did she come here prepared to die? Is this perhaps a clone of sorts?

__________ POV Narration__________

Ashton's quarry was soon answered. The second Camilla's head hit the ground, a large figure appeared behind the old scientist out of thin air.

Taking the scientist by surprise and enclosing him in its palms.

The figure turned out to be Camilla's Hatsu, a huge cat-like Nen beast. Its fur was as black as night, its elongated tail seemed to have a pipette at the end of it.

Its palms were attempting to crush Ashton's body while they sucked out his life force.

The second someone killed Camilla, this Nen beast would activate, and take out the person or people responsible for her death in that way.

However, the beast simply didn't have enough power to crush Ashton's body. His Ten was simply too much.

He could have attempted to blow the Nen Beast away, but he was unsure how powerful the explosion needed to be to take it out. They were still on a ship after all.

So, he tried different methods.

He had used his Wind Hatsu, the Nen beast seemed unbothered by it. It couldn't feel any pain, and it didn't seem to want to move away.

It struggled, but in the end, it managed to suck out enough Lifeforce out of him to revive Camilla.

Its pipette shaped tail entered Camilla's body as it started transferring the vitality it had sucked out of Ashton. After successfully healing Camilla it was dispelled.

Ashton landed on the ground, he looked around in confusion for a second. The entire altercation had only lasted for 2 or 3 seconds.

Ashton had felt his vitality drained away, but it wasn't a large amount. Merely a drop of what he gained from what remained of the Spring of Life.

The old scientist looked down, where Camilla's corpse was supposed to be. Only to see her slowly getting up, completely unscathed.

Meanwhile, her head was still resting on the ground.

__________ POV Ashton__________

She was definitely beheaded by me... Yet, here she is. With her head on her shoulders. Did she grow a new one? That was her Hatsu then...

Unique, it completely took me by surprise. I guess not many would expect something like that to happen. Although I could've been more careful about it...

"Y-You?! Why are you alive?!" She asked in a startled tone. Her cold and calculated facade fell apart quickly enough.

It seems the Nen Beast was supposed to crush me to death, or at least steal my vitality and leave within an inch of my life.

But things didn't really go as she planned. I barely lost any vitality(at least compared to my reserves), and I am completely unharmed.

"That was certainly interesting. To think Post Mortem Nen would be used in such a way... Humanity never ceases to amaze me." I said with a smile, although, I am more talking to myself at this point.

I need to figure out a way to combat her Hatsu if I actually want to kill her. So, I'll postpone it.

"You... I will murder every single one of your loved ones and I wi-" Her threats are annoying. I shut her up by hitting her over the head.

She passed out instantly. Still, she went from shocked/scared to confident/threatening almost instantly.

It's probably because she thinks I can't kill her. Being 'unkillable does have that effect on someone. She probably considered herself above everyone else, superior.

Now that I think about it. Weren't I pretty similar to her? Oh well, I can tell why she's so annoying now.

Still, I guess I should put her in my Void Space for now. I do think Momoze and the rest will be quite pleased with my findings.

Suddenly, the guards rushed in. All of them looked shocked at what they were seeing.

I immediately turned invisible and left. I really don't feel like having to explain why Camilla's head is on the ground.

I could hear a few panicked shouts from the room I just left. They are probably going to be looking for the rest of her body for the time being.

I've also likely become a suspect for them. But that's unimportant right now. They won't be able to do much if the other princes vouch for me.

It seems I will actually have to visit Momoze directly after all.


Hope you liked the chapter!

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