
Husband Of A Rabbit Goddess :RE

It’s all for practice. Don’t have high expectations please, and I don’t know the full depth of the Naruto universe or (others) as it’s just for fun and stuff. I DONT own the stuff mentioned. it’s just a Fanfic so, yeah. I’m just making it up as I go, so, you have been um, forwarned, I guess. Anyway, have a nice day.

Snow_Lux · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Chapter 1: The Benninging

On a windy late afternoon, on the world of the prehistoric Elemental Nations, a comet fell from the skies above.

From below, the inhabitants from all over looked up to see the spectacle of a white-cyan light shining down from where the moon was coincidentally located.

Unfurled in a burst of light within the bamboo forest, the fluttering cloak of a mysterious woman had deceanded upon the land. Her eyes cold and indifferent, yet her features delicate and beautiful.

This figure was none other than the one and only, Rabbit Goddess; Otsutsuki Kaguya.

"Yo." I waved my hand casually since I knew she would be arriving today. "That's some flashy light-show lady."

I said while casually sitting on an elegant pagoda as I had my leg propped onto the windowless window-sill.

What? Don't judge me! A man needs to have some level of game.

"You are…" I heard her speak and I then smiled.

"Names Tenji. Tenji Uchiha." I know, I know!! I don't care if it's cringy! I like it so I'll keep it. "So, mind telling me what a beauty like you is doing falling from the sky like you did?"

I used a bit of my internal cultivation as it wasn't the best since, come on, realistically, I have no idea what I was doing but thankfully, I had gotten used to the energy inside me that I was able to flutter above the window-sill and land softly on the ground before Kaguya.

"And may I be so bold to ask, who are you, miss?" I said without any fear as she looked really pale up-close. But still 10/10 no doubt.

"Otsutsuki Kaguya… Are you someone of high status?" She asked glancing around and I shrugged my shoulders before unlatching a gourd that had wine inside.

"I don't know." I said and drank before wiping my mouth as my black cloak fluttered. "But I do own the entirety of this land. Comes with being the Emperor and all."

I said very casually as if it wasn't a big deal but she… had no reaction.


"So, Kaguya…-San." I delayed the honorifics just because. "Why have you come to this part of the world?"

I said and turned to walk as she steadily followed beside me as we walked along the renovated bamboo forest which I made into a beautful garden with fish and flowers all over the place. Along with a wooden walkway as the pond below reflected the moonlight perfectly.

"I have come seeking refuge and peace. That is all I desire." She said as I glanced over to see her eyes were elsewhere, distant as if she has seen some sh*t. Which she probably has.

"Hmm… sounds like you need this more than me." I handed my gourd to her and she unhesitantly took it. "I may not know what you've been through, but I know that everyone has a different story. You, me, everyone that can think is able to live a life that was granted by cosmic chance or maybe even fate."

"… you speak of fate as if it is something that can be changed." She said as she had taken a drink from the gourd. "Do you believe we destined to remain chained to our fate?"

She said holding the gourd with both her hands as she looked down as I had to stop and I took this as my chance.

"Fate!" I said as I next used up all my internal energy to stir up the winds aorund me. "Fate is just a concept invented by the heavens! Be they angels, demons, or whatever else that mandates I cease to live my own life. Then that is a life that is not worth living. I am the master of my own fate, no one… and I mean no one, can tell me how I can or can't live my life. For I… have decided it so."

I looked to the distnace as I may have gotten a little too deep into it but when I turned to Kaguya, she was looking at me with winded eyes as I then let my cloak flutter as I extended my hand.

"Why not come along with me in this never ending journey we call life… and experience it together. Side-by-side." I offered as I admit, the lines are weak but just meeting this woman's eyes made all my past 23 years of planning go down the drain.

"If you can promise me that you won't go back on your word, then I would like to see it with my own eyes." She gently grasped my hand as I walked her around a bit and told her much more about this world.

Under the pale light of the moon, our story was finally born.


For the next several days, I sat on my throne as I read report-after-report concerning the state of the world.

"War never ceases to be, it seems. No matter the world." Kaguya says as she was sitting next to me while reading from one of my many plagiarized books and works that I re-created into this life to pass the time. "So, how far are you in that book?"

She flipped the page as I didn't want to use wooden scrolls for evehthing so I used my [Gamer-Mind] and pulled up the memroies of various anime and manhwa-colorized novels showing the process on how to make proper paper.

I never lacked gold or money since, hello, I'm super rich here. Still, it wa shard getting the ball rolling as a four year old when I asked my father to assign some blacksmiths to make what I wanted.

"This story is facinating. The dramatic rise of greed, fear, lust and corruption for a metaphorical 'throne-of-swords' is truly intruiging." She said as I simply chuckled and sat back as I glanced over at Kaguya as she was sitting so elegantly that one woul mistake her for a stone statue. "Something the matter?"

She said without even turning to me. But, I was shamless.

"I was just curious is all." She then continued.

"How so?" And then finally looked up as I met her eyes while leaning right before her.

"You're obviously very beautiful. Smart and want only peace. You have the most mysterious background out of anyone on this planet. And yet…" I cut my words there as I could see she was interested in where I was going.

"'And yet-'?" She affirmed as I smiled when I saw her eyes glanced down at my lips and then move back up to my eyes.

"'And yet'… I see you without your spouse." I could see that I hit the nail on the head from how a very faint blush appeared on her face. "Could it be…"

I leaned closer just as she lowered the book on her lap.

"That you are perhaps in a long distnace relationship?" I tried to poke and see what falls but her face turned stone cold as she next got up to leave. I caught her wrist before she could leave but soemthing unexpected happened. "Wait, if I overstepped any line-"

She fell down ontop of me, her sitting on my lap as I was on the floor yet, I had [Gamer-Mind] to keep me aware.

"Not that I don't mind this, but you're crushing my jewles, woman." Her knee was right over my family jewles and I was a glad that I was already numb to pain being in my introduction to cultivation. "Look, I am sorry if I offended you."

"… you have not." I held her wrists gently as she didn't really make any effort to move away from me. "You have been very kind to me. Most would not considering how different I look from everyone else."

"You don't seem like the kind to care about what others think." I said drawing closer as I sat upright to match her gaze. "Besides, where others may see you differently, I find you utterly enchanting."

I said honestly as the moment was very ambiguous.

"You… find me attractive?" She said for the first time, which weirdly reminded me of a very cute cat for some reason.

"I would be lying if I said otherwise." Her hand and mine clashed together for a breif moment, I was leaning on as she looked like she was preparing herself but just as I was just a few inches away from tasting the forbidden fruit offered;


"That's the warning system." The sound of bells echoed throught the city as that could only mean that there was an invading force since three bells means that war has begun. "Haaa… how about we do this again some other time?"

Kaguya was already turned as she hand her hand over her flustered face as I grit my teeth as this was a golden opportunity.

Ah, f*ck you author! Yeah! I know it was you! You cu*k!

[A/N: F*ck you too! Hahaha!]

I'll get my revenge…

"Wait for me here." I said as I then got up and walked over to the wall where I then took down two elegant matching pair of Japanese swords I had personally made using the Japanese steel-pressing system I watched in a video in my past life because I couldn't go to sleep without it. "I know you deplore war… so stay here as this is the most secure part of my empire."

I then proceeded to strap both Kyoka and Hikari on both sides on my hips as I then walked over to Kaguya and knelt down as I then did something Bold.


I kissed her forhead as I then walked out without looking back as my cloak fluttered in my wake.

Arriving outside, I then hoped onto my armored horse waiting for me and then took to the front-lines as I had ordered a quarter of my guards to stay and defend the main palace.

I then took off and in less than twenty minutes, I could see the war and destruction.

"Damn, just another Tusday." I muttered and then reached down to grab Kyoka as I then leveld my sword to the ground and slashed the air as I cleanly took off the heads of two of the invading soldiers.


As my horse rose, I then raised my sword in the air.



As my sodliers began to fight against the invading tide of enemy soldiers, the outskirts of my kingdom became drenched in blood as I took the full brunt as my black cloak began a symbol for the invading forces as I was the only one who dared to wear a black cloak with the symbol 'Emperor-Uchiha' etched in the back.

What? Don't judge me! It's a style Fo choice.


I jumped off my horse as it went down but I landed slicing off three heads of the enemy sodliers as I firmly held Kyoka in my hands.

I wasn't going to draw Hikari as that sword was a little too heavy and hard to control. Plus, she draws too much of my spiritual qi and it would be a bad idea if I exhaust all of it in one attack.

So, I took a wild stance and blitzed as I streaked across the battlefield slashing at all the enemy sodliers in sight.


I felt a powerful impact over my back shodielrs but I swung my arm and broke off the arrow as I then spun to dodge the next arrow and soon spotted the archer as I next rushed over and leaped over two clashing sabers aimed at my legs and head.

Narrowly spinning in-between the attacks, I slashed both the sodliers mid-sections as their blood splattered all over me. But I kept my eyes open and my face cold as I had [Gamer-Mind] running on 98% as I tore through the archer and then moved his corpse to dodge another blade.

The war raged on until after nearly an hour at most, I kicked off the last enemy soldier as my entire body felt like it was out through the wringer.

"Emperor Tenji, I bring grave news!" A bloodied soldier knelt before me as I recognized him as one of the men I left behind to gaurd Kaguya.

"Speak." I said turning my body toward him as what he said next made my eyes turn colder as the air around me turned red. "GATHER THE WARDOGS! WE MARCH TO THE LAND OF THAT!"

I didn't spend any time and quickly moved to grab an able horse as I then took off to the outskirts of the city as I then felt the presnece of four of my most valuable generals arrive as they were each soaked in the blood of our enemies.

Alongside them, was an army of soldiers as we then charged outside the city as I had only one thing on my mind.

Without much thought, I increased [Gamer-Mind] striaght to 100% and soon after half a day's travel, I didn't wait and raised my hand as I gripped Hikari and with a ferocious use of a chunk of my spiritual qi, I slashed at the air before me.

Soon, the massive wooden gate was torn apart and as it fell downward, I leaped off my horse which fell down into the most but it would survive as I then landed barrel-rolling towards the gates of the city.

Without a word, I could see the several hundreds of soldiers lying in wait for me.

This has already made me go off the deep-end and without any doubts, I unsheathed Kyoka as holding both my swords, my very veins on both my hands were bulging as I then began to draw air into my lungs and with a shocking amount of pressure and pain, I felt the air crackle before I next felt the world momentarily then to gray for a few seconds as I then stood at the other side of the encirclement of soldiers and collasped to the ground as I vomited a mouth-full of blood onto the sandy floor.

All the soldiers behind me soon fell apart at the seams as thir bodies were diced into pieces.

The technique is there, but the side-effects are still as severe as ever.

With bloodshot eyes, I forced myself to get back up as I felt only phantom pain for what was to come if I dialed back [Gamer-Mind].

But I had to keep going and despite bleeding from the open cuts around my muscles that bucked under that technique, I pressed forward as my cloak remained in smoke due to the acceleration in speed.

I did not stop and slashed any soldier that stood in my path.


I felt the world go dull a second time but the duration was much shorter than before.

I rolled onto the floor once I succeed in my second attempt but my body and muscles were twitching chasing me to freeze up for a solid moment beofre I finally regained motor-function.


As I climbed up the steps toward the main residence of the Emperor of the Land Of That, I then felt a sword stab me through my arm as I coldy flicked Hikari and sliced that soldier in half.

My breath was haggard but I kept walking until I next kicked the door down and there I found Kaguya.

"Yo-You?!" I didn't waste any words and leaned forward as the air around me crackled before I next stood grabbing the fat snob by his great neck in the air with one hand.

"You… overstepped… and touched… what shouldn't have… die." I crushed his neck before then turning to Kaguya who didn't even look injured as she must have defended herself against her captors when she agreed to go with them willingly.

"T-Tenji." I cut her off as I hugged her and held her head as I embraced her while standing and spoke in the same cold tone of voice.

"You are… mine, Kaguya… I'll sooner… let the world burn… if it means… keeping you… at… my side." I then turned to see her face but soon felt my vision blur as I then collasped.

The last image I saw was Kaguya calling out to me but for whatever reason, I found that cute.

"No… matter… where you… go… I will… find you… so don't… go… and stay… here… with… me…" I said before next experiencing a great shock.

That was the last I saw of her before I let the darkness envelop me.
