
Hunting Down the Last Elf

[Mature content. No rape] ____________________ "Mr. Archer!" She hurried her footsteps after the cop, who seemed to have already memorized the way out of the small two-story house. "It's Adrien, not Archer," he said, not bothering to turn around and look at her as he turned the door knob. "Fine." She rolled her eyes. "We need to talk, " she said, following him out of the house and closing the door behind her. "I had enough time to spend with a dunderhead like you," she heard him say, and she fumed. "How dare you?!" She fisted her palm furiously as she saw him walk past the little gate. "You son of a chameleon!".... ________ In a world where mythical creatures like werewolves, vampires, and elves exist alongside humans, a long-standing war has left humans living in fear and captivity. Elves, once thriving, have become extinct due to the ongoing conflict. Alicia, the last surviving elf, is raised by Mrs. Anderson, whom she believes to be her biological mother. However, when Alicia confronts a man named Adrien, whom she calls Mr. Archer, tensions rise. Adrien's apparent disdain for Alicia triggers a fiery exchange. Unbeknownst to Alicia, her unique heritage as the last elf will soon become a central focus in a world where mythical beings and humans clash. This story promises intrigue, conflict, and a journey of self-discovery for Alicia as she grapples with her identity and the ongoing strife between mythical creatures and humans.

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219 Chs

Mother And Daughter Duo At The Kitchen

"Now, what the heck is that?"

She waited for the noise to rumble once more as her gaze stared at the messy state she was in through the mirror that hung in front of her. But, thankfully, she no longer heard it.

Waiting for nothing more, she got to soak herself in the square of a silver rock. The shower water ran free and easy, rubbing and washing away all the dampened sweat beads that had once puddled all over her body. She felt relaxed for the time being.

But the headache wouldn't go away.

"Good morning, Mom."

She came down the hall to greet her mother and took a seat at the dining table.

"There you are, my dear!"

Her mother ran out of the kitchen, dropping her apron and placing her hand on Alicia's forehead before pulling the bandana off her head.

She placed the other palm on hers and felt her warm body temperature with the back of her hand, comparing both of their body temperatures.

Mrs. Anderson let out a deep sigh.

Alicia removed her mother's hand in perplexity and looked.

Thank goodness, your temperature has decreased.

Mrs. Anderson let out a relieved sigh. "Just wait here while I make you some soup topped with broth. It will help you feel better." She gave Alicia the bandana while giving her a head rub.

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

The unexpected worries from Alicia's mother confused her. Not that she was never. Yet today seems different, "I can't read you, you know."

"You don't seem to remember, I see. You were burning so hot this morning when I came up to wake you," she said, speaking from the kitchen.

'Morning?' Alicia wondered what did she mean and glanced at the clock.


The sudden exclaim of Alicia dragged her mother's feet in a dash out of fear.

"What's the matter, Alicia? Are you alright? What was that scream-"

"Tell me, Mom, this isn't right. Tell me this isn't right!"

"Who or what is wrong?"

Mrs. Anderson was very perplexed by her daughter's abrupt outburst.

"Mom, the time. The time!"

With such big eyes, she waved her hands at the clock. If it could have, it would have protruded from her eye sockets.

"So what of it?"

"It's 2.46!" A bit high-pitched, voice of Alicia picked up.


"Oh my gosh!" Alicia yelled as she sprinted up the stairs.

"This is not possible. How could I oversleep."

Alicia headed to her room, cursing and swearing as she went.

"Alice! What's going on?"

Her mother's inquiry received no response.

"Mom, where's my phone?" She yelled from her bedroom.

"How would I know that devilish block?"

Alicia rolled her eyes at her mother's choice of phone name.

"Nevermind," she mumbled as she flung aside the pillows and blankets. And there it was, tucked between the sheets of her bed.

"Huh, found ya!"

She grabbed her phone and turned it on, only to cry out when the battery was about to run out.

She ran to plug in the charger and waited for it to turn on. The gadget takes some time to switch on.


"Damn this phone," she cursed and thought of getting dressed in some better attire, just so she could step out of her house rather than sit idolized.

The phone had been turned on and was working by the time she got dressed.

She checked her phone to see whether Gloria had sent her any messages. But, to her disappointment, there were none.

This made her worried about her friend.

She tried calling, and the phone went buzzing.

Alicia waited and waited and waited, but it was of no use. She walked out of her room in hurried footsteps, almost banging herself on the railings of the steps.

"Alicia! Are you heading out?"

"Yes, Mom. I have to. It's something urgent."

Alicia spoke in a hurry as she buckled her sandals.

"Dear, you are in no good state to leave home. Your body is yet to be recovered fully."

"Please, Mom, don't insist on me. Just this one time," she implored.

Mrs. Anderson cast a troubled look at her.

"Please at least inform me as to what actually happened. Tell me where are you off to first? How long will you be away?"

She stood up straight and gazed at her mother for a while.

"Mom, you can trust me. I am all right. Just a minor headache. And the cure for it would be that soup of yours."


"There's no buts or ifs. I'll be back as soon as I've completed the work I've left behind at the café."

Alicia persuaded her mother to follow her into the kitchen before kissing her on the cheeks.

"Hmm... now where's my yummy broth soup?"

She opened all the pots that were in the flame in search of the one that was brewing for her.

She slipped out her wet tongue and hungrily licked her lips as soon as her eyes landed on the right one.

Her empty stomach bitched and moaned as she gazed upon the delicious and healthy soup.

She rubbed her palms together and quickly put them forward.

"You're gonna burn your hands," warned her mother, spotting her attempting to reach out the hot pot.

"Tch! Tch!" she clicked her tongue in confidence.

"Your majesty need not fret. Your daughter is doing great," She grinned.

Mrs. Anderson stood by the doorframe, nodding her head.

Alicia cautiously and gradually extinguished the flame and raised the pot by the handle.


"Mom, did you hear that?"

Alice asked, her voice shaking as she searched frantically for the source of the "squeak."

"Hear wha—"



A loud shriek left Alicia's lips the second time she heard the sound of the mouse squeak, but she could not spot exactly where the little thing was.

"What? What?!"

Mrs. Anderson had yet to find the mouse or hear it squeak. She couldn't understand why her daughter was yelling so loud.


"Where is it, sweetie?"

Her mother had to talk aloud as well because she was too loud to comprehend everything that was going on.

"A mouse, ma mère." Alicia was starting to panic. "Aide-moi, please."

Mrs. Anderson grabbed the broomstick and swung at the tiny creature, who managed to dodge the shot.

"You little thing!" she muttered and aimed again at the thing which screwed her peaceful house.

Crying for help, Alicia fled with the hot pot in her hand and jumped onto the closest bench.

"Kid, be quiet. The mouse is frightened by you!" scolded, her mother.

"S-scaring? Am I not the one trembling here?" Alicia mumbled while wriggling on the low bench.

"Will you please stop scream—"


A startled shriek and a loud clang interrupted Mrs. Anderson. Her head suddenly jerked to the side.


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