
Hunter world

Loki spent his whole life caged and trapped in captivity, obeying orders like a puppet. He was always longing for freedom, so when a chance presented itself to him, he took it and managed to escape his cage. Facing the outside world, there's a lot for him to learn, but his creator wouldn't just let his subject on the loose. Now Loki has to face the most difficult part, and that is protecting his freedom. But as he lived and experienced more in the outside world, his thoughts changed; he doesn't want to be free but wants something much more than that.

Illusionmaster · Fantasi
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Facing the two remaining wolves, who seemed hesitant after witnessing their pack members' demise, tension filled the air. They circled cautiously, eyeing me warily, and I mirrored their movements, ready to defend myself.

The two wolves attacked me together. The first one lunged with claws extended, but I sidestepped, avoiding its attack. Meanwhile, the second wolf approached with open jaws. Reacting quickly, I swung my sword, aiming to strike, but it jumped away, narrowly avoiding the blade.

With both wolves locked onto me, the tension intensified, and I knew I couldn't afford any mistakes. The first wolf recovered from its missed attack and lunged once more, snapping its powerful jaws swiftly. I barely managed to deflect its assault with my sword, but the impact forced me back a step, feeling the power of its attack.

Seizing the opportunity, the second wolf attempted to flank me. Just in the nick of time, I turned to block its ferocious strike, gritting my teeth against the strain on my arms. As I focused on the second wolf, an eerie sensation crawled down my spine, causing chills to ripple through my body. My instincts screamed at me, and I glanced sideways to find the wolf had silently crept behind me. Its jaws were wide open, dangerously close to sinking into my shoulder.

"I can't avoid it!"

Gritting my teeth, I mustered all my strength, tapping into the tiny bit of mana left in my body. With a burst of energy, I managed to create a protective barrier, shielding my shoulder just in time from the wolf's imminent bite.

However, using the last of my mana came with a heavy price. The strain was immense, taking a toll on my body. I coughed up a little blood, feeling the tickle on my lips as it spilled from my mouth.

Despite my effort to protect myself with the small amount of mana, it wasn't enough. The wolf's jaws pierced my shoulder, sending a sharp pain coursing through me.

"Gah!" I cried out in pain as the wolf's teeth sank into my flesh. Warm blood trickled down my shoulder, making it clear that I couldn't ignore this injury.

Gripping my sword tightly, I raised my left arm, the one the wolf was biting, and struck down with all my strength. The blade pierced the wolf's stomach, making it scream and release its grip on me. But I didn't have time to rest because the last wolf lunged at me.

Quickly, I pulled my sword out of the injured wolf and swung it at the approaching one. My weakened state meant I couldn't put as much force into the strike as I wanted, and the wolf managed to stop the blade with its powerful jaw, biting down on the sword.

My strength was fading fast, and I felt my body getting heavier from blood loss. The adrenaline that fueled my fight was running out, and the extent of my injuries became clear.

I couldn't afford to give up. If I fell now, it would be the end. My mind searched for a solution, but my weakening body limited my options.

"Ah, damn it!" I gritted my teeth, using the last of my mana. I channeled the energy into my teeth and bit down on the wolf's neck with all my might.

The wolf yelped in pain, loosening its grip on the sword. But I couldn't pull the sword out or move my hand. All I could do was bite down harder, using every ounce of strength I had left.

The wolf thrashed, trying to break free, but I stubbornly held on, channeling more mana into my teeth. My vision blurred, and darkness threatened to consume me, but I refused to let go.


Near Loki's location, there's an old man with neatly trimmed gray hair, a well-groomed mustache, warm hazel eyes, and a dignified posture. He wears a traditional butler's uniform and is currently chasing after a woman in a white dress.

"Madame, please return to the mansion. It's cold outside, and you might get sick," Roland pleaded.

But the woman dismissed his concerns with a wave of her hand. "Oh, come on, Roland. The wolves will get away if we delay. We need to hurry."

"But you could have taken them all out with one blow. Why did you insist on hunting them down one by one?" Roland grumbled, trying to reason with his Madame.

The woman wore a mischievous smile as she replied, "Hehehe, where's the fun in that? Besides, it's good exercise."

Roland sighed, realizing there was no point in arguing with her when she was set on something.

Despite his protests, the butler followed his Madame, trying his best to keep up with her pace. She seemed unfazed by the cold weather, her determined expression contrasting with Roland's concerned one.

The woman in her mid-twenties was a stunning sight. With long black hair, clear blue eyes, and fair skin, she had an ethereal quality. Her figure was well-developed and graceful, adding to her allure. Her cherry-red lips added a touch of boldness to her delicate features, making her truly captivating.

As they walked further, they came upon a clearing that left them stunned. Three lifeless wolf bodies lay on the ground, each decapitated, but that's not what caught their attention. Their eyes were fixed on a boy in the middle of the clearing, covered in blood and wearing torn clothes. What surprised them was the sight of the boy biting into the neck of one of the dead wolves. The wolf's lifeless body hung limply, offering no resistance to the boy's savage act.

The beautiful woman and her loyal butler, Roland, exchanged bewildered glances, both trying to make sense of the surreal scene before them. It was a sight neither of them had expected during their hunt.

"I never thought we'd stumble upon something like this," Lady Rose said, her voice tinged with surprise and curiosity.

"Quite unexpected, Madame," Roland replied, furrowing his brows in deep thought.

Lady Rose called out to the boy, but he remained unresponsive, raising her concern. She took a few steps closer to get a better look, but Roland quickly stood in front of her, blocking her path.

"Lady Rose, wait. We can't just approach him like that. We know nothing about him," Roland said firmly, his face serious as he kept a watchful eye on the boy.

"But, he's..." Lady Rose tried to argue but was cut off by Roland.

"Look at him. He managed to kill these wolves despite being so young. He might have dangerous abilities."


"Like I said, he's not a normal kid." Roland interrupted Lady Rose, keeping his focus on the boy and ignoring her attempts to speak.


"As I mentioned, my lady, we can't simply trust anyone. In this situation, one can never be too careful."

"Roland!" Lady Rose's frustration grew evident, her face showing a tick mark and a popping vein from being ignored and having to listen to Roland's cautious ramblings.

"I know you care, my lady; you can't be this reckless. Sigh, sometimes I really wonder why I'm serving such naive stupi." Roland got carried away in his talk, seemingly forgetting she was still there, and kept unintentionally insulting her with words like "naive" and "brain-dead."

Lady Rose attempted to maintain her composure, appreciating his cautious nature, but sometimes Roland's overprotectiveness could be overwhelming.

However, when she heard his insults, she couldn't bear it any longer, and a vein popped on her forehead.

"You hairy old Ape, who do you think you're calling an idiot?"

With her fist pulsating with a potent amount of mana, she swung it fiercely towards Roland's head. Sensing the imminent danger, Roland glanced back curiously, only to be taken aback when he spotted the incoming fist.

"Fuck." He cursed himself for talking too much and jumped backward, skillfully avoiding the punch. The fist missed its target and struck the ground with tremendous force, shattering it. A shockwave followed, causing Roland's mustache to dance a little from the impact.

"Crazy bit... I mean, my lady, are you trying to kill me?" Roland exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise as he dodged her powerful fist.

Lady Rose couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction. "You see, Roland, I don't need your protection because I'm not weak."

Taken aback, Roland blinked and stammered, "I didn't mean to imply that, my lady. It's just that, well, you are a lady, and I have a duty to protect you."

Lady Rose's mischievous grin grew wider. "Oh, I know, Roland. And I appreciate your dedication. But you don't need to worry about me so much. I can take care of myself."

She playfully added, "Besides, don't forget that I'm stronger than you. How could a weak person protect a strong one?"

Hearing her confidence, Roland felt a pang of shame. He hung his head low, squatting on the ground and drawing circles with his fingers, looking a little dejected.

"You're right, my lady," Roland mumbled. "My apologies. I didn't mean to doubt you."

"Apology accepted," Lady Rose said with a playful smile. "Now, let's focus on the matter at hand. Our new friend here needs our help, and we shouldn't judge him based on appearances alone."

Roland nodded, feeling a bit embarrassed for underestimating Lady Rose and getting carried away with his caution. "You're right, my lady. I'll keep that in mind."

With their differences momentarily put aside, Lady Rose and Roland turned their attention back to the boy, who was still holding the lifeless wolf's body in his mouth.

"Why is he still biting the dead wolf?" Rose whispered to Roland after noticing that Loki had yet to drop the wolf.

"Who knows, there are all sorts of people with weird habits out there?" Roland shrugged his shoulders.

"Could it be that he liked how it tasted?" That's why he's still biting it."

Listening to Rose's words, Roland turned his head to look at her, but what he saw made him speechless. He noticed saliva starting to drip from her mouth, and he could only shake his head a little while sighing and mumbling in a low voice, "Idiot."

"All he's tasting now is the wolf's dirty fur."

"Hey, hey, do you think wolf meat is delicious? I've never had one before."

Rose ignored Roland's mumbling and asked the most important question now: the taste of wolf meat. Her focus on food overshadowed any concern for Loki's well-being. Her focus on food was one thing Roland found amusing and frustrating about her.

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" Roland replied with a hint of irritation, suggesting that she inquire about the boy's taste directly. He knew Lady Rose was smart, but whenever the matter involved food, her IQ seemed to drop a little.

Lady Rose's eyes lit up with curiosity and excitement. "You're right! I should ask him!". She took a step closer to Loki, her eyes fixed on the wolf's lifeless body still in his mouth.

"Um, excuse me," she began tentatively, trying not to startle the injured boy, "I couldn't help but notice...you know, you biting the wolf and all. Is it because you find wolf meat tasty?"

She eagerly waited for his answer, but he didn't respond at all. Frowning, Lady Rose tried again: "Hey, you know that it's rude to ignore someone."

Frustrated by his silence, she attempted to shake him gently, hoping to get his attention. But as she got closer to his face, her expression turned to shock.

"What's wrong, Lady Rose?" Roland asked, approaching her and Loki. But as he looked at the boy's face, he too was taken aback and stood there in stunned silence.

Both of them stared at Loki, not because of his appearance but because of the blank, unfocused look in his eyes.

"He's unconscious," Lady Rose finally managed to utter in astonishment.

Roland's eyes widened in realization. "This might be the result of his injuries and exhaustion," he said, noticing Loki's unconscious but resolute stance.

Lady Rose observed Loki with a mix of awe and fascination. "What strong willpower! Even in his current state, close to death, he stands proudly, unwilling to fall."

"Right, his willpower is admirable. Not many people can do that," Roland agreed, finding Loki's resilience remarkable.

Lady Rose gently caressed Loki's cheek, her fingers tracing a soft path along his skin. "What's keeping you standing?" she murmured softly, almost as if she expected him to respond. "Are you that proud, or do you simply desire to live? Isn't it easier to let go and rest in peace? Why struggle so hard?"

Her curiosity was piqued, and she was captivated by his tenacity in the face of dire circumstances. She wondered what kind of person he was and what experiences had shaped his strength and mentality.

Observing Lady Rose's expression, Roland understood what she was thinking. "Probably she sees a reflection of herself in him."

"Lady Rose, perhaps we should tend to his injuries and get him to a safe place," Roland suggested gently, trying to bring her attention back to the present situation.

Lady Rose snapped out of her reverie and nodded. "You're right, Roland. Let's take care of him first."

With Roland's help, Lady Rose carefully lifted Loki and laid him on Roland's back. They made their way back to the mansion where Lady Rose resided. The journey was slow and steady, as they didn't want to worsen Loki's injuries any further.