
Chapter 42: Alone

Light wakes him, shining in his eyes. Reid opens them, looks out on the dawn. He is fuzzy headed, disoriented. Is he at

Lucy's new place? Did he dream that? No, he must be in one of the four foster homes he's been shunted through, that's why

nothing feels familiar.

When the truth comes to him, he swallows the lump that rises in his throat, unable to move. He just lies there and

watches the sunrise and tries to find that hazy place he woke in, the safe place where kids aren't hunted by creatures

that look like men and life and death aren't his only concern.

He finally gets up and uses the bathroom. It feels so safe in the house, quiet and calm. But Reid knows better. This was

a mistake, hanging around the town. He is a target here. And Reid has a job to do.

He stops long enough for more toast for breakfast, finishing off the loaf and the second one he digs out of the upright

deep freeze. This one is home made and he savors every bite.