
Humoring The Gods

A man is floating in the void with absolutely no memories aside from Anime, Manga, Light Novels, and Greek Mythology. Besides those, he knows not even his name. Little known to him, he is about to be sent across the universe as a Divine Jester. He gains the Humor System, a system designed to broadcast his adventures through worlds directly to Olympus. Any and all Gods he makes laugh in his journey are required to rate his joke on a 1 to 10 scale, write a review, and leave a reward for amusing him or her. Will he manage to humor the Gods? Who the hell knows.

Bibliophilia · Komik
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Haven’t you heard? I’m a Divine Jester PART 1

My name is...

Never mind, I don't even know my own name.

I am currently...


Man, this is such a pain. Sometimes I wish I could just sleep this off, but for some reason I can't sleep.

It's so boring sitting in complete darkness, leaving myself to ponder the only memories I have.

What are those memories, you might be asking.

Well, I've figured out that they're memories of all kinds of Anime, Light Novels, manga, and, weirdest of all, Greek Mythology.

Now, Greek Mythology wouldn't be so weird here if it weren't for the fact that it has nothing to do with my other memories.

While I was pondering this for 'Gods' knows how long, the originally dark surrounding transformed into a world full of colors.

'Huh? Where am I?'

I looked around, I seemed to be on an old street. There were some people setting up stalls, yet there was one odd part if you exclude the fact that everyone is dressed like poor people.

What the fuck is this giant ass wall?

If you'd look directly behind me you'd see s wall you couldn't even see on top of.


I've got a bad feeling about this.


-Ding!- (— is used for system)

'Right on que!'

-You have been selected for the Humor System. -

-The Humor System is a System made by all the Gods working in tandem. The Divine Jester (You are one of them) is required to go across different worlds. You are the Divine Jester of ACG (Anime, comics, and games. By the way, I might do games but it's probably going to start out with anime). There are other Divine Jesters, but they cover different topics.-

'That's... a lot to comprehend.'

-Your goal is to make 10 gods laugh in your first world, before moving onto the next. The required laughs depends on the world, because who would laugh at Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day or Your Lie in April?-

'How much longer is this damn thing going to lecture me?'

-Two more things. One, the world you are in is Shingeki no Kyoujin. Two, your identity has been made. Just tell us a name and appearance you want to use.

'You've got to be fucking me. Of all the first worlds I had to go with the one who has giant nude people running around eating humans. That's great, that's just fucking great'

'Well, I better think of a name to use.

He leaned against the wall and began to think for a while.

'From my memories, 'Haven't you heard, I'm Sakamoto' was an incredible anime with an unfortunate ending. While this anime was not sad if you didn't know anything about Sakamoto disease, or pick up on the subtle hints, it was nonetheless sad. So in memory of Sakamoto, I'll make my appearance as him, and make my name the same.'

-Accepted, appearance and name are now that of Sakamoto.-

-Good luck.-


'Well, now that that's over... I guess I should work on making them laugh'

'Also, did a *greek* god just use French to say goodbye?... never mind. Best not to think about it too much.'

I stood up and began walking towards the guard post near where I was leaning.

It really couldn't be considered a guard post, it was just a small opening in the wall that had one drunk guy sitting in a chair around it.

I walked behind him, and begun my pursuit of comedy.

<Secret Technique: Saiki Kusuo no Psi nan; Neck Chop!> (<> will be used to insert the name of a move or ability)

Just like that, the man who was originally sitting in a chair went limp and fell on to the ground.

<Secret Technique: KonoSuba; Non-Perverted Steal>

I knelt down and unhooked his Vertical Maneuvering Equipment (Going to shorten this to VME from now on).

It took me about five minutes but I finally managed to get it on myself.

As soon as I did, a person, who was going to take over for the drunk guard I knocked out, walked in.

We both froze and stared at each other for an awkward fifteen seconds.

<Secret Technique: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure; NIGERUNDAYO!>

I suddenly turned around and bolted, not even bothering to look back.

'This would have been a good plan if I knew how to use this damn thing.'

-Alert! Successfully made 1 God laugh. Review incoming.-

'Huh? I hope they can help me out here.'


Reviewer: Hermes

Rating: 4.4/10

Review: I figured I'd be the first one to reward you, especially since your first idea was to steal something. Good going, my man. But don't steal something if you ain't got a plan, I bid you adieu!

P.S. I've been instructed by Ares to, quote on quote, "Kill some motherfucking bitches already you wuss!"

Reward: Perfect VME Skill /Passive/


"Praise Hermes!" I yelled out.

'Hey, why doesn't anything feel different? Oh well. Do or die.'

<Secret Technique: Modern Slang; YEET!>


(A/N: This novel will be written completely on my phone when I'm not near a laptop or outside. Mostly to pass time when the time appears, consider this the first chapter for today because I'll probably pump the second one out by 12PM. **PROBABLY**