
Humans Shrunk 300 Times

Have you ever seen a fly larger than a human? Have you ever witnessed an ant mightier than a human? Have you ever encountered a sparrow resembling an ancient colossal beast? Everything I knew has undergone an earth-shattering transformation! Ji Chang was at a loss for words on how to describe it, but there was one word that fit most appropriately: immense! Immense! Tremendously immense! Astonishingly immense! To the extent that even a small blade of grass has turned into a towering tree! However, the cause behind all these changes wasn't that objects themselves grew larger, but rather Ji Chang discovered that he had become smaller. Tiny! Incredibly tiny! Unbelievably tiny! So minuscule that even a gentle breeze could send a person soaring through the air!

DaoistqbwX4g · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
60 Chs

Chapter 51 - A Resolution in Sight

"Is this the ability you mentioned?" Ji Chang raised an eyebrow as he watched the middle-aged man manipulate the ever-changing metal sphere in his hand.

In the critical moment, Ji Chang extended his palm towards the middle-aged man as if in a casual greeting. Just as the middle-aged man was curiously preparing to witness Ji Chang's ability, his heart suddenly tightened, and a chill ran down his spine. Instinctively, he shifted his body half a step to the side.

The next second, a robust claw descended from the sky, piercing straight through his shoulder! This formidable claw belonged to none other than the stealthy wolf spider that had crept onto the rooftop.

"Ah!" Accompanied by a cry of agony, the middle-aged man stumbled and fell to the ground, his face filled with disbelief as he stared at his arm lying amidst a pool of blood.

Raising his gaze, he glared angrily at Ji Chang and Huang Mang, "You two mongrels..."

Yet, before he could finish his words, another leg of the wolf spider came crashing down!

But just as the spider's leg was about to pierce the middle-aged man's head, a muffled sound reverberated. Boom!

Suddenly, a steel plate appeared above the middle-aged man's head, blocking the spider's leg.

Seeing this, Ji Chang couldn't help but think regretfully; he understood he had lost the opportunity to strike down this middle-aged man.

Just moments ago, Ji Chang had received a message from a messenger hornet. They had located Wang Lingling's position. When the spider launched its attack, the hornet had managed to rescue Wang Lingling from danger.

It was only after this turn of events that Ji Chang felt compelled to take action. Initially, he had intended to engage with the middle-aged man a bit longer...


The sudden appearance of the wolf spider ignited a moment of chaos. Numerous burly men rushed into the room to assess the situation, only to be met by the iron fists of Huang Mang.

Or rather, at this moment, it was steel fists!

Utilizing two steel pieces he had melted down from the city wall at the gate, Huang Mang had transformed his entire arm into steel. With those steel pieces clutched in his hands, he wielded them like steel knives, clashing with the variously armed men flooding the room.

A shower of sparks filled the air!

However, before long, a figure leaped into the air, brandishing a long knife that moved like a swimming dragon. With a graceful martial arts stance, a single move forced Huang Mang to repeatedly retreat.

But just as the burly man was about to launch another attack, his body suddenly froze. Bewildered, he gazed at the bristly projectile that had pierced through his chest. Slowly lifting his head, he discovered the towering spider, resembling a mountain, standing there.

The middle-aged man, equally astonished, managed to focus on the spider's presence. Though shocked, he continued to wave his remaining arm frantically.

In an instant, countless swords and knives materialized around the Iron Throne, aimed directly at the spider's head. As this happened, the middle-aged man bellowed, "Brothers, let's kill these two brats!"

"What the hell! Why is this damn spider so big?"

"Brothers, let's take down this spider! We'll have an extra meal tonight!"

Following the middle-aged man's resolute command, more and more figures converged on the room.

Some stared at the spider's massive size in fear and amazement, while others wore a bloodthirsty and nearly manic expression.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh~!

Accompanied by the sound of piercing air, under Ji Chang's guidance, the wolf spider deftly evaded dozens of sword strikes. As it maneuvered, its eight legs, resembling spears, shattered the roof of the house in an instant.

The middle-aged man, possibly due to his previous injuries, mustered dozens of sword attacks against the spider before swiftly turning and attempting to flee.

Initially, Ji Chang had intended to fully deal with the middle-aged man, but he noticed more and more people approaching the house.

"Mang, don't linger, retreat!" Ji Chang's voice echoed, and the wolf spider, back in the room, sprayed out two strands of silk. It entwined around Huang Mang, who was about to engage in the battle, and swiftly pulled him back.

Following the silk threads, Ji Chang rapidly ascended to the wolf spider's back.

Just as a multitude of burly men converged to launch an attack, Ji Chang lightly patted the wolf spider's back, infusing its body with concentrated spiritual energy.

In the next moment, the wolf spider leaped, trampling the shattered house to reach the wall.

Yet, just as Ji Chang believed they had escaped the encirclement, three or four figures from the crowd jumped and clung to the wall like geckos.

Ji Chang even spotted one person open their mouth wide, expelling a viscous liquid. Upon encountering the air, this liquid immediately solidified into sharp, steel-like strands that shot towards the spider's body.

Seemingly attempting to pierce through the spider, the attack was swift. However, under Ji Chang's control, the wolf spider leaped once more, landing on the glass of the bathroom door.

This leap covered a distance of at least four to five meters, which was enough to create distance between the spider and those who had been clinging to the wall.

Subsequently, the spider advanced towards the slightly open glass window. Simultaneously, the hornet carrying Wang Lingling took flight.

Seeing this, the people below hurriedly charged towards the door. But as they reached the entrance, they suddenly found themselves enveloped by torrents of withered yellow liquid.

Caught off guard, they were drenched in the liquid. A chorus of cries filled the air.

At the rear, the burly men who had escaped the liquid assault were about to rush out the door once more when they discovered the entrance was ablaze, flames rising high. Sharp ice spikes flew out of the flames, forcing them to halt.

Seeing this, those who had climbed the wall before exchanged glances and began making their way towards the glass window that the wolf spider had shattered earlier.

However, as they attempted to crawl down through the window, they suddenly felt the impact of two invisible forces. Struck by these forces, they were pinned against the wall, unable to move.

"Zhou Jun, let's go!" Just as Zhou Jun raised his arms excitedly to unleash shockwaves, Ji Chang's shout echoed.

Following Ji Chang's call, the wolf spider, having already moved away from the entrance, sprayed a strand of silk towards Zhou Jun. In no time, Zhou Jun was safely back on the spider's back.

Meanwhile, Chen Lingxue and the others had boarded the hornet and were flying towards the direction of the small courtyard.

"Ji Ge, wait! This matter must be concluded!" Just as the wolf spider carried the trio near the edge of the bathroom where they had previously gathered, Huang Mang suddenly spoke.

Without hesitation, he leaped down.

Before long, accompanied by a mournful cry, Huang Mang, his hands covered in blood, swiftly returned to the wolf spider's back.